REGIS NU650 All Quizzes Latest 2021 January (100% Graded)

Question # 00624089
Course Code : NU650
Subject: Health Care
Due on: 05/11/2021
Posted On: 05/11/2021 02:32 PM
Tutorials: 1
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Week 1 Quiz

Question 1A patient is seen in the office for amenorrhea, for which you obtain a urine pregnancy test in the office that returned negative. You would document this finding which of the following sections of the encounter note?

a.History of Present Illness

 b.Chief Complaint

c.Subjective Data

 d.Objective Data

Question 2A patient you are seeing for the first time in your office, brings their previous medical records for your review. You would document a summary of the previous medical records in which of the following sections of the encounter note?

a.History of Present Illness

b.Chief Complaint

 c.Subjective Data

 d.Objective Data

Question 3The most effective process to elicit the Review of Systems is for the NP to:

 a.Limit the ROS to systems related to the chief complaint

 b.Follow the patient’s lead regarding the order of symptoms

 c.Incorporate the ROS during the physical exam, stopping to make notes as necessary

 d.Start with general questions on each of the different body systems

Question 4The NP can determine higher cognitive function by asking the patient to perform which of the following tasks?

 a.Explain the meaning of a proverb

 b.Identify the day of the week, month, season, date, and year

 c.Recall details of historical events

 d.Correctly draw a clock showing the time as 2 p.m.

Question 5The NP will ask the patient which of the following questions to assess for depression?

 a.“Have you ever been annoyed by others criticizing your alcohol use?”

 b.“Over the past two weeks, have you felt little interest or pleasure in doing things?”

c.“Over the past two weeks, have you been unable to stop or control worrying?”

 d.“How often do you have contact with those that you care about or care about you?”

Week 4 Quiz 1

Question 1Match the primary skin lesion to the description






Question 2A linear arrangement along a nerve distribution is a description of which type of skin lesion?



Correct: This type of lesion follows a dermatome innervated by nerve distributions



Question 3A wood’s lamp is especially useful in diagnosing ________.

 a.tine versicolor

 b.herpes zoster dermatitis

 d.all of the above

Question 4Which of the following questions will help the NP determine if the rash is associated with an immediate life-threatening condition?

 a.How long have you had this rash?

b.Does the rash involve mucous membranes?

 c.Have you had a rash like this before?

 d.Has the rash changed? If so, how?

Question 5The NP has identifies a solid, elevated, circumscribed lesion that is less than 1 cm in diameter and palpable into the dermis. The NP will correctly document this finding as a ________.






Week 4 Quiz 2

Question 1Which of the following represents the proper position for the NP to assess the patient’s abdomen?

 a.Stand at the patient’s left side and proceed in a systematic fashion.

 b.Stand at the patient’s left side and assess any problem areas first

 c.Stand at the patient’s right side and proceed in a systematic fashion

d.Stand at the patient’s right side and assess any problem areas first

Question 2The NP will demonstrate the correct order of examination for the abdomen by using examination techniques as follows:

1.            Auscultation

2.            Inspection

3.            Palpation

4.            Percussion





Question 3A 36-year-old female patient is seen in the clinic for a reported fever and back pain. She complained of pain when the NP percussed over the left costovertebral angle. This finding supports which of the following differential diagnoses?


 b.Left lower lobe pneumonia



Question 4The liver border can be palpated normally below the costal margin at the:

 a.Left mid-clavicular line

 b.Right mid-axillary line

 c.Right mid-clavicular line

 d.Left mid-axillary line

Question 5The NP will recognize which of the following subjective or objective findings as worrisome for an abdominal aortic aneurysm?

 a.Aortic width of 2.8 cm

 b.25-pack year smoking history

c.Age of 60

 d.Female gender


Week 6 Quiz

Question 1A 40-year-old male patient presents with sinus pain, pressure, and yellow nasal discharge. Your examination would include palpation of:

 a.Ethmoid and frontal sinuses

 b.Maxillary and sphenoid sinuses

 c.Frontal and maxillary sinuses

d.Sphenoid and ethmoid sinuses

Question 2A 60-year-old presents with a three-day history of left eye irritation. Which of the following findings should be recorded in the subjective review of systems?

 a.Patient denies eye pain or change in vision

b.Vision is 20/20 by Snellen chart

 c.Yellow crust is visible at the inner canthus of the left eye

 d.All of the above

Question 3During a physical examination of the throat, which of the following structures of the mouth/throat should rise when the patient says “Ahh”?

 a.Hard Palate

 b.Soft Palate

 c.Lingual Frenulum

 d.Buccal Mucosa

Question 4The NP will correctly perform the Weber test by

a. Placing a lightly vibrating tuning fork on the mastoid bone and asking the patient if he can hear the vibration.

b. Placing a lightly vibrating tuning fork on the top of the patient’s head and asking the patient where he hears the sound.

 c. Standing two feet behind the patient, occluding the nontest ear and whispering a combination of three numbers.

d. Holding the tuning fork close to the ear canal and asking the patient if he can hear the sound.

Question 5On examination of the posterior pharynx, you are able to visualize the tonsils bilaterally extending just past the anterior and posterior pillars. According to the Friedman Scale how would you document this finding in your note?

 a.Tonsils noted to be normal

b.Tonsils visualized grade 3

 c.Tonsils visualized grade 1

 d.Tonsils visualized grade 2


Week 8 Quiz 1

Question 1The NP will include which of the following questions in the review of systems to determine if the patient is experiencing dyspnea?

 a.Have you noticed any wheezing at night?

b.Have you experienced a pins and needles sensation in your extremities?

 c.Have you developed a cough?

 d.How many stairs can you climb before pausing to catch your breath?

Question 2An 85-year-old woman is brought to the urgent care center for possible aspiration pneumonia. The NP understands that, based on normal anatomy, adventitious lungs sounds will most likely be heard in which of the following areas?

 a.Left upper lobe

 b.Left middle and lower lobes

c.Right upper lobe

 d.Right middle and lower lobes

Question 3 Barrel chest is an abnormal chest configuration that may occur in which of the following disorders?





Question 4Bronchovesicular sounds are heard normally at which location?

 a.Second intercostal spaces anteriorly bilaterally

b.Base of the lungs bilaterally, posteriorly

 c.Laterally at the mid axillary line bilaterally

 d.Bilaterally at the mid-clavicular line, 5th intercostal space

Question 5Normally, when the lung fields are percussed the resulting sound is described as ________.






Week 8 Quiz 2

Question 1Match the anatomic landmarks to the cardiac auscultatory area.


Erb's Point          




Question 2In your assessment of a normal adult, where would you expect to palpate the apical impulse?

 a.Third left intercostal space at the sternal border.

 b.Fourth left intercostal space at the sternal border.

 c.Fourth left intercostal space at the anterior axillary line.

d.Fifth left intercostal space at the midclavicular line.

Question 3The NP will ask the patient to assume which position to assess for mitral stenosis?

 a.Left lateral decubitus

 b.Supine, with the head elevated 30 degrees

c.Sitting, learning forward after full exhalation

 d.Supine with the head of the bed elevated 15 degrees and the patient’s head turned to the left

Question 4The NP will ask the patient to assume which position to assess the patient for aortic regurgitation?

 a.Left lateral decubitus

 b.Supine, with the head elevated 30 degrees

 c.Sitting, leaning forward after full exhalation

 d.Supine with the head of the bed elevated 15 degrees and the patient’s head turned to the left

Question 5The NP will document assessment of the radial pulse as normal by noting the following grade:





Week 10 Quiz

Question 1Match the anatomical structure to the correct description




Question 2A 16-year-old male patient presents for an acute contusion to his left lower extremity sustained while playing soccer. The NP will anticipate the following signs of inflammation to be present:




 d.All of the above

Question 3An 80-year-old female is seen for evaluation of a possible joint replacement. The NP performs a complete musculoskeletal examination.

The NP asks the patient to move her right arm out to the side and away from her body. If performed correctly, the NP will document the patient was able to demonstrate which of the following movements?





Question 4An 80-year-old female is seen for evaluation of a possible joint replacement. The NP performs a complete musculoskeletal examination.

The NP asks the patient to move her head forward to touch her chin to her chest to check her range of motion. The movement she is performing is described as:



 c.Lateral bending


Question 5An 80-year-old female is seen for evaluation of a possible joint replacement. The NP performs a complete musculoskeletal examination.

The NP asks the patient to point her foot downward towards the floor. The NP will note the patients ability for:




 d.Plantar flexion


Week 12 Quiz 1

Question 1Match the following cranial nerves with the activities used to test them.

CN II     



CN XI    


Question 2Match the positive response with the assessed tendon reflex.

Biceps Reflex      

Brachioradialis Reflex    

Achilles Reflex    

Triceps Reflex     

Quadriceps/Patellar Reflex           

Question 3A newborn is in the office for her one-week check. You are examining her mouth with a gloved finger. You touch her cheek lightly and notice her head turn to the side of touch. You recognize this as the:

 a.Sucking reflex

b.Moro reflex

 c.Babinski reflex

 d.Rooting reflex

Question 4A patient reports problems with balance. On physical examination, you notice an unsteady gait. This most likely represents a disturbance in:

 a.Cerebellum function

b.Frontal lobe function

 c.Cranial nerve XI

 d.Temporal lobe function

Question 5The NP demonstrates and had the patient demonstrate rapid alternating movements to assess:






Week 12 Quiz 2

Question 1Match the term with the correct definition.





Question 2During the genital exam of a newborn male infant, the NP recognizes which of the following findings as normal?

 a.Nonretractable or only minimally retractable foreskin

 b.Downward bowing of the penis

 c.Nonpalpable testes in the scrotum or inguinal canal

 d.Palpated hydrocele in the right testes

Question 3Menopause is defined as:

 a.Less than three menstrual cycles in a 12-month period

 b.Two or fewer menstrual cycles in a 12-month period

 c.Absence of menses for six consecutive months

d.Absence of menses for 12 consecutive months

Question 4The cone shaped breast tissue that projects up into the axilla is known as:

 a.Coopers ligament

 b.Tail of Spence

c.Central Axillary Nodes

 d.Montgomery Space

Question 5The NP is performing a sports physical on an adolescent male and notes coarse and curly pubic hair spread sparsely over the pubic symphysis. This will be documented as Tanner Stage:





Week 15 Final Exam

Question 1When you are assessing the internal structures of the eye, absence of a red reflex may indicate:

 a.Cataract or hemorrhage into the vitreous humor

 b.Acute iritis

 c.A normal finding in older adults

d.Diabetes or long-standing hypertension

Question 2Which of the following is the correct statement regarding the size of the arterioles and veins in the fundi of the eye?

 a.The veins and the arterioles are equal in size

Incorrect: Veins will be visibly larger than the arterioles when performing a fundoscopic exam.

 b.The arterioles are larger than the veins

 c.The arterioles are half the size of the veins

 d.The veins are larger than the arterioles

Question 3A patient is diagnosed with conductive hearing loss in the left ear. Which of the following is the expected results on this patient when performing the Rinne test?



 c.Lateralization to the bad ear

 d.Lateralization to the good ear

Question 4When the NP places a vibrating tuning fork in the midline of a patient’s skull and asks if the tone sounds the same in both ears or is better is one, the examiner is performing:

 a.The Rinne test

 b.The Weber test

c.the Proprioception test

 d.a hearing acuity test

Question 5In a young child, unilateral purulent rhinitis is most often caused by:

 a.Bacterial infection

b.Allergic rhinitis

 c.Viral infection

 d.Foreign body

Question 6A patient presents with pain and pressure over her cheeks and purulent nasal discharge. The NP cannot transilluminate the sinuses and will suspect that which common sinus may be affected?

 a.Maxillary sinus

b.Ethmoid sinus

 c.Temporal sinus

 d.Frontal sinus

Question 7The NP suspects chronic allergy when he notes the following appearance of the patient’s nasal mucosa:

 a.Swollen and red

b.Swollen, boggy, pale, and gray

 c.Hard, pale, and inflamed

 d.Bright pink and inflamed

Question 8The NP notes tenderness to palpation of the pre-auricular lymph nodes on examination. The appropriate action at this point is to:

 a.Perform a thorough examination of the ears

 b.Reexamine the nodes and carefully examine lymph nodes in other regions

c.Assess the patient’s hearing

 d.Assess the patient’s temperature

Question 9To assess the position of the trachea, the NP will:

 a.Use tangential lighting and inspect the neck area

 b.Position the patient in a supine position at 15 degrees

 c.Auscultate the carotid arteries with the bell of the stethoscope

 d.Palpate the space between the trachea and sternocleidomastoid muscle

Question 10The lymph  nodes located at the angle of the mandible are:

 a.Pre-auricular nodes

 b.Post-auricular nodes

 c.Tonsillar nodes

 d.Submandibular nodes

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REGIS NU650 All Quizzes Latest 2021 January (100% Graded)

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