Purdue CM107 Unit 7 Quiz Latest 2019 July

Question # 00617580
Subject: Education
Due on: 09/29/2020
Posted On: 09/29/2020 10:53 AM
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CM107 College Composition I

Unit 7 Quiz

 Question 1                        

Match the following questions you should ask to determine if a source is reliable to their value in helping you make this important research process decision.


If the writer is an expert on the topic, has published other papers or books on the subject and is recognized as reliable by other experts in the field, that can help you decide that this author is reliable.


Books and web sites can actually be self-published and may not be peer-reviewed by experts in the field, so not all information that is published is reliable or should be used in your papers.


Using information that is not up to date can call into question the reliability of your whole paper, so more recent publications may be more valuable to your paper. Web sites that are not updated frequently may no longer be valid and might need to be avoided.


Determining whether the writer is educated on the topic, presents information reasonable, and addresses other points of view fairly can help you determine whether you can rely on the information the author is presenting.

1.Who is the author?

2.Who published the information?

3.When was the information published or last updated?

4. What is the writer's point of view about the topic?


Question 2 Which of the following source information is most likely to be reliable and appropriate for a paper written for a college course assignment? Choose ALL that apply:

Question options:

peer-reviewed library articles written by experts

wikipedia entries

a personal blog

a recently published newspaper article that includes research information on the topic


Question 3  research information means information that does what? Select ALL that apply.

Question options:

is information about the subject you are writing about in general

is information specific to your thesis

is information that supports, clarifies or helps develop your specific claims

is information that


Question 4 If you were writing an argument that your city needs to install red light cameras to reduce speeding and accidents at intersections, which of the following would provide you with the most reliable and relevant information?  Select ALL that apply.

Question options:

a blog post from a citizen who is complaining about the high rates of accidents.

a .com web site that features anecdotal examples of people who say their lives have been saved by red light cameras.

a peer-reviewed article written in 1985 that describes the history of red light cameras

a 2012 newspaper article that includes research information showing that red light cameras have decreased serious intersection accidents in communities similar to your own.


Question 5 Look back to your Unit 6 Assignment and Research Plan.  Now that you know more about relevant and reliable source information, where do you think you will find the most relevant and reliable source information for the topic you wrote on in Unit 6?  What specific information will you need to look for once you find these sources?  Type your answer below.

1.Ask yourself these question for example how old it is.

2.who is the publisher and 3. whether the author is objective .


Question 6

Why do writing experts recommend relying less on quoting your source and more on paraphrasing your source information instead? Select ALL that apply.

Question options:

Writing experts actually recommend always quoting instead of paraphrasing.

Relying on quotations may signal a dependence on sources in general

Relying on quotations may create a disjoint between the way you write your own original sentences and the sentence structure of the sources, leading to confusion for the reader

Paraphrasing your source information shows you truly understand the source and often helps your audience understand the source information better as well.


Question 7 You have selected a source that is reliable and relevant to your thesis and claims. What strategy will work best to help you paraphrase the source effectively?

Question options:

a) cut and paste the source information into your document.

b) read the source carefully and reread it until you are able to explain it to someone without looking at it.

c) copy the source information word for word in a notebook, using a pen or pencil


Question 8 Review the following passage and a paraphrase of that information. The passage is from an article written by Robert Muller entitled “Toughing It Out: Posttraumatic Stress in Police Officers”

ORIGINAL PASSAGE: Officers are often encouraged to “tough it out” when faced with the realities of mental illness. In addition to the stigma they face from peers and superiors, police officers are reluctant to come forward because they also fear losing their jobs. When a police officer admits to needing psychological help, they are at risk of having their badges and guns taken away: They could be a threat to themselves and to others. But when police officers don’t seek help, their distress often gets worse. Professional help within the police community is scarce. …When PTSD and other psychological illnesses go untreated, police officers, like many, can turn to drugs, alcohol, and suicide.

 Which of the following is an appropriate paraphrase of that passage?

Question options:

a) Police officers who suffer from psychological disorders tend not to come forward and admit to needing help. They are apprehensive because they could possibly lose their jobs and definitely face stigma from their peers and superior.

b) Police officers suffering from psychological disorders tend not to admit to needing help.  They are apprehensive because they face the possibility of losing their jobs and fear they may be stigmatized by their fellow police officers and supervisors.

 c) Officers who have mental illness face stigma from peers and superiors and are reluctant to come forward because they don’t want to be fired but if they don't seek treatment, they may turn to drugs, other addictions or even to taking their own lives.

d) Police officers suffering from psychological disorders tend not to admit to needing help.  They are apprehensive because they face the possibility of losing their jobs and fear that their families will not support them either. As a result, they often kill themselves.


Question 9 Which of the following are generally recommended when you incorporate a source into a paragraph in your document? Select all that apply.

Question options:

introducing the source information

cutting and pasting the source word for word

follow up and comment on the source information and its relevance to your ideas

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Purdue CM107 Unit 7 Quiz Latest 2019 July

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