Regis NU606 Complete Course Latest 2021 June (Full)

Question # 00624779
Course Code : NU606
Subject: Health Care
Due on: 05/22/2021
Posted On: 05/22/2021 08:25 AM
Tutorials: 1
Question Dot Image

NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 1 Assignment  

Case Study Analysis


Throughout this course, you will be tasked with viewing and analyzing various case studies. Some case studies will present you with case information and text entry areas where you can respond to the case study prompts. As you progress through the case study, each of your responses will be stored. At the end of the case study, you will download your responses and submit them to the weekly assignment section in the online classroom.

As an advanced practice nurse, you will need to learn where to find appropriate research and resources that are designed for medical personnel and not patients: for assignments in this course, please do not use external websites or articles designed for patient use. In addition to your text and course materials, remember to use appropriate terminology and support your answers with evidence-based, peer-reviewed sources that have been published within the past 3–5 years.


After completing the required learning activities and Quizlet game for this week, view the Week 1 Assignment 3: Case Study Analysis.

At the end of the case study, download your responses and submit the document to this assignment.

1. Identify 3 disease processes that are exhibited by this patient.

 2. Is DS experiencing metaplasia, malignant neoplasm, or both?


 malignant neoplasm

 Both metaplasia and malignant neoplasm

3. Define each term and explain your answer using specific examples from DS’s case. Use evidence to support your answer.

Define metaplasia:

Define malignant neoplasm:


NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 2 Assignment  

Create a Quick-Reference Tool/Visual Aid


The goal for this assignment is to develop a quick-reference tool or visual aid (for example, table, diagram, or chart) that you could use in actual practice that compares and contrasts the four main types of acid-base imbalances. This is your opportunity to let your creativity shine!


Think about what is most important for you to know about the four main types of acid-base imbalances—metabolic acidosis, metabolic alkalosis, respiratory acidosis, and respiratory alkalosis.

Summarize your findings into a quick-reference tool or visual aid resource (for example, table, diagram, or chart) that you can carry with you that you could use in actual practice. Examples include:

A reference card you can attach to your nursing ID.

An image you can save on your phone for quick access.

A “cheat sheet” that can be attached to a clipboard or other work-related tool.

Think about what type of resource will work best for you as you move along in your studies and nursing practice.

Include the following for each type of imbalance in your quick-reference tool or visual aid:

Common causes

How the body compensates

Expected laboratory findings

Expected patient signs (subjective)

Expected patient symptoms (objective)








NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 4 Assignment  

Musculoskeletal Fill-In Assignment


Access the Week 4 Musculoskeletal Fill-in Assignment interactive media activity. As you progress through the activity, each of your responses will be stored. At the end of the activity, you will download/print (save as PDF) your responses and submit them to the weekly assignment section in the online classroom. This is an individual assignment and should be submitted via the assignment link by Day 7.

Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded.

To Submit Your Assignment:

Click the Add Submissions button.

Drag or upload your files to the File Picker.


NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 6 Assignment  

Anemia Comparison Table


Using the Anemia Comparison Table Template (Word), complete the table to describe and compare the anemias listed. Be sure to include the following for each anemia:

Etiology—Discuss common etiologies and causes.

What are the pathophysiologic changes that occur during each of the types of anemia?

Symptoms—What subjective symptoms will the patient display?

Signs—What objective signs will the patient exhibit?

Blood Smear Findings/Classification—How is this anemia classified? Thinking about how the pathophysiologic process affects the cells, what would you expect to see in a peripheral blood smear?

Correction/Prevention—How can the abnormal anemic state be returned to homeostasis? How can it be prevented?

This assignment will be graded complete/incomplete, but keep in mind that this is an excellent way not only prepare for your quiz but to develop a reference tool you can use as you develop your practice.

Please be sure to use evidence-based, peer-reviewed journals that have been published within the past three to five years, in addition to your textbook and course materials. Have fun!















Blood Smear Findings



Iron Deficiency Anemia






Pernicious Anemia






Aplastic Anemia






Sickle Cell Anemia












NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 7 Assignment  

Written Case Study


After completing your readings, learning activities, and assignments for this week, please download and complete the case study worksheet. Make sure to address all components of each question and answer thoroughly and concisely. Support each answer with evidence. Please be sure to use evidence-based, peer-reviewed journals that have been published within the past three to five years, in addition to your textbook and course materials. APA format is required for references and citations, but not for the body of the case study. Please use the case study worksheet to help with organization.

Case Study

Download the Week 7 Cardiovascular Case Study Worksheet (Word).

Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded.

NU606 Week 7 Cardiovascular Case Study

Part 1

Ms. X, age 55 years, has been complaining of severe fatigue and “indigestion” on and off, but it seems to be getting worse over the past several hours. Her son is quite concerned and decides to take her to the emergency department. On arrival, she appears very anxious, and her facial skin is cool and clammy; her blood pressure is 90/60, and the pulse is around 90, weak and irregular. She is given oxygen, an intravenous line is opened, and leads for ECG are attached. Blood is taken for determination of serum enzymes and electrolytes. Tentative diagnosis is myocardial infarction involving the left ventricle. Her son provides information that indicates Ms. X is a long-time smoker, has a stressful job as a high school teacher, is recently separated after 20 years of marriage, and is fearful of losing the family home. She has also seemed to be more fatigued, and stopped going to the gym about 18 months ago. She has begun to rely on “fast foods” like pizza and fried chicken and cooks infrequently. Her father died of a heart attack at age 50. She has also noticed more fatigue and intermittent leg pain when walking or climbing stairs at work. Generalized atherosclerosis is suspected.

1.            List the high-risk factors for atherosclerosis in this patient's history. For each risk factor, identify whether that would be measured/reported subjectively, objectively, or both.

2.            Assuming Ms. X does, indeed, have atherosclerosis, how would this lead to the condition she is experiencing today?

3.            What do you suspect Ms. X was experiencing when she reported “indigestion”? Was this true indigestion or related to her cardiac condition? Explain the pathophysiology behind this pain.

4.            Think about the normal or typical presenting signs of myocardial Infarction. What is atypical in Ms. X's symptoms? How does this affect treatment and prognosis?

5.            What serum enzyme and electrolyte levels do you anticipate being checked in the ED. How are these levels related to the changes happening in Ms. X’s cardiovascular system?

Part 2

Since Ms. X is now stable and you are waiting on labs, you review some of her medical records. At her last several office visits with her PCP, her blood pressure was noted to be 145/90, 138/96, 150/94, and 142/96. She is not taking any medications for blood pressure at this time.

6.            Do you think Ms. X has essential hypertension? Evaluate her blood pressure readings and use them to support your position.

7.            Describe the pathophysiology of essential hypertension.

8.            Identify and describe twopossible problems associated with prolongedhigh diastolic pressure.

Part 3

After some diagnostics, it is determined that Ms. X has a large infarct in the anterior left ventricle; she continues to be monitored on telemetry.

9.            What ECG changes would you expect to support left ventricular involvement and infarction?

10.          Ms. X is showing increasing PVCs on the ECG. What is causing these and what can happen if these continue to increase in frequency.

11.          Ms. X is preparing to go home with her son. Write her discharge instructions.

12.          What lifestyle measures should be included to prevent a recurrent cardiac event?

13.          It is determined by the team that she should be started on an antihypertensive agent, as her blood pressures have remained elevated during her admission. Identify two medications helpful in treating hypertension and describe their actions.

Part 4Unfortunately, Ms. X's condition becomes less stable, and she is unable to go home. Several days later, she is found unconscious on the floor of her hospital room bathroom. Her pulse is weak and elevated, and her skin is moist with pallor evident. Her BP is 50 systolic. A diagnosis of cardiogenic shock is made, and resuscitation efforts are started.

14.          What signs and symptoms isMs. X exhibiting that support cardiogenic shock? Label each as subjective (symptom) or objective (sign).

15.          Describe the pathophysiology of cardiogenic shockand the effects of cardiogenic shock on the organs of the body.


NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 9 Assignment  

Written Case Study


After completing your readings, learning activities, and assignments for this week, please download and complete the case study worksheet. Make sure to address all components of each question and answer thoroughly and concisely. Support each answer with evidence. Please be sure to use evidence-based, peer-reviewed journals that have been published within the past three to five years, in addition to your textbook and course materials. APA format is required for references and citations, but not for the body of the case study. Please use the case study worksheet to help with organization.

Case Study

Download the Week 9 Nervous System Case Study Assignment Worksheet (Word).

Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded.

NU606: Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 9Nervous System Case Study Assignment Worksheet

Case Study 1

Mr. Q, age 64 years, developed a severe headache several hours ago that has not responded to acetaminophen, rest, cold packs, or NSAIDS. Now his speech is slurred, and his right arm and the right side of his face feel numb. His wife reports that he “looks funny,” and his face is “half dead.” He is very anxious and is transported to the hospital. Mr. Q has a history of smoking and arteriosclerosis, and there is family history of CVA and diabetes. Assessment at the hospital indicated weakness on the right side, including facial asymmetry and a blood pressure of 220/110 Hg mm. A CT scan showed damaged tissue on the left side of the brain, and an angiogram indicated narrowing of the carotid arteries and middle cerebral arteries, with occlusion of the left middle cerebral artery. It was determined that Mr. Q is likely experiencing a CVA.

Case Study 1 Questions

1.            Describe the three causes of CVAs and the characteristic onset signs and symptoms associated with each. What do you think is most likely in this case?

2.            What predisposing factors for CVA can you identify for Mr. Q?

3.            Describe the pathological changes that caused the following initial signs and symptoms: slurred speech, right-sided weakness, facial asymmetry, hypertension.

4.            Thinking about these pathological changes, discuss two interventions that can help correct the pathology and return Mr. Q to a more homeostatic state.

After admission and discussion about Mr. Q’s history, you find out that he has had several brief episodes of right-sided tingling and speech troubles over the last few months. The symptoms resolved on their own, though he is not sure how long it took. He never sought care for these, though his wife does report being concerned about them. She states that she was worried her husband had a brain tumor, but never thought about a “stroke.”

1.            Based on his description of symptoms, what do you think Mr. Q was experiencing when he had the intermittent episodes of symptoms prior to today?

2.            How do these episodes differ from a CVA?Discuss the cause of each type of episode and expected signs and symptoms.

3.            If Mr. Q had a brain tumor, would his signs and symptoms have been different? Choose one location of a brain tumor and describe the focal and general signs you would expect as the tumor grows.

4.            Mr. and Mrs. Q want to know how long it is going to take for him to get back to normal. How will you answer them? What factors might influence the degree of functional recovery he can expect to achieve?

Case Study 2

Ms. J, a 19-year-old college student, has been living in a dormitory on campus. She began experiencing severe headaches, neck pain, and nuchal rigidity, along with irritability and nausea. She noticed that when lying with her hips flexed, she found it very hard to stretch out her legs. Within a day, her condition deteriorated.She experienced a tonic-clonic seizure while trying to get some fluid replacement drinks from the cafeteria. EMS was called and she was quickly admitted to the hospital. Tests revealed increased intracranial pressure, fever, and leukocytosis. Bacterial meningitis was suspected, and a lumbar puncture was scheduled. Her parents are traveling to be with her.

Case Study 1 Questions

1.            Describe the pathophysiologic changes associated with bacterial meningitis in regard to each of the following manifestations the patient exhibits: severe headaches, neck pain, nuchal rigidity, limited hip motion, seizures, and increased intracranial pressure.

2.            Which of these manifestation(s) is (are) most significant in the diagnosis of bacterial meningitis? Why are there no focal signs present? What signs indicating increased intracranial pressure might you expect?

3.            What are the causes of meningitis?Which microbe is most likely to be the cause in this case?

4.            Discuss the transmission of bacterial meningitis and recommendations to protect other students and family. Think about her living situationand exposures and include these factors in your answer.

5.            Once the lumbar puncture is complete and the CSF is analyzed, what do you expect to see in the lab report?

6.            Discuss the treatments available to help return this patient to a more homeostatic state.What is her prognosis? What are some possible long-term complications?


NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 14 Assignment  

Video Reflection


After completing the readings and course activities for this week, you will be recording a video reflection about what you learned. Your recording should be five to eight minutes in length and address the following questions:

What surprised you from the materials this week? What did not surprise you?

Identify three things you learned about mental disorders.

Identify three things you learned about substance abuse disorders.

Discuss how you will be able to implement what you have learned into your future practice. Please be specific to your certification track.

No references are needed for this assignment; this a reflection of what you have learned.

Please include one or two PowerPoint slides that summarize your answers. Include the link to your recorded presentation on the first slide of your PowerPoint presentation (see the following).


The deliverables for this assignment are a recorded video presentation and a one- to two-slide PowerPoint summary.

Use Zoom to record a video of yourself addressing the reflection questions.

For instructions on how to use Zoom, refer to the?Zoom Tutorial in the Student Orientation.

Videos must be recorded in a quiet, private area with no distractions (this means no pets or other household members should be making noise or in the room while recording) and should be five to eight minutes in length (be clear and concise).

After your recording is complete, follow these instructions to?create a private, unlisted YouTube video. You will need the YouTube video website/URL to include in your PowerPoint summary.

Submit your PowerPoint file to this assignment (be sure to include the YouTube video website/URL to your recorded video reflection in your PowerPoint summary).

Your instructor will access your recorded video reflection via the link in the PowerPoint.

Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded.


NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 15 Assignment  

Population-Specific Case Study


Using what you have learned in Weeks 1 through 14, please complete the case study specific to your certification track (see Note:). Make sure to address all components of each question and answer thoroughly and concisely. Support each answer with evidence. Please be sure to use evidence-based, peer-reviewed journals that have been published within the past three to five years in addition to your textbook and course materials. APA format is required for references and citations, but not for the body of the case study. Please use the provided template to help with organization. Please note: This assignment is due on DAY 5.


If you are a Pediatric NP student, a WHNP student, or a PMHNP student, you must complete your population-specific case study.

If you are a Family NP student, you can complete any one of the following three case studies:

Pediatric Case

Adult Case

Woman’s Health Case

If you are an Adult-Geriatric NP student, you can complete either the Adult Case or the Woman’s Health Case.

Case Study Links

Pediatric Case – For Pediatric or Family Nurse Practitioner Students (Word)

Women’s Health Case – For Woman’s Health, Family, or Adult-Geriatric Nurse Practitioner Students (Word)

Adult Case – For Adult-Geriatric or Family Nurse Practitioner Students (Word)

PMHNP Case – For Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Students (Word)

The Game Changer: Keeping Your Head in Contact Sports (pdf)


NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 1 Discussion

Icebreaker Activity

Please introduce yourself to the class. Instead of just the normal "where you live, number of children and pets you have," let’s make this fun by answering the following questions:

Ask a young child to define pathophysiology. No prompting: just ask them to tell you what it is and why it’s important. You’ll be amazed at some of the responses you get.

Why do you think pathophysiology is important in diagnosing and treating disease? Share an example from your nursing practice that exemplifies this relationship.

A large part of the study of pathophysiology is studying how cells adapt and change. What is one cellular adaptation you have seen in practice or that is prevalent in a disease/condition that an APRN in your certification track might encounter? For example, WHNP might encounter cellular changes in screening patients for HPV.


NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 2 Discussion


Review the Case Study Discussion Scenario. For this discussion you will respond to ALL of the questions within either Part A, B, or C based the team you have been assigned.

Case Study Discussion Scenario

Mr. K. B. is age 81 and has had gastritis with severe vomiting for three days. He has a history of heart problems and is presently feeling dizzy and lethargic. His eyes appear sunken, his mouth is dry, he walks unsteadily, and he complains of muscle aching, particularly in the abdomen. He is thirsty but is unable to retain food or fluid. A neighbor has brought Mr. K. B. to the hospital, where examination shows that his blood pressure is low, and his pulse and respirations are rapid. Laboratory tests demonstrate elevated hematocrit, hypernatremia, decreased serum bicarbonate, serum pH 7.35, and urine of high specific gravity (highly concentrated).


NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 3 Discussion

Initial Post

It is understood that thoughtful responses to your topic question will take some time and thought. Please organize your thoughts before creating your initial post.

This week you are responsible for answering one question from your team's question set, as assigned in the Announcements section of this course.

By Day 3, post your initial response for your assigned question by answering the question comprehensively and sharing a unique teaching tool or visual aid with your peers. Post your initial response as a reply to the appropriate thread. Your post should be limited to 500 words or less and, in addition to your text and course materials, use evidence based, peer-reviewed journals that have been published within the past three to five years.

Team A: Normal Immune Response

Compare active natural immunity and passive artificial immunity, describing the causative mechanism and giving an example.

Predict three reasons why the immune system might not respond correctly to foreign material in the body. What can happen when this occurs?

What is the purpose of a booster vaccination? Give an example and how an allergic reaction might occur in this situation.

Describe the purpose of gamma globulins. Will this affect an individual who receives massive transfusions? Why or why not?


NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 4 Discussion

Initial Post

It is understood that thoughtful responses to your topic question(s) will take some time and thought. Please organize your thoughts before creating your initial post. To assist you in your work for this discussion, please use the worksheet linked in each of the team threads to organize your thoughts. Then simply copy and paste the text from the document into your initial post.

Based on your assigned team, create an initial post by answering ALL questions for your assigned case (Team A, B, or C), making sure to address all components of all questions.

By Day 3, post your initial response to your assigned case study as a new discussion thread. Please be sure to number the questions addressed and include all components of each question in your response. Each initial response must have a reference, including at least two scholarly references other than your textbook or course materials. Your post should be limited to 500 to 750 words and comprehensively address the questions posed.

Team A

Week 4 Discussion Team A Worksheet (Word)

PJ is a three-year-old boy who pulled a pot of boiling water over his head, arms, and chest, resulting in a mixed burn to the anterior surface of his head and arms, chest, and feet. He presents with his mother in the emergency department. His mother is quite upset and says nothing like this has happened before. PJ is visibly upset and appears in pain, but is responsive and behaving appropriately for the situation.

What factors determine the classification of burns? What type(s) of burn is most likely for this victim?

Describe the process taking place in the burned area during the first hours after the injury.

How will the physicians in the emergency room determine the percentage of the body that may be burned? What special considerations may be involved when evaluating a child?

NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 5 Discussion

Initial Post

It is understood that thoughtful responses to your topic question will take some time and thought. Please organize your thoughts before creating your initial post.

This week, you are responsible for answering one question from your team’s question set, as assigned in the Announcements section of this course.

By Day 3, post your initial response for your assigned question by answering the question comprehensively and sharing a unique teaching tool or visual aid with your peers. Post your initial response as a reply to the appropriate thread. Your post should be limited to 500 to 750 words and, in addition to your textbook and course materials, use evidence-based, peer-reviewed journals that have been published within the past three to five years.

Week 5 Discussion 1: Question-Based Discussion—Team A (Skin Disorders)

A-1: Define the following terms, provide an image of an example, and identify one condition where each may occur:







A-2: Define the following terms, provide an image of an example, and identify one condition where each may occur:








A-3: Describe the typical lesions of atopic dermatitis. Where are these located in infants? What about adults? Identify three ways these lesions can be managed to help return the skin to homeostasis.

A-4: Impetigo and herpes simplex are common skin disorders and can have a similar dermatologic presentation. Describe the etiology of each condition. Explain one classic identifying feature for each condition, and discuss how they can be differentiated from one another.


NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 6 Discussion

Initial Post

It is understood that thoughtful responses to your topic question(s) will take some time and thought. Please organize your thoughts before creating your initial post. To assist you in your work for this discussion, please use the worksheet linked in each of the team threads to organize your thoughts. Then simply copy and paste the text from the document into your initial post.

Based on your assigned team, create an initial post by answering ALL questions for your assigned case (Team A, B, or C), making sure to address all components of all questions.

By Day 3, post your initial response to your assigned case study as a new discussion thread. Please be sure to number the questions addressed and include all components of each question in your response. Each initial response must have a reference, including at least two scholarly references other than your textbook or course materials. Your post should be limited to 500 to 750 words and comprehensively address the questions posed.

Team A

Week 6 Discussion Team A Worksheet (Word)

Describe the three stages of hemostasis.

Explain the difference between the terms microcytic and megaloblastic. Identify one condition where each may occur.


NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 7 Discussion

Initial Post

For this week’s discussion board initial post, please develop a visual aid, diagram, image, or similar device that addresses the following questions. Include a brief explanation/description of the content covered in addition to your visual aid; the explanation can be recorded or written. Please be sure to use evidence-based, peer-reviewed journals that have been published within the past three to five years in addition to your textbook and course materials as you develop your post.

Explain what stroke volume is and how it is related to the cardiovascular system; address, particularly, stroke volume, heart rate, and blood pressure.

Identify two disorders of the cardiovascular system that affect stroke volume, heart rate, and BP, and explain how the disease state and pathophysiologic process alters these components away from their homeostatic state.

Describe how these changes can result in cardiac remodeling. What signs and symptoms do patients experience as this occurs?

Discuss whether this remodeling is reversible and/or preventable. What can be done to correct the pathologic process and return the cardiovascular system to its homeostatic state.


NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 8 Discussion

Case Study Discussion – Respiratory Disorders

Initial Post

It is understood that thoughtful responses to your topic question(s) will take some time and thought. Please organize your thoughts before creating your initial post.

Based on your assigned team, create an initial post by answering all questions in your team’s case study, making sure to address all components of all questions.

By Day 3, post your initial response to your assigned part of the case study as a reply to the appropriate discussion thread. Please be sure to number the questions addressed and include all components of each question in your response. Each initial response must have a reference, including at least two scholarly references other than your textbook or course materials. Your post should comprehensively address the questions posed.

Team A

Week 8 Discussion Team A Worksheet (Word)

Mr. CY, age 71, has had significant emphysema for six years. He has reduced his cigarette smoking since mild congestive heart failure was diagnosed (right-sided heart failure; refer to Chapter 12). He has been admitted to the hospital with a suspected closed pneumothorax and respiratory failure.

Describe the pathophysiologic changes in the lungs with emphysema and explain how these affect oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the blood.


NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 9 Discussion

Team A (Sensory Disorders)

Week 9 Discussion Team A Worksheet (Word)

Sensory Disorders

Infection and trauma can happen to both the cornea and the conjunctiva. Which is more serious? Using pathophysiology, explain why.

Compare wide-angle and narrow-angle glaucoma, including the pathophysiology and signs of each.

Describe the two types of macular degeneration and current treatments.

Patients who have experienced a blow to the back of the head often report “seeing stars.” Using pathophysiology, explain why this happens.

Otitis media is much more common in infants and young children. Thinking about the structure and function of the ear, explain why this is.

Why does Ménière's syndrome cause both hearing loss and vertigo?


NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 10 Discussion

Teaching Presentation—Team A (Diabetes Types 1 and 2)

Team A

Week 10 Discussion Team A PowerPoint Template Worksheet (PPT)

Diabetes Type 1 and 2

Describe the pathophysiology of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Describe the risk factors for the development of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

List three complications of diabetes; describe the pathophysiology of each, and explain appropriate preventative measures.

Explain what HgbA1C is, what it measures, and how it is important to the management of diabetes.

Identify two medications used to treat diabetes; discuss how they interrupt the pathology and help return the patient to a more homeostatic state.


NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 11 Discussion

Team A Renal Disorders

Explain why hematuria and proteinuria reflect a glomerular problem rather than a tubular problem in the kidney.

Explain the change in filtration if excess glucose is present in the blood entering the kidney.

Explain factors that may contribute to elevated blood pressure in a patient with renal disease.

Compare acute and chronic renal failure with respect to cause, reversibility, and urinary output at onset.

Why is there an increased risk of drug toxicity in the later stages of renal failure?

Why is protein intake restricted in patients with kidney disease?

Compare the causes and pathophysiology of acute pyelonephritis, APSGN, and nephrotic syndrome.


NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 12 Discussion

Gastrointestinal Disorders

Team A: Gastroenteritis

Week 12 Discussion Team A Worksheet (Word)

Baby K., age 14 months, has vomiting and diarrhea and is crying continuously because of what appears to be severe abdominal pain. As part of your history, you discover Baby K. had some milk custard that may not have been properly stored. The most likely diagnosis is gastroenteritis, secondary to Staphylococcus aureus from the milk custard.

Briefly describe how S. aureus in the custard could cause vomiting and diarrhea.

What fluid and electrolyte imbalances would you expect in Baby K.? Please describe how at least one fluid and one electrolyte imbalance could develop in this situation.

Describe the signs of dehydration that can be expected in a child of this age. What about in an older child?

Explain the process and factors involved by which a young child can quickly develop vascular collapse if vomiting and diarrhea are severe.

Explain why water alone would not be adequate treatment for Baby K.

What other gastrointestinal conditions could cause vomiting and diarrhea in a young child? How will you definitively determine what condition is causing her symptoms?

Team B: Peptic Ulcer and Peritonitis


NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 13 Discussion

Research Article Critique

Initial Post

Consider the material that was presented this week. Find a peer-reviewed, research article related to topics found in Chapters 20 and/or 21. This discussion post will be a bit longer than you are used to, but it is your only assignment this week. Please use the following list as a template to structure your post; include the questions as headers in your post so your peers can follow along. Once you have introduced your topic, use the remaining questions to help you critique your article. Please be sure to answer all questions. The last paragraph should be a conclusion tying all the content together.

Article Critique Questions:

One paragraph that introduces your topic and explains why it is important to you

Author, year, title, journal

Purpose of the article: research, theoretical, program implementation

From what discipline was the literature review drawn?

What were the gaps, issues, purposes identified from the synthesis of the literature?

What design and methods were used for the purpose of the project?

Were the sample, size, and setting (or choice of articles) adequate for the project?

What were the findings and conclusions?

What are the implications for future research?

How could the information in this article be applied to advanced nursing practice?

Would you recommend this article to others as an example to add to the understanding of this information?

Conclusion/summary paragraph

Upload your article critique along with your article in PDF format to this discussion forum in your initial post.



NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 3 Quiz   

Question 1To which of the following does the term apoptosis refer?

a.Increased rate of mitosis by certain cells

b.Ischemic damage to cells

c.Liquefaction of necrotic tissue

d.Preprogrammed cell self-destruction

Question 2When prolonged ischemia occurs to an area of the heart, the resulting damage is referred to as ________.


b.liquefactive necrosis



Question 3 Eleanor is a 77-year-old female who lives alone. She was admitted to the hospital with a temperature of 102F, BP 136/80, Pulse 99, RR 20, Sat 91%. Eleanor has a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD., coronary arterial disease (CAD., and insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM.. Eleanor is 5’3” tall and weighs 225 pounds. The following picture was taken of her feet after she was admitted.

 image of the bottom of feet showing two black toes

Which of the following statements is most likely to be true about Eleanor’s situation?

a.This picture demonstrates an example of fat necrosis that can occur in individuals who have CAD.

b.This picture demonstrates the prodromal period of an individual with IDDM.

c.This picture demonstrates someone who could benefit from primary prevention information relating to diabetes mellitus.

d.This picture demonstrates an example of dry gangrene that refers to necrotic tissue that is often infected.

Question 4What is the difference between patient “signs” and “symptoms”?

a.There is no difference. These terms can be used interchangeably.

b.Symptoms are objective findings that the provider observes; signs are subjective findings that are experienced by the patient.

c.They are not related to an underlying disease process.

d.Signs are objective findings that the provider observes; symptoms are subjective findings that are experienced by the patient.

Question 5You are seeing Ms. Richman for an acute visit. During the physical examination, you notice she has some edema in her lower extremities. What section of the SOAP note would the edema be documented in?





Question 6The term?disease?refers to________.

a.the period of recovery and return to a normal healthy state

b.a deviation from the normal state of health and function

c.the treatment measures used to promote recovery

d.a basic collection of signs and symptoms



NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 5 Quiz   

Question 1Which of the following statements regarding fever are true? Select all that apply.

Select one or more:

 a.Fevers can be caused by bacterial and viral infections.

 b.It is caused by a signal to the thalamus.

 c.It results from release of pyrogens into the circulation.

 d.There is a protective mechanism involved with fever, even though it causes undesirable symptoms.

Question 2The inflammatory response is a nonspecific response to ________.

 a.phagocytosis of foreign material

 b.formation of purulent exudates

 c.any tissue injury

 d.none of the above

Question 3Which of the following mediators is involved in prolonging the inflammatory response?




 d.Chemotactic factors

Question 4Which of the following explanations ly denotes the proper sequence in the healing process?

 a.A blood clot forms; granulation tissue grows into the gap; new blood vessels develop; phagocytosis of foreign material and cell debris occurs; and collagen fibers form a tight, strong scar.

 b.A blood clot forms; phagocytes remove foreign material and cell debris; granulation tissue grows into the gap; new blood vessels form; and collagen fibers promote formation of a tight, strong scar.

 c.Collagen fibers form in the damaged area; a blood clot forms; granulation tissue grows into the gap; angiogenesis takes place; and foreign material and cell debris are removed by phagocytes.

 d.Foreign material and cell debris are removed by phagocytes; a blood clot forms; granulation tissue grows into the gap; new blood vessels form; and collagen fibers grow and cross-link.

Question 5Which term describes replacement of damaged tissue by similar functional cells?




 d.Repair by scar tissue

Question 6You are working with a patient in urgent care who requires sutures to close a wound. She asks why this is necessary. Which of the following factors that promotes rapid healing is most appropriate to use in your explanation to her?

 a.Closely approximated edges of a wound

 b.Absence of foreign material.

 c.Exposure to radiation

 d.Vasoconstriction in the involved area



NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 8 Quiz   

Question 1Which pathological process is the main causative factor for the signs and symptoms of polycythemia vera?

 a.A decreased erythrocyte count

 b.Destruction of erythrocytes

 c.Increased blood viscosity

d.Neurologic involvement

Question 2Which of the following are predisposing factors to leukemia? Select all that apply.

 a.Exposure to radiation

b.Certain fungal and protozoal infections

 c.Familial tendency

 d.Cigarette smoking

Question 3Which statement best describes the basic pathophysiology of thalassemia?

 a.Several amino acids in the globin chains have been replaced by substitute amino acids.

 b.More than four globin chains are found in the erythrocytes.

 c.The iron molecule is displaced in hemoglobin.

 d.There is failure to synthesize either the alpha or beta chains in the hemoglobin molecule.

Question 4Mr. A has fatigue, weakness, and dyspnea. His conjunctiva and palms are pale. His nails appear brittle, thin, and concave, and he has sores at the corners of his mouth. He reports a very poor diet as of late. Based on this information, which type of anemia are you most suspicious for?


 b.Iron deficiency



Question 5Which of the following anemias can result from a malabsorption problem?

 a.Aplastic anemia

 b.Sickle cell anemia

 c.Thalassemia major

 d.Pernicious anemia

Question 6Mr. J has cheilosis, stomatitis, and painful ulceration of the buccal mucosa and mouth. He complains of dysphagia and watery diarrhea. Based on these symptoms, what type of anemia are you most suspicious of?

 a.Pernicious anemia

 b.Folate deficiency anemia

 c.Anemia of chronic disease

 d.Iron deficiency anemia



NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 10 Quiz   

Question 1

Which of the following conditions are required for a patient to be declared a “brain death”? Select all that apply.

Select one or more:

 a.No activity on EEG

 b.Absence of all reflexes

 c.No spontaneous respirations

 d.Presence of any head injury

Question 2Through what area does the cerebrospinal fluid circulate around the brain and spinal cord?

 a.Between the double layers of the dura mater

 b.In the subdural space

 c.In the subarachnoid space

d.Through the arachnoid villi

Question 3Which of the following is a true statement about transient ischemic attacks (TIAs)?

 a.They usually cause necrosis and permanent brain damage.

 b.They may be caused by rupture of an aneurysm or a damaged artery.

 c.They usually indicate systemic hypotension.

 d.They can warn of potential cerebrovascular accidents (CVA).

Question 4Which of the following factors predispose an individual to a CVA? Select all that apply.

Select one or more:


 b.Smoking cigarettes

 c.History of coronary artery disease

 d.Diabetes mellitus

 e.BMI less than 18

Question 5Which type of cerebrovascular accident (CVA) has the poorest prognosis?

 a.CVA caused by thrombus

 b.Hemorrhagic CVA

 c.Embolic CVA

 d.No difference among types

Question 6All of the following statements are true regarding cerebrovascular accidents EXCEPT ________.

 a.the common cause is an atheroma with thrombus

 b.maximum necrosis and infarction develop within several hours of onset

c.warning signs may appear with partial obstruction of the artery

 d.increasing neurological deficits usually develop during the first few days



NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 12 Quiz   

Question 1Which of the following is not a normal finding on urinalysis? Select all that apply.

Select one or more:

 a.pH of 5.0

 b.Specific gravity of 1.025

 c.Gross hematuria

 d.Significant protein

 e.pH of 8.5

Question 2Which of the statements about the bladder is true?

 a.The bladder wall lacks rugae.

 b.Three openings from the urinary bladder form the trigone.

 c.It contracts when stimulated by the sympathetic nervous system.

 d.Continuous peristalsis in the bladder wall promotes urine flow.

Question 3Which statement accurately describes how blood flows through the kidney?

 a.Afferent arteriole to the peritubular capillaries to the cortex

 b.Efferent arteriole to the glomerular capillaries to the peritubular capillaries

 c.Peritubular arteries to the glomerular capillaries to the venule

 d.Afferent arteriole to the glomerular capillaries to the efferent arteriole

Question 4An APRN can expect glomerular filtration rate to increase in a patient that experiences which of the following conditions?

 a.Increased plasma osmotic pressure

 b.Dilation of the efferent arteriole

 c.Increased hydrostatic pressure in the glomerular capillaries

d.Constriction of the afferent arteriole

Question 5If a patient has influenza and high fever, how would the kidney tubules compensate to help maintain normal pH of body fluids?

 a.Increase the flow of filtrate and urine.

 b.Secrete more acids and reabsorb more bicarbonate ions.

 c.Excrete a larger volume of more dilute urine.

 d.Retain more chloride ions in exchange for sodium ions.

Question 6Which of the following is the most specific indicator of renal insufficiency?

 a.Urine with pH of 5

 b.Increased serum urea and creatinine

c.Urine with high specific gravity

 d.Decreased blood pressure



NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 14 Quiz   

Question 1A father affected with hemophilia A, whose partner is unaffected, will pass on the defective gene to

Select one:

 a.all of his sons, who will be affected.

 b.50% of his sons, who will be carriers.

 c.all of his daughters, who will be carriers.

 d.50% of his daughters, who will be affected.

Question 2All of the following can result in developmental disorders except:

Select one:

 a.hypoxia and ischemia to the brain.

 b.mercury in foods and water.

 c.drugs and alcohol.

 d.folic acid exposure.

Question 3As an APRN, you would expect a patient who has developed a tolerance for codeine to…

Select one:

 a.demonstrate physical signs when the drug is discontinued.

 b.require a larger dose than expected to control pain.

c.require a smaller dose than expected to control pain. signs or symptoms of drug toxicity.

Question 4By analyzing amniotic fluid, which of the following can be detected?

Select one:

 a.Chromosomal abnormalities

 b.Metabolic disorders

 c.Certain structural abnormalities

 d.All the above

Question 5Chronic alcoholism is likely to cause all of the following except

Select one:


 b.mental confusion.

 c.loss of motor coordination.

 d.altered personality and amnesia)

 e.kidney failure.

Question 6Down syndrome is an example of which of the following types of disorders?

Select one:

 a.autosomal recessive disorder.

 b.multifactorial disorder.

 c.developmental defect.

 d.chromosomal disorder.



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