Regis NU606 Full Course Latest 2020 May

Question # 00615502
Course Code : NU606
Subject: Health Care
Due on: 08/21/2020
Posted On: 08/21/2020 06:05 AM
Tutorials: 1
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NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 1 Discussion

Icebreaker Activity

Initial Post

Please introduce yourself to the class. Instead of just the normal "where you live, number of children and pets you have," let’s make this fun by answering the following questions:

Ask a young child to define pathophysiology. No prompting; just ask them to tell you what it is and why it’s important. You’ll be amazed at some of the responses that you get.

Have you ever tried any form of integrative or complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) or activities?"? If so, what was your experience like? If the answer is no, would you consider trying something different – why or why not?

Each student should also upload a photo of themselves in Moodle so that we can begin to put a name with a face. If you are uncomfortable with uploading a personal photo, please load a picture of an animal, your favorite place, etc.


NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 2 Discussion

Genetic or Cellular Malfunction Article Critique

Consider the material that was presented this week. Find a research article related to topics found in Chapters 20, 21, or 22. Title your post with the Chapter number and the topic. For this discussion post, you should provide a strong (5-6 sentences per paragraph with citations and a purpose statement) two-paragraph explanation of the topic and then introduce your article. Please use the following ten questions to critique your research article. The ten questions need to be incorporated into the discussion, and be presented in APA format following the introduction of your article. The last paragraph should be a conclusion tying all the content together. This discussion post will be longer than what most would consider to be a normal length post, so please make sure that you are answering all the questions and providing the information that is required. Please review the rubric as well.

Article Critique Criteria:

Author, Year, Title, Journal

Purpose of the article: research, theoretical, program implementation

From what discipline was the literature review drawn?

What were the gaps, issues, purposes identified from the synthesis of the literature?

What design and methods were used for the purpose of the project?

Were the sample, size, and setting (or choice of articles) adequate for the project?

What were the findings and conclusions?

What are the implications for future research?

How could the information in this article be applied to advanced nursing practice?

Would you recommend this article to others as an example to add to the understanding of this information?

Upload your article critique along with your article in PDF format to this discussion forum in your initial post.


NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 3 Discussion

Problem-Based Learning Case

Initial Post

Using the Week 3: Discussion Choice Question, choose your topic for this week’s discussion. The topics come from Chapters 5 and 7. Chapter 6 talks about infection and you should apply what you learned from Chapter 6 to your topic as well. You may use the textbook as one reference as well as the learning materials posted within the course. However, additional references should be scholarly based and be a new source that you are introducing to your peers. Remember, you should focus on the pathophysiology of the content for your initial and peer replies as well as applying your knowledge to Advanced Practice Nursing.


NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 4 Discussion

Lymphatic System Disorders and Peripheral Vascular Disorders

Initial Post

Consider the material that was presented this week and for this discussion, introduce Peripheral Vascular or Lymphatic Disorder/Disease to your peers. Find a research article related to topics found in Chapters 10 or 11. Title your discussion with the chapter number and the topic. Once you have introduced your topic, please use the following ten questions to critique your research article. The ten questions need to be incorporated into the discussion and presented in APA format following the introduction of your article. The last paragraph should be a conclusion tying all the content together. This discussion post will be longer than most discussion posts, so please make sure that you are answering all the questions and providing the information that is required. Please review the rubric as well.

Article Critique Criteria:

Author, Year, Title, Journal

Purpose of the article: research, theoretical, program implementation

From what discipline was the literature review drawn?

What were the gaps, issues, purposes identified from the synthesis of the literature?

What design and methods were used for the purpose of the project?

Were the sample, size, and setting (or choice of articles) adequate for the project?

What were the findings and conclusions?

What are the implications for future research?

How could the information in this article be applied to advanced nursing practice?

Would you recommend this article to others as an example to add to the understanding of this information?


NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 6 Discussion

Problem-Based Learning Case

Initial Post

Choose one of the Case Studies from Chapter 13 using the Week 6: Case Study Choice. Please summarize the case and discuss the questions that are asked with the case study presentation. Although it is not specifically asked, make sure that you are including aspects of immobility from Chapter 25 within the answers to the questions, and drawing ABGs on your patient, relaying the results (note you will need to make up what would be considered appropriate ABG results based on this case), and what those results mean in relation to your case study.


NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 7 Discussion

Complications of Aging

Initial Post

Using the Week 7 Discussion: Choice Question, choose your topic for this week’s discussion. The topics come from Chapter 24 of your text. You may use the textbook as one reference as well as the learning materials posted within the course. However, you must also locate a scholarly article related to your aging discussion question. Your question should be stated in your initial discussion post and answered based on pathophysiological principles and specifically those related to aging. Remember, you should focus on the pathophysiology of the content for your initial and peer replies as well as applying your knowledge to Advanced Practice Nursing.






NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 8 Discussion

Problem-Based Learning Case

Initial Post

Using the Week 8 Discussion: Choice Question, choose your topic for this week’s discussion.

In your initial discussion post, focus on the following:

the pathophysiology of the chosen condition

diagnostic testing



In addition, provide a paragraph or so regarding how, as a nurse practitioner in your given program of study i.e. FNP, AGNP, PNP, PMHNP, WHNP, how you might encounter this disorder and how the disorder could affect your overall plan of care for this patient i.e. drug modalities, follow up testing, referrals etc.


NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 9 Discussion

Problem-Based Learning Case

Initial Post

Choose one of the topics available in Week 9: Discussion Choice Question for your post.

In your initial post

Your initial post should also include the following:

The most common presenting symptoms.

The manner in which your disorder is routinely diagnosed.

A standard treatment plan.

Link(s) to routine screening and treatment guidelines.

If national screening and treatment guidelines do not exist for your disorder, choose a set of guidelines related to disorders that have been discussed in previous weeks. This is a great way for everyone to build a library of guidelines to help with their academic journey.

There is an abundance of information available on these disorders.In your research, look for the nuggets of information that are not common knowledge, or something specific that surprised you when you were researching your topic.

NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 10 Discussion

GI Case Study

Initial Post

Choose one of the following case studies from Chapter 17 for your entry:

Case Study A: Gastroenteritis

Case Study B: Ulcer and Peritonitis

Case Study C: Hepatitis B and Cirrhosis

Case Study D: Crohn’s Disease

Case Study E: Colon Cancer

Review the case study and answer two of the questions posed in the study. To be considered exemplary, you must answer three of the questions. Your introductory paragraph should provide a summary of the case and the purpose statement. Remember to provide a citation for each answer.


NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 11 Discussion

Problem-Based Learning Case

Initial Post

Using the Week 11 Discussion: Choice Question, choose your topic for this week’s discussion. You may use the textbook as one reference as well as the learning materials posted within the course. However, additional references should be scholarly based and be a new source that you are introducing to your peers.

Research and present the pathophysiology of the chosen disorder in a clear, well referenced manner.

Your initial post should also include the following:

The most common presenting symptoms

The manner in which your disorder is routinely diagnosed

A standard treatment plan

Link(s) to routine screening and treatment guidelines

If national screening and treatment guidelines do not exist for your disorder, choose a set of guidelines related to disorders that have been discussed in previous weeks. This is a great way for everyone to build a library of guidelines to help with their academic journey.

There is an abundance of information available on these disorders; in your research, look for the nuggets of information that are not common knowledge, or something specific that surprised you when you were researching your topic.


NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 15 Discussion

Problem-Based Learning Case

Initial Post

Using the Week 15 Discussion: Choice Question, choose your topic for this week’s discussion. You may use the textbook as one reference as well as the learning materials posted within the course. However, additional references should be scholarly based and be a new source that you are introducing to your peers.

As the adage goes, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” That sure does apply to skin disorders. Present your findings in this week’s discussion in the form of an 8-10 slide PowerPoint presentation with images (remember your images need to be cited). You can choose to present your information through voice-over or you can provide the narrative content in the notes section of each slide. The slides themselves should be focused on visual information.

In addition to uploading your PowerPoint, in your initial post, research and present the pathophysiology of the disorder in a clear, well referenced manner. Your initial post should also include the following:

The most common presenting symptoms.

The manner in which your disorder is routinely diagnosed.

A standard treatment plan.

Link(s) to routine screening and treatment guidelines, if available.

If national screening and treatment guidelines do not exist for your disorder, choose a set of guidelines related to disorders that have been discussed in previous weeks. This is a great way for everyone to build a library of guidelines to help with their academic journey.

There is an abundance of information available on these disorders; in your research, look for the nuggets of information that are not common knowledge, or something specific that surprised you when you were researching your topic.

Reply Posts

Reply to at least two of your classmates who did not choose the same disorder as you. In your reply posts, use scholarly information to help contrast or compare information with your classmates. It’s important to note that identifying areas of lack of knowledge is acceptable and encouraged to help everyone learn to function in a team-based environment.





NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 1 Assignment

Case Study Putting it all Together


After having read Chapters 1-3 and reviewed the learning materials for this week, please complete the following case study. Remember that your answers may be combined with medical terminology, but they must be defined and explained in physiological terminology.

Mrs. K.B. is age 64 and has been a patient of yours for many years. You are calling her today to tell her the results of her Pap test which was done last week during her routine annual checkup in your office. The test showed marked dysplasia of cervical cells but no sign of infection. Unfortunately, when you call, there is no answer.

Since you saw Mrs. K.B. last week she has had gastritis with severe vomiting for 3 days. She has a history of heart problems and is presently feeling dizzy and lethargic. Her eyes appear sunken, her mouth is dry, she walks unsteadily, and she complains of muscle aching, particularly in the abdomen, and she is concerned about her chronic back pain as well and how she is going to handle her pain if she can’t keep her medication down. She is thirsty but is unable to retain food or fluid. A neighbor has brought Mrs. K.B. to the hospital, where examination shows that her blood pressure is low, and her pulse and respirations are rapid. Laboratory tests demonstrate elevated hematocrit, hypernatremia, decreased serum bicarbonate, serum pH 7.35, and urine of high specific gravity. This case study illustrates a combination of fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base imbalances. Specific laboratory values are not given to focus on the basic concepts. For clarity, this case study is discussed in multiple parts. Further information about the specific problems involved is given in each part and is followed by a series of questions.

Part 1

Later in the afternoon, you receive a phone call from Mrs. K.B.’s daughter Sara who tells you that she has been admitted to the hospital with vomiting. Sara is asking about her mother’s test results. Please answer the following questions regarding your conversation with Sara.

Sara is requesting her Mother’s test results and she seems to know that her Mom had a Pap test last week. Sara is really concerned because her Mom had an abnormal Pap test a few years ago and her sister also has a history of Ovarian Cancer. How do you handle this conversation with Sara?

In thinking about how you might discuss these results with Mrs. K.B. or Sara, explain how each of these terms might apply to this scenario: prognosis, latent stage, remission, exacerbations, and predisposing factors.

Explain cellular adaptations and in particular, dysplasia and how testing and or additional testing is done regarding this condition.

Part 2: Day 1

Initially, Mrs. K.B. lost water, sodium in the mucus content, and hydrogen and chloride ions in the hydrochloric acid portion of the gastric secretions.

Alkalosis develops for two reasons, the first being the direct loss of _______________ ions, and the second being the effects of chloride ion loss. When chloride ions are lost in the gastric secretions, it is replaced by chloride from the serum (See Fig. 2.9 in Chapter 2 of your Gould text). To maintain equal numbers of cations and ____________ in the serum, chloride ions, and bicarbonate ions can exchange places when needed. Therefore, more bicarbonate ions shift into the serum from storages sites in the _______________ to replace the lost chloride ions. More bicarbonate ions in the serum raise serum pH, and the result is hypochloremic alkalosis.

Which compartments are likely to be affected in this case by early fluid-loss?

Explain how a loss of sodium ions contributes to dehydration.

Describe the early signs of dehydration in Mrs. K.B.

Describe the compensations for the losses of fluid and electrolytes that should be occurring in Mrs. K.B.

Explain why Mrs. K.B. may not be able to compensate for losses as well as a younger adult.

Part 3: Days 2-3

As Mrs. K.B. continues to vomit and is still unable to eat or drink any significant amounts, loss of the duodenal contents, which include intestinal, pancreatic, and biliary secretions, occurs. No digestion and absorption of any nutrients occurs.

Losses at this stage include water, sodium ions, potassium ions, and bicarbonate ions. Also, intake of glucose and other nutrients is minimal. Mrs. K.B. shows elevated serum sodium levels.

Sara has been at the hospital all morning waiting for the provider to come by with an update. Sara is rubbing her Mom’s back and she continues to complain back pain.

Explain why serum sodium levels appear to be in high in this case

Explain how high serum sodium levels might affect the intracellular fluid

Using your knowledge of normal physiology, explain how continued fluid loss is likely to affect the following:

Blood volume

Cell function

Kidney function

Given Mrs. K.B.’s history, why might a potassium imbalance have more serious effects on her?

As the provider, when you enter the room, you find Sara rubbing her Mom’s back – you introduce yourself and what is the first thing that you would then need to do?

In regard to Mrs. K.B.’s back pain, what type of questions or history would you like to obtain?

Mrs. K.B. reports using herbal compresses at home to help her back pain and that she usually takes two “extra-strong” Acetaminophen tablets every 4 hours and a Tylenol #3 whenever the pain is severe. Sara states that she has tried to get her Mom to use “more natural” treatments for her back but she “loves her Tylenol.”

When considering sources for Herbal and Natural Remedies there are many to choose from but not all are FDA approved, and who has time to vet every website. Take a look at Natural Medicines, which is in the Research Guides at the Regis Library. What type of Natural Medicine treatment would you recommend for Mrs. K.B. knowing that her back pain is due to arthritis that was diagnosed 10 years prior, that could offer her relief from her back pain?

What should Mrs. K.B. and Sara understand about the dosage of acetaminophen that she is taking?

Finally, Sara commented that her Mom seems to be suffering more frequently from insomnia but claims that her medication controls her back pain. Could the Tylenol #3 tablets be interring with her sleep and if so how is this occurring?

Part 4: Day 3

Mrs. K.B. has spent the night in the ED due to a bed shortage and she is finally admitted to Med-Surg.

After a prolonged period of vomiting, metabolic acidosis develops. This change results from several factors.

Loss of bicarbonate ions in duodenal secretions

Lack of nutrients leading to ______________ of stored fats and protein with production of excessive amounts of ketoacids

Dehydration and decreased blood volume leading to decreased excretion of acids by the __________________

Decreased blood volume leading to decreased tissue perfusion, less oxygen to cells, and increased _________________ metabolism with increased lactic acid.

Increased muscle activity and stress leading to increased metabolic acid production.

These factors lead to an increased amount of acids in the blood, which bind with bicarbonate buffer and result in decreased serum bicarbonate and decreased serum pH or metabolic _________________.

List several reasons why Mrs. K.B. is lethargic and weak.

Predict the serum level of carbon dioxide, lactic acid, pH, pO2, K+, Na+, LFTs—note you should indicate low, normal or high and explain why in a brief sentence to indicate you understand the pathophysiology of the process.

If Mrs. K.B. continues to lose body fluid, why might serum pH decrease below 7.35?

If serum pH drops below 7.35 what signs would be observed in Mrs. K.B.

Describe the effect of acidosis on serum potassium levels.

Mrs. K.B. will be given replacement fluid therapy. Why is it important that sodium and potassium be given as well as water?

Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded.


NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 4 Assignment

Blood Dyscrasias Crossword Puzzle


Solve all the clues in this Crossword Puzzle (PDF) by printing it out, filling it out, and scanning/uploading your completed crossword puzzle. Alternatively, you may simply list each numbered clue and the correct answer in a separate document.

Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded.


NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 5 Assignment

Myocardial Infarction Case Study


Case Study: Myocardial Infarction

Ms. X., aged 55 years, has been complaining of severe fatigue and “indigestion.” Her son is quite concerned and decides to take her to the emergency department. On arrival she appears very anxious, and her facial skin is cool and clammy; her blood pressure is 90/60, and the pulse is around 90, weak, and irregular. She is given oxygen, an intravenous line is opened, and leads for ECG are attached. Blood is taken for determination of serum enzymes and electrolytes. Tentative diagnosis is myocardial infarction involving the left ventricle. Her son provides information that indicates Ms. X is a long-time smoker, has a stressful job as a high school teacher, is recently separated after 20 years of marriage, and is fearful of losing the family home. She has also seemed to be more fatigued and stopped going to the gym about 18 months ago. She has begun to rely on “fast foods” like pizza and fried chicken and cooks infrequently. Her father had died of a heart attack at age 50. She had also noticed more fatigue and intermittent leg pain when walking or climbing stairs at work. Generalized atherosclerosis is suspected.

List the high-risk factors for atherosclerosis in this patient’s history.

Describe how atherosclerosis causes myocardial infarction.

It is suspected that the indigestion reported in the history was really angina. Explain how this pain may have occurred.

Explain each of the admitting signs.

What is “atypical” in Ms. X’s symptoms? How does this affect treatment and prognosis?

What information do serum enzyme and electrolyte levels provide?

What purpose does the ECG serve? It is determined that Ms. X. has a large infarct in the anterior left ventricle.

Ms. X. is showing increasing PVCs on the ECG. State the cause and describe the effect if these continue to increase in frequency.

On day 6 after admission Ms. X is preparing to go home with her son and they receive instructions on lifestyle modifications that are desirable if Ms. X is to avoid another MI. What measures should be included in such a discussion?

Discuss how stress could have played a factor in Ms. X’s MI and her future post discharge.

Ms. X’s condition becomes less stable and she remains in the hospital. On the seventh day following admission, she is found unconscious on the floor of her bathroom. Her pulse is weak and elevated, and her skin is moist with pallor evident. Her BP is 50 systolic. A diagnosis of cardiogenic shock is made, and resuscitation efforts are started.

Explain why Ms. X. has experienced cardiogenic shock at this time.

Describe the effects of cardiogenic shock on the organs of the body.

What problems will occur if decompensated shock occurs? How is compensation limited in this situation?

Ms. X dies shortly later. What is the cause of death in this case?


NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 6 Assignment

Vaccination Reflection Paper

With flu season or should we say flu vaccination season in mind, take a look at the CDC’s Predictions and Recommendations for the current flu season. The CDC’s advisory committee has posted their endorsement – Prevention and Control of Seasonal Influenza with Vaccines: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices – United States, XXXX Influenza Season. This is usually posted as a Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report in August for the upcoming flu season.

View the 2018-2019 Season Report as an example with a detailed look at who should be vaccinated, the timetable for vaccinations and what we should expect for the 2018-2019 season. Please make sure that, as data is published, you are viewing the most recent Influenza Season Report as your exemplar.

Considering what you have learned from Chapter 13: Respiratory System Disorders, your experience as a nurse, and from the CDC reading links, how would you recommend that Nurse Practitioners address patient concerns about being vaccinated, the risk of the flu and high-risk populations, and what tips or warnings you would recommend they give their patients for the current flu season? The paper submission should be 500-750 words in length and in APA format.


NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 7 Assignment

Differential Case Study


Read the patient case studies below. List 3 differential diagnosis for each and why you believe these to be solid options that should be considered by the provider. Copy and paste the patient scenarios into a word document and use bullet points below each patient for your differential diagnosis, and then upload the assignment. Below is an example.

Patient X: 7-year-old Hispanic male with a cough and temperature of 99.9F

Differential Dx:

Allergic rhinitis




Patient 1: 28-year-old woman with opioid use disorder; uses IV heroin; has PTSD; no other medical problems or medications. She currently is single, lives with several roommates, and has a history of legal problems (with some jail time). Sexually active with men and women; inconsistent use of protection.

Patient 2: 70-year-old man with a history of CHF, COPD, and HTN; currently smokes one pack of cigarettes daily; takes Lisinopril, Digoxin, and Symbicort daily. Married to wife of 30 years and is retired (previously an accountant), is supported by adult children, and lives with his wife at home.

Patient 3: 40-year-old woman with a history of breast cancer that was successfully treated with Tamoxifen for several months. Otherwise healthy, with no other issues at this time. She is a successful businesswoman in a high-profile career with much stress. Married to wife of four years; relationship is rocky at times. Denies any substance use; travels frequently.

Symptoms are the same for all 3 patients:

Shortness of breath

Chest pain

Flank pain



NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 9 Assignment

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Case Study

Choose one of the following topics:

Genital Herpes







This entry should be a 500-750 word description of the topic. The assignment should present a description of the topic with a purpose statement. Review the pathophysiology of the disorder, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment plan per current guidelines. Review Healthy People 2020 and standard preventative guidelines regarding screening for STDs and research the possibility of drug-resistant strains within your state/region.

NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 10 Assignment

Differential Case Study

For this assignment, you will choose one of the following four patient scenarios. Using your knowledge of pathophysiology and research, you will need to present a differential of three disorders that could account for your patient’s symptoms. This will be uploaded for the whole group.

Patient 1: 35-year-old man with a history of anxiety,chronic marijuana use, and chronic back pain. No current medications or other history, but he has been consistently complaining of back pain since joining the Thursday night league volleyball team. Single, lives alone, and works at a fast food restaurant. Heterosexual and consistent use of protection (barrier).

Patient 2: 12-year-old male with no past medical history, developmentally normal, and has recently been bullied at school - although he hasn’t told anyone. Immunizations are up to date. Likes to play lacrosse and is normally very active, but over the summer he has put on 15 pounds. His mother has noticed that he is drinking a lot of water and is up and down all night going to the bathroom. One younger sister with no issues. Currently raised by mother; father not regularly involved in care.

Patient 3: 15-year-old female, never smoked or used any illicit substances; well supported by her sister and brother, but her parents “don’t understand” her. She lives just a few blocks from school and usually walks. She tells the counselor she just doesn’t feel herself and thinks that “God made a mistake.” The counselor notices that she seems especially thin and is concerned, but the student states that she is “just trying to get her breasts to go away.”

Patient 4: 18-year old male. He is the “life of the party” and has a consistent history of drinking every weekend. He loves to play basketball and is a point guard and team captain. His girlfriend is the head cheerleader. He hasn’t been going out as much as usual on the weekends, and pretty much goes to school, practice and games, then home and to bed. His younger brother is a freshman and they are both on the varsity team this year. He gave his younger brother his good-luck jersey for Friday night’s game. He seems nervous when he’s awake and his girlfriend is concerned because he’s talking to himself a lot. She also mentions that he had been really angry for the past couple of months and now he’s not happy or sad.

To complete your assignment:

Choose one patient scenario.

Offer three differential diagnoses for what might be troubling your patient.

Provide rationale with citations for each of your differential diagnoses.

What would be your first course of action for your patient?

What safety issues, if any, did you recognize for your patient?

Summarize the scenario and what you chose as your final diagnosis for your patient and why.

Make sure that you address psychosocial issues/concerns/contributors, along with content related to substance abuse, should this be appropriate.

This assignment should take no more than 1–2 pages, not including your title and reference pages.

NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 11 Assignment

Diabetes Case Study

Choose one of the following case studies from Chapter 16 for your entry:

Case Study A: Diabetes Mellitus Type I

Case Study B: Diabetes Mellitus Type II

Review the case study and answer all the questions posed in the study. Your introductory paragraph should provide a summary of the case and the purpose statement. Remember to provide a citation for each answer. Also note, the case studies do not directly address nutrition and dietary restrictions in DM; however, make sure that you address not only dietary restrictions, but also how diet plays an active role in both the development of the disease and treatment success.

Reflect on your experience with a patient who had Diabetes Mellitus Type I or II. Discuss your knowledge of physiology compared to pathophysiology relating to this disorder and how equipped you felt to care for this patient. After this week’s study, what piece of advice or pearl of information have you learned?

Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded. Remember that despite answering questions relating to only one type of Diabetes Mellitus, students must have a strong understanding of both types of DM as well as a working knowledge of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.


NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 12 Assignment

Brain Disorder Webinar Reflection Paper

Considering the significant number of neurological disorders and what you have learned this week, take time to reflect upon the content and your experiences. Please watch an Educational Webinar related to Brain Dysfunction and submit a journal entry. There are many brain dysfunctions and a lot to learn. Is there something you are curious about? Is there a personal experience you would like to understand better? Or, just Google it - no matter how you get there, the goal is to leave the experience knowing more than when you started.

Provide a synopsis of the webinar and a brief description of the pathophysiology of the disorder, as well as what you gleaned from the webinar. Reflect upon this experience, consider what you learned, and how this could affect your practice as an APRN.

The paper submission should be 500-750 words in length and in APA format.





NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 13 Assignment

Traumatic Brain Concern Case Study

Watch the following 3 videos and then read the Game Changer Case Study. Answer all the questions posed in the case study and make sure that you are considering your answers from the view of physiology and pathophysiology.

Sports Concussions and Youth Athletes - Full Video (05:48)

Sports Concussions and Youth Athletes Video Transcript

Trickle-Down Safety: Sports Concussions - Full Video (08:33)

Trickle-Down Safety: Sports Concussions Video Transcript

The Hidden Epidemic: Post-Concussion Syndrome - Full Video (39:45)

The Hidden Epidemic: Post-Concussion Syndrome Video Transcript

The Game Changer: Keeping Your Head in Contact Sports – By Patrick R. Field and Kelsey L. Logan

“The Game Changer is an interrupted case study that traces the football career of Anthony ‘Tony Tonka Truck’ Williams and the types of brain trauma that he suffers from playing football, from junior league level through high school, college, and his draft into the pros” (Field & Logan, 2018).

As sports-related concussions and head injuries have become more prevalent and more of a mainstream topic, as a provider you should expect to see these patients in your office. The Hidden Epidemic video looks at head injuries and how these relate to the mental health of young people in our country.

This assignment asks you to summarize each part of the case and to respond to all questions posed. Incorporate topics covered in Weeks 12 and 13 that focused on neurological health, pain, and psychological dysfunction. When responding to the questions in the case study, consider the information included about Anthony’s mental health and keep in mind any plausible/possible DSM-5 diagnosis.


NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 14 Assignment

Musculoskeletal Case Study

As you have learned about musculoskeletal disorders this week, please consider the following patient presentation:

Mrs. Johnson is a 73 y.o. female who presents to your office with right shoulder pain. Her and her husband just moved to the area a few months ago, and you have only seen her once for a sinus infection. Today she states that she is having increasing right shoulder pain over the past couple of weeks. She explains that her shoulders have “always bothered” her because she worked in a factory moving boxes for years. She states that she uses naproxen, “prescription strength” and that usually does the trick when her arthritis flares up, but she is out and would like a refill.

On exam, you note that her right shoulder is tender to palpate, and she has limited motion. She smells of BenGay but otherwise, she seems healthy. The area is edematous and when asked she does agree that her arm seems swollen. She denies any falls but remembers that she lost her balance and fell backward into her recliner a few days ago “kind of hard” but she caught herself when she grabbed for the coffee table. Otherwise, she does not recall any injuries. You decide to send Mrs. Johnson for an x-ray and she is in the waiting room until you get the results back.

The following radiograph is what is sent to you via teleradiology.

image of a shoulder x-ray with a red arrow pointing to a dark line near the top of the humerus

(Wikipedia, 2018)

For your assignment, respond to the following:

What is in your differential diagnosis (top 3 minimum) as you think through this case?

What would you order, if anything?

What else would you like to ask Mrs. Johnson relating to how she may have been injured?

There are at least two areas of concern on this x-ray—one is a pathological fx of her humerus. Research pathological fractures; review the physiology of the musculoskeletal system and compare and contrast this knowledge with this pathophysiological condition.

After focusing on the pathophysiology of the fractured bone, discuss what other disorder you suspect from a review of the x-ray.

What would be your primary choice for an underlying diagnosis for Mrs. Johnson, and why?

What past pertinent information related to a pathological fracture and your second suspected diagnosis would you like to ask Mrs. Johnson?

Are there any additional tests, radiological studies, etc. that you would order for Mrs. Johnson?

Will you refer this patient, and if so, to whom?


NU606 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 8 Journal Entry

 Food Addiction

Food addiction is a somewhat controversial term. When considering that obesity is a significant issue in any field of practice, the Advanced Practice Nurse must be aware of current research and treatment discussions. Watch the video in Week 8: Learning Materials from Dr. Mark Gold, who is a world-renowned expert on addiction-related diseases, and Ashley Gearhardt, PhD., a food addiction expert. Read the article in Week 8: Learning Materials that discusses Food Addiction in general and then locate a second article that deals with your population specific program, i.e. family, pediatrics, women, psychiatric, geriatric, acute care, etc.


In your one-two page journal submission, discuss the concept of Food Addiction and possible scenarios or patients that you are likely to encounter in your practice as an APRN.

Finally, discuss your personal thoughts on food addiction – is this real or junk science? Why or why not? How do you intend to address obesity in your own practice?

The paper submission should be 500-750 words in length and in APA format.

Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded.

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Regis NU606 Full Course Latest 2020 May

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