POLI330 Week 8 Final Exam latest 2018 august

Question # 00592806
Course Code : POLI330
Subject: Political Science
Due on: 09/04/2018
Posted On: 09/04/2018 11:56 AM
Tutorials: 1
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Week 8 Final Exam

Question 1

(TCO 1) Which best explains the differences between historians and political scientists?

Historians look for generalizations, and political scientists are reluctant to generalize.

Historians are reluctant to generalize, and political scientists look for generalizations.

Historians are more likely to look for comparisons than political scientists.

Historians tend to focus on nature-based explanations, and political scientists focus on nurture-based explanations.

Question 2

(TCO 1) The notion that politicians think practically and political scientists think abstractly is indicative of which of the following?

Political scientists often train politicians.

Politicians often train political scientists.

Political scientists and politicians are different in that the former studies the latter.

Political scientists and politicians are often indistinguishable.

Question 3

(TCO 1) Voting for someone who is charismatic but whose policies might not benefit you would be considered _____ behavior.





Question 4

(TCO 1) A political leader’s ability to command respect and exercise power is known as _____.





Question 5

(TCO 1) The notion that we acknowledge the rightful roles of our leaders or our laws is known as _____.





Question 6

(TCO 1) Descriptions of political phenomena often lack _____.





Question 7

(TCO 1) A(n) _____ is an initial theory a researcher starts with to be proved with evidence.





Question 8

(TCO 4) What type of law—which was developed by medieval Catholic theologians—argues that observing nature reveals God’s will?

Natural law

Divine law

God’s law

Higher law

Question 9

(TCO 4) Under which of the following circumstances might a case be pursued as both a criminal and a civil case?

The federal government accuses investment houses of wrongdoing and investors who lost money sue them.

Drug traffickers violate property and federal law by moving drugs across state borders.

Burglars violate federal property and the state sues them for damages.

A state accuses banks of mortgage fraud in mortgages sold to investors elsewhere in the nation.

Question 10

(TCO 4) The concept of judicial review falls under which article of the U.S. Constitution?

Article I: The Legislative Branch

Article III: The Judicial Branch

Article VI: Debts, Supremacy, Oaths

Judicial review is not mentioned in the U.S. Constitution.

Question 11

(TCO 4) Who nominates and approves federal judges in the U.S. court system?

The president and the Senate

The Senate and the House

The president and Speaker of the House

The Senate and the Secretary of State

Question 12

(TCO 4) Which of the following was an argument against granting the U.S. Supreme Court the power of judicial review?

Many feared that such a power would give the court a double check and compromise its neutrality.

Some thought that such power would create untrustworthy judges.

The founders argued that judicial review would lead to undue indictments by the court.

Drafters of the Constitution feared that few laws would ever be set in stone.

Question 13

(TCO 4) Which of the following best articulates the stance of judicial restraint advocates?

Judicial review is the best and only true method of checking legislative power.

The court should practice restraint in cases in which legislative acts are presented for interpretation.

Only the executive branch can restrain the court, keeping the power of judicial review in balance with the other governing branches.

Only Congress should make public policy and, unless a legislative act clearly violates the Constitution, the law should stand.

Question 14

(TCO 4) Compare the Warren Court to those immediately succeeding it.

The Warren Court was generally considered conservative, but subsequent courts were seen as more liberal.

Subsequent courts were conservative, but not nearly as conservative as the Warren Court.

Succeeding Courts failed to represent the conservative agenda of the Warren Court.

While the Warren Court was rather progressive, subsequent courts were viewed as conservative.

Question 15

(TCO 5) Which systems demonstrate the clearest separation of power between the executive and legislative branches?





Question 16

(TCO 5) How often does the cabinet change in a parliamentary system?

Every 4 years

Every 6 years

Every 8 years

When the cabinet is voted out or resigns

Question 17

(TCO 5) What is the effect of divided government, such as that used in the United States, on spending and policy formation?

It encourages unhealthy spending and foolish policies.

It holds down spending and foolish policies.

It encourages irresponsible spending because representatives are held accountable for only a short amount of time.

It encourages responsible spending, but is slow to implement policy.

Question 18

(TCO 5) The head of ministry is equivalent to the _____ in the United States.

chief of government

head of state

departmental secretary


Question 19

(TCO 5) The only political system that could guarantee the cooperation between the legislative and executive branches is _____.

a monarchy

a dictatorship

a democracy

an oligarchy

Question 20

(TCO 5) In the case of both parliamentary and presidential systems, examine the reason democracies will not vanish, even though the executive seems to be receiving more and more power.

Checks and balances keep the chief executive from gaining too much power.

Chief executives will eventually have to face reelection, which depends greatly on the approval of voting citizens.

Both systems have methods by which to oust chief executives.

Subordinates carry out some of the workload of the chief executive.

Question 21

(TCO 5) Explain which type of candidate parliamentary systems seek out to become ministers.

Those who have experience winning elections and serving on a parliamentary committee

Newcomers who can bring in a fresh perspective to the ministry

Individuals who possess a great knowledge of the specific ministry’s area

Those who have political experience regardless of whether or not they have been elected in the past

Question 22

(TCO 7) Radicals use the term political economy instead of _____ to describe their critique of capitalism and the inequitable distribution of wealth among nations.



public choice


Question 23

(TCO 7) Early 20th-century European governments subscribed to _____ doctrines, generally keeping their hands away from the economy.

classic liberal




Question 24

(TCO 7) Between 1965 and 1973, the percentage of Americans living below the poverty line _____.


greatly decreased

slightly increased

rapidly increased

Question 25

(TCO 7) Medical costs consume nearly _____ % of the U.S. gross domestic product, most of it paid through government and private health insurance.





Question 26

(TCO 7) Many Americans think the federal budget goes primarily toward welfare, which is _____.

absolutely true

somewhat exaggerated

not at all the case

slightly offensive

Question 27

(TCO 7) Compare American and Canadian views on the size of government.

Americans believe the government is too small, and Canadians feel that government intrudes on individual privacy.

As citizens of similar nations located in North America, both Americans and Canadians feel that government is too large.

Americans and Canadians generally agree that government should be larger, funding welfare programs such as Medicaid and food stamps.

Many Americans believe government is too large, and Canadians recognize that government has a pivotal role to play and accept higher taxes.

Question 28

(TCO 7) Many conservative economists argue that some banks are _____, because they would topple the rest of the economy with them.

inherently successful

too big to fail

destined for profit

practically invincible

Question 29

(TCO 9) _____ is a small or moderate change that essentially leaves the system intact.

Mass discontent


Dramatic system change

A coup d’etat

Question 30

(TCO 9) Riots triggered by police beating youths, protests against globalization, and labor strikes against austerity are all examples of _____.

purely traditional violence

issue-oriented violence

violence carried out by civilian institutions of government


Question 31

(TCO 9) How is high unemployment relevant to civil conflict?

Unemployed young men incline naturally to unrest.

The unemployed tend to be passive, keeping civil conflict at bay.

Unemployed mothers, desperate for their children, tend to take to the streets.

The unemployed tend to be uninformed about politics, and therefore rarely take part in civil conflict.

Question 32

(TCO 9) What are the aims of terrorists via their calculated acts of terrorism?

To panic their enemies, to gain publicity and recruits, and to get the foe to overreact and drive more people to side with the terrorists

To destroy as much of the economic strength of a nation as possible

To kill national leaders

To kill their enemies, to gain recruits, and to get the UN to overreact and cause more people to side with the terrorists

Question 33

(TCO 9) According to Hannah Arendt, the American struggle was indeed a revolution, perhaps history’s only complete revolution, _____.

because it alone ended with democratic institutions.

because it became an example for other nations.

because it managed to route what was then the great world power.

because it alone ended with a new foundation of liberty instead of the tyranny that came after other revolutions.

Question 34

(TCO 9) Does terrorism work?

Rarely, and seldom without political and/or economic pressure

Rarely, but primarily when brought against democratic nations

Often, and without much need for political pressure to aid it

Often, but only with the assistance of economic and/or political pressure

Question 35

(TCO 9) Why do some scholars say velvet revolutions are not revolutions at all?

They are not ideologically driven.

They fail to bring about genuine democracy.

They lack the ferocious qualities of violent revolutions.

They don’t bring about real regime change.

Question 36

(TCO 2) Democracy has changed dramatically since its original application in ancient Athens. Describe the evolution of democracy by comparing and contrasting direct democracy with representative democracy. In completing this comparison, be sure to incorporate Aristotle’s concerns about democracy and assess the stability offered by these variations within democracy.

Question 37

(TCO 3) Compare and contrast interest groups and political parties. In your response, be sure to provide examples their similarities and differences. In addition, please assess what advantages interest groups offer that political parties don’t and then what advantages d political parties offer that interest groups don’t.

Question 38

(TCO 6) The United States has utilized multiple forms of liberalism throughout its history. Please distinguish the specific characteristics of classical and modern liberalism and outline the evolution of these forms of liberalism within the United States. Please be sure to include specific historic examples to support your points.

Question 39

(TCO 8) The International Criminal Court (ICC) was established to bring justice to those committing crimes against humanity, war crimes, or genocide. It was established as an extension of the Rome Statute, and only has jurisdiction over countries that signed this treaty. At this time, the United States is not part of this agreement, and thus does not fall under its jurisdiction. Construct an argument for joining such a treaty, detailing the benefits that international treaties may offer their members and which also addresses the possible public concerns over the loss of national sovereignty.

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POLI330 Week 8 Final Exam latest 2018 august

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