POST SOC312 Full Course Latest 2018 September

Question # 00594240
Course Code : SOC312
Subject: Sociology
Due on: 10/20/2018
Posted On: 10/20/2018 06:44 AM
Tutorials: 1
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SOC312 Race and Ethnicity

Unit 1 Discussion

DQ1 White Privilege

What is meant by white privilege? What is the harm in "whiteness" not being seen as a "race" but rather as a "normal" status?

DQ2 Institutional Discrimination

How does institutional discrimination vary from an individual prejudice? How has institutional discrimination changed throughout the years?

DQ3 Race as a Social Construct

What is a social construct? How does race's and gender's definitions changed from being framed as a social construction rather than a biological trait? Is race a social construct?

SOC312 Race and Ethnicity

Unit 2 Discussion

DQ1 National Language

Do you believe there should be a national language adopted in the United States? What language should it be, and why? What purpose would a national language serve? Are there benefits? Are there any downsides?

DQ2 Melting Pot

American culture is usually referred to as a “melting pot”. What is meant by that and how does it differ from a multicultural appreciation of difference among people?

DQ3 Globalization and Religious Pluralism

After watching the video above, discuss how pluralism stands in contrast to universalism today. Do you agree that this is the new reality? What ethical questions are at the forefront of globalization?

SOC312 Race and Ethnicity

Unit 3 Discussion

DQ1 Postracial Society

Consider a "postracial" society. What characteristics would this society have? Does America fit this description? Are we living in a postracial world after the election and re-election of President Obama? Explain your reasoning.

DQ2 Prejudice Theories

Explain the various causes of prejudice including the various theoretical perspectives presented in the textbook. What theory or theories seem most credible? Be sure to explain your reasoning.

DQ3 Flying While Muslim

After watching the video Flying While Muslim and reading the current debate feature in your textbook, compare and contrast the racial profiling of African Americans and Muslims. How are they similar and how are they different?

SOC312 Race and Ethnicity

Unit 4 Discussion

DQ1 True Colors

Discuss the video above titled True Colors. Where do you think the root of the problems outlined in the video lie with the individual bias of a few or society as a whole? Do you think everybody who identifies as white has a stake in upholding the racial hierarchy with its tendency for white preferential treatment.

DQ2 Racist Images

Explore a variety of racist images by clicking here and visiting the cybermuseum at Ferris State University. What do you think about this collection? Do you think it is important to collect such images? Why or why not?

SOC312 Race and Ethnicity

Unit 5 Discussion

DQ1 Indians as Mascots

After viewing the NCRSM website and researching on your own, do you believe an Indian image should be used as a mascot? Why or why not? In regards to the "Crying Indian" commerical, how are traditional images of Indians harmful?

DQ2 Government Eugenics Program

Discuss the video on government eugenics. Why did the Australian Prime Minister and Parliament apologize? How was the apology received? Do you think the US government should apologize to the American Indians in the same way? Why or why not?

DQ3 Occupation of Alcatraz

Why did the 1969 occupation of Alcatraz occur? What was the signfinance of Alcatraz to the American Indian stuggle? What kind of contribution do you believe this occupation made?

SOC312 Race and Ethnicity

Unit 6 Discussion

DQ1 Maintaining Hispanic Culture

After watching the clip about maintaining Hispanic culture, discuss how the Latino experience is both similar and different from other cultures in assimilating into the United States.

DQ2 2010 Census

Watch the clip above about the Hispanic population and the census. Discuss some social consequences of the changing demographics.

DQ3 Empire of Dreams

Describe U.S. immigration between 1836-1914. Why did these immigrants flee to U.S.? What did they discover once they came here? Describe the relationship between the U.S. and the countries of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Mexico.

SOC312 Race and Ethnicity

Unit 7 Discussion

DQ1 Asian Differences

Research online several different Asian cultures (Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai, South Korean, etc.). Research their language, music, geography, literature, religion, and other cultural phenomenon. Present your findings to the class. Given the significant differences, why do you believe Asian Americans are thought of as one monolithic group?

DQ2 Model Minorities

After watching the video above, what are some negative outcomes of this stereotype that are talked about in the video? Discuss the suggestions for combating the issue.

SOC312 Race and Ethnicity

Unit 8 Discussion

Applying Knowledge

Moving forward, how will you apply what you have learned in this course? Are there things you can apply to your personal life? Professional life? Future courses? What topics were most interesting to you?

SOC312 Race and Ethnicity

Written Assignment #1

Paper 1: Due at the end of Unit 4, by 11:59 pm. All papers must be submitted via the SafeAssign link on Blackboard that will appear in Unit 4. Late papers or e-mailed papers will not be accepted under any circumstances unless supporting documentation is sent to me that clearly documents an emergency/unexpected situation.

The paper must be 5-7 pages in length and must be typed, double spaced with 12 point font, third-person point of view and APA style. * The paper must have in-text citations in addition to a references page. Whenever you use material that is not your own, even if you are summarizing or paraphrasing, you must give credit to the original source. To not do so is plagiarism and any paper without in-text citations will receive an automatic zero. I suggest you cite your sources every few sentences as a general rule of thumb. This paper asks you to use information from the text and information from online or other sources. I expect to see frequent citations from the text and your additional sources. Please don’t give me paragraphs of quotes from the text. Use quotes when there is simply no other way to put the information into your own words. Otherwise, put what you’ve read into your own words (paraphrasing) and cite it. It shows me that you understand the material and have thought about it. I encourage all students to utilize the Post Writing Center for assistance with APA style papers. APA papers can be tricky at first and the Writing Center can help!

I expect college level writing. Please edit your papers several times before submitting them. Make sure you have complete sentences, proper punctuation, paragraphs with clear transitions and few spelling errors.

Paper topic: Please refer to your text and 3 outside sources (at least two scholarly articles)to write your paper.

Discuss the social and biological construction of race in the United States. In this paper, you will need to discuss how historical events and history, in general, have contributed to the social construction of race.

SOC312 Race and Ethnicity

Written Assignment 2

Paper 2: Due at the end of Unit 7, Sunday by 11:59 pm. All papers must be submitted via the SafeAssign link on Blackboard that will appear in Unit8. Late papers or e-mailed papers will not be accepted under any circumstances unless supporting documentation is sent to me that clearly documents an emergency/unexpected situation.

Written Assignment # 2

You will need to select and read one biography or autobiography of someone that is of a different race or ethnicity from your own racial or ethnic identity. After reading the book, you will write a 5-7 page reaction paper to the book and the pe, son’s life experiences. In this paper you should be applying the sociological insights you have gained from our readings and discussions of race/ethnicity and gender. Make sure your paper addresses how the social construction of gender/race and/or gender/racial inequality has affected the person’s everyday life, their life chances, and aspirations.

*You must get approval on the book you choose.

Possible biographies/autobiographies:

Zami: A New Spelling of My Name by Audre Lorde

Bone Black by bell hooks

A Queer and Pleasant Danger by Kate Borstein

Black, White, Jewish by Rebecca Walker

When I Was Puerto Rican by Esmeralda Santiago

Growing Up Chicana/o edited by Tiffany Ana Lopez

Growing Up Native American edited by Patricia Riley


Each paper will be at least 5 full pages, double spaced with size 12 Times New Roman font and 1 inch margins on all sides. Please use complete sentences, appropriate grammar, spelling, and references. You will also be required to use in-text references in your work in accordance with APA style to avoid plagiarism. Information to help with your writing is provided under the APA resources section of the course information tab (on blackboard).

Must include a title page

Must include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement.

Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought within the body paragraphs (at least 5 full pages).

Must conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph.

Must use APA style as outlined in your approved style guide to document all sources.

Must include, on the final page, a Reference List that is completed according to APA style as outlined on the “course information” page (if outside sources are used).

If you plan to use outside sources beyond your textbook, please be sure to avoid using internet sources such as Wikipedia or other web-based resources that do not have strong academic backing. You will also be required to use in-text references in your work in accordance with APA style to avoid plagiarism. If you use outside sources you must APA cite them. Plagiarism detection software will be used to scan each paper and any paper that is determined to have academic integrity issues will earn a score of 0 automatically.

SOC312 Race and Ethnicity

Final Exam

Question 1

Is contemporary assimilation segmented or does it follow the same path as past assimilation? Does contemporary immigration still promise success and the rise to the middle class? Do future generations of immigrants have a better chance at life and access to resources?

Question 2

After watching the "Are We Safer" video, do you agree with the utilization of massive databases that store information about ordinary citizens utilized in the name of Anti-Terrorism efforts? Why or why not?

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POST SOC312 Full Course Latest 2018 September

Tutorial # 00592181
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