PHY102 all week discussions latest 2018 july

Question # 00590764
Course Code : PHY102
Subject: Physics
Due on: 07/07/2018
Posted On: 07/07/2018 01:19 PM
Tutorials: 1
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Week 1 discussion

DQ1 The reading for this week includes the following statement: "It is emphasized that scientists, through their investigations, do not prove anything" (GCU, 2014). A similar statement was made in an open letter to the editor of Science: "There is always some uncertainty associated with scientific conclusions; science never absolutely proves anything" (Glieck et al., 2010). While technically true when considering the scientific method, it may be more beneficial to employ a graduated approach by classifying scientific information as "proven, evolving, [or] borderline science" (Moghissi, Amin, & McNulty, 2010).

Read "Does Science Never Absolutely Prove Anything?" by Moghissi, Amin, and McNulty. Then consider the theory of evolution. Do you consider the theory of evolution proven, evolving, or borderline science? Support your answer.

DQ2 In this Topic, you have learned the terms used to describe motion (e.g., distance, speed, and acceleration) as well as Newton's laws explaining motion. Describe at least two ways the material you have learned in this unit applies to driving a car (refer to the Arizona Driver License Manual located within the weekly readings). Has what you have learned in this Topic changed how you drive? If so, please explain.

Week 2 discussion

DQ1 The politicians and the news media often warn us of an impending energy crisis. After visiting the website for the United States Energy Information Administration (located within the weekly readings) post your thoughts on the following:

What is the energy crisis?

What can be done about the energy crisis?

How do you feel about the energy crisis?

DQ2 Read the resource about the International Space Station (ISS) located within the weekly readings. The space station orbits Earth about 400 km above the surface of Earth ( At this height the force of gravity from Earth is only about 10% less than on the surface of Earth. Using the concepts of circular motion and gravitational forces learned in this Topic; explain the following in your own words:

Why does the space station not fall down?

Why do the astronauts float inside the space station?

Week 3 discussion

DQ1 The United States Navy Diving Manual contains a wealth of information about diving from the history of diving to underwater physics and physiology. Start by browsing the U.S. Navy Diving Manual (located within the weekly readings) and then post a response to the following questions: How do the pressure variations with depth affect our ability to explore the ocean? In particular, what are some of the challenges of scuba diving?

DQ2 is the official website of the United States Department of Energy (located within the weekly readings). On this website, you can find a variety of helpful resources, including resources on how to conserve energy. Read the information about thermostats then consider the following question:

On a hot summer day, you need to leave your house for 30 minutes. To use the least amount of energy, should you turn off your air conditioning system, turn up the thermostat, or leave it set at your normal temperature? For those of you more familiar with cold winter days, you may consider the same about your heating system on a cold winter day: Should you turn it off, turn the thermostat down, or leave it set at your normal temperature? Explain your answer.

Week 4 discussion

DQ1 Explore the Electrical Safety Foundation International's web pages on home safety located within the weekly readings. Then answer the following questions:

What are the dangers associated with electricity in your home?

What can be done to limit or prevent the possibilities of dying or getting hurt?

DQ2 Defibrillators are used to revive a person when their heart has stopped beating. How do they work? What care must the person administering the treatment take? Give other examples of medical devices based on the interaction between the human body and electrical currents.

Week 5 discussion

DQ1 How loud is too loud? When is a sound too loud? What can be done about sounds/noises that are too loud for you?

DQ2 Read the Fact Sheet on Cell Phones and Cancer Risk on the National Cancer Institute's website located within the weekly readings. Address the following questions:

Are the electromagnetic waves from a cell phone detrimental to your health? If so, what can you do to limit the effects?

What other electromagnetic waves are dangerous for you and why? What can you do about it?

Week 6 discussion

DQ1 What do scientists use spectroscopy for? Research the uses of spectroscopy then describe one use and what we have learned from this use in your own words.

DQ2 This week you have learned about nuclear reactions and the resulting radiation. In this discussion thread, you will be considering the health effects of radiation from nuclear reactions. Start by visiting the Health Effects web pages on the Environmental Protection Agency's website located within the weekly readings.

Use the radiation dose calculator to find your estimated annual dose. Report your result and write a comment about it. Were you surprised? Does the result concern you? What were the major factors contributing to your estimated exposure? Are you going to change anything as a result of this finding?

Week 7 discussion

DQ1 The chemical industry is enormous in the industrialized world. How has society benefitted from advances in the chemical industry? What negative effects has the growth of the chemical industry had on society?

DQ2 Chemical and Engineering News, a publication of the American Chemical Society, has a feature called "What's That Stuff?" These articles give you a look at the chemicals behind everyday products both naturally occurring and man-made. Explore some of these articles by using the link provided in the weekly readings. Then select one and post a brief summary of the article. What did you learn from this exercise?

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PHY102 all week discussions latest 2018 july

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