PSY355 What is affect considered to be a component

Question # 00636696
Course Code : PSY355
Subject: Psychology
Due on: 07/13/2022
Posted On: 07/13/2022 05:07 AM
Tutorials: 1
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PSY355 Fordham University 20 MC Psychology questions

Find answer from: Chapter 6 -The Principles of Pleasure


1.What is affect considered to be a component of?

a. feeling

b. disposition

c. mood

d. emotion


1.A combination of positive affect, general life satisfaction, and the absence of negative affect is the definition of which term?

a. happiness

b. joy

c. contentment

d. subjective well-being


1.In his research on the effects of prolonged exposure to fear and anger, what did Hans Selye conclude?

a. Physical stress only serves to harm the body and does not provide any adaptive function.

b. While physical stress harms the body it also has a survival value for humans.

c. There is a direct relationship between amount of physical stress experienced and length of life.

d. Exercise can serve to undo the harm that physical stress causes the body.


1.What two dimensions of affect does the PANAS-X assess?

a. flexibility and strength

b. stability and pervasiveness

c. attraction and aversion

d. valence and content


1.In an experiment by Isen, how did induced positive affect through the finding of a coin affect human behavior?

a. Those who found the coin acted more aggressively.

b. Those who found the coin behaved more selfishly.

c. Those who found the coin were more likely to help someone in need.

d. Those who found the coin were ambivalent to the person in need.


1.In the study by Estrada, Isen, and Young, how did the group of physicians who received the candy differ from the group who did not receive candy?

a. They displayed superior reasoning and decision-making.

b. They behaved more altruistically.

c. They came up with fewer possible diagnoses.

d. They displayed more optimism that their patients would recover.


1.Which of the following summarizes the implication of research done by Xing and Sun on taking financial risks?

a. People who take risks are unhappy and are attempting to put themselves in a positive situation.

b. People who take risks do not experience more happiness unless the risk is high.

c. People who take risks can do so because of their stable life circumstances.

d. People who take risks are generally happier due to higher psychological resilience.


1.Based on Frederickson’s research, what effect would the emotion of joy tend to have on people?

a. They are likely to initiate activities.

b. They are likely to act selfishly.

c. They are likely to be content with staying where they are.

d. They are likely to be less judgmental of others.




1.What are the benefits of play in young adults?

a. It promotes altruism and flexibility in problem-solving.

b. It promotes better coping with the stresses of life.

c. It allows us to reenact our unresolved issues and childhood traumas.

d. It promotes higher levels of creativity and influences brain development.


1.Which of the following is a behavior identified by Armenta, Fritz, and Lyubomirsky that can help increase engagement in activities that lead to improving one’s life?

a. religious activities such as prayer

b. volunteer work

c. mindfulness meditation

d. expressing gratitude


1.How might joy and contentment have an “undoing” potential for negative emotions?

a. They change our cognitions and thus the way we perceive the world.

b. They act as antidotes to negative emotions.

c. They enhance our subjective well-being.

d. They increase our sense of hope.


1.Considering the review done by Lyubomirsky, King, and Diener, which of the following best describes someone likely to experience beneficial life outcomes such as success?

a.A person who is regarded as wise.

b. A person who is showing happiness.

c. A person who is altruistic.

d. A person who is courageous.




1.Who believed that eudemonia was the key to the good life?

a. Aristotle

b. Socrates

c. Plato

d. Democritus


1.How do process/activity theories explain happiness?

a. Happiness continuously changes with our differing life conditions.

b. Engaging in particular life activities generates happiness.

c. Happiness is closely related to certain personality traits.

d. The reduction of tension or the satisfaction of needs lead to happiness.


1.Based on the numerous studies on well-being, who is likely to exhibit more happiness through increasing social connectedness?

a. Someone who is Muslim.

b. Someone who is Peruvian.

c. Someone who is Asian American.

d. Someone who is English.


1.In what type of nation are you most likely to find that financial status is highly correlated with satisfaction for students?

a. a wealthy nation, such as the United States

b. an impoverished nation, such as Somalia

c. a democratic nation, such as France

d. a monarchic nation, such as Saudi Arabia


1.What two qualities or characteristics consistently emerge in the lives of the happiest young adults?

a. good mental health and good social relationships

b. financial stability and marriage at a young age

c. low socioeconomic status and healthy parental relationships

d. good academic grades and adequate physical health


1.According to Lyubomirsky, Sheldon, and Schkade, about 50% of the population variance for happiness is based on ______.

a. personality

b. genetics

c. sociability

d. ethnicity


1.African-American individuals who report greater life satisfaction are likely to have strong ______.

a. relationships with family members

b. ethnic identity and religious commitment

c. financial stability

d. friendships with people from their community


1.According to Diener, what is most important to happiness?

a. building connections with others

b. someone’s perceptions of the world

c. people’s objective circumstances

d. our ability to play

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PSY355 What is affect considered to be a component

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