NU650 Advanced Health Assessment
Week 3 Assignment
Written Health History
The purpose of this assignment is for you to obtain and document a comprehensive health history.
Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded.
To Complete Your Assignment:
Identify a patient in the clinical setting or friend, peer, or family member, that you can interview for a comprehensive health history as though they were a new patient to your office.
Conduct an interview and document the comprehensive health history and subjective review of systems.
Chapter 1 of the Bate’s Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking provides an example.
NU650 Advanced Health Assessment
Week 5 Assignment
Skin and Abdomen Video Assessment
Overview The objective of the video assignment is to demonstrate developing proficiency in physical assessment and documentation of normal subjective and objective findings for the focus system.
For this assignment, you will record one patient assessment video for:
Skin and Abdomen
Before you begin, consult the Physical Exam Checklist - Skin and Abdomen, to identify required components as well as the Video and Documentation of Normal Findings Rubric below to guide your approach to the assignment.
To Complete the Video Assignment:
Identify a friend or family member on which you can perform a physical assessment, as though they were a patient.
Review the appropriate assignment rubric for the focus system(s) for the assessment.
Practice your assessment before recording your submission video.
Prepare to record your assessment video.
At the beginning of the recording, both you and your patient MUST give verbal consent to record the exam for NU650. Please provide the course number and your verbal consent at the beginning of the recording.
For example, "My name is Jane Smith and this is Stephen Smith. I am recording a video assessment of the cardiac exam for NU650 Advanced Health Assessment. Stephen do you give consent for me to record this?"
Stephen's response should be yes, otherwise he should not be recorded.
If you are recording a minor, you must be the legal guardian for this minor and you will need to state your relationship with the patient and then you can ask the patient if they consent as well.
After your recording is complete, create an unlisted YouTube video. Copy and paste the hyperlink URL for the YouTube video into your submitted Word document. Faculty will access your video via the link. Do not upload a video file (mp4).
Document the subjective and objective findings for a normal assessment in SOAP format and submit in a Word document. Included the video URL in this document.
Submit your Word document and YouTube video URL to this assignment page.
Please label your Word document using this file naming convention. Your name, the system you assessed, and the assignment. For example: NancyNurse_SkinAbdomen_Video. You will use this naming convention for all video assessments completed during this course.
Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded.
NU650 Advanced Health Assessment
Week 7 Assignment
Head and Neck Video Assessment
The objective of the video assignment is to demonstrate developing proficiency in physical assessment and documentation of normal subjective and objective findings for the focus system.
For this assignment, you will record one patient assessment video for:
HEENT and Neck
Before you begin, consult the Physical Exam Checklist - HEENT and Neck, to identify required components as well as the Video and Documentation of Normal Findings Rubric below to guide your approach to the assignment.
To Complete the Video Assignment:
Identify a friend or family member on which you can perform a physical assessment, as though they were a patient.
Review the appropriate assignment rubric for the focus system(s) for the assessment.
Practice your assessment before recording your submission video.
Prepare to record your assessment video.
At the beginning of the recording, both you and your patient MUST give verbal consent to record the exam for NU650. Please provide the course number and your verbal consent at the beginning of the recording.
For example, "My name is Jane Smith and this is Stephen Smith. I am recording a video assessment of the cardiac exam for NU650 Advanced Health Assessment. Stephen do you give consent for me to record this?"
Stephen's response should be yes, otherwise he should not be recorded.
If you are recording a minor, you must be the legal guardian for this minor and you will need to state your relationship with the patient and then you can ask the patient if they consent as well.
After your recording is complete, create an unlisted YouTube video. Copy and paste the hyperlink URL for the YouTube video into your submitted Word document. Faculty will access your video via the link. Do not upload a video file (mp4).
Document the subjective and objective findings for a normal assessment in SOAP format and submit in a Word document. Included the video URL in this document.
Submit your Word document and YouTube video URL to this assignment page.
Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded.
NU650 Advanced Health Assessment
Week 9 Assignment
Thorax, Lungs, Cardiovascular and Peripheral Vascular Systems Video Assessment
The objective of the video assignment is to demonstrate developing proficiency in physical assessment and documentation of normal subjective and objective findings for the focus system.
For this assignment, you will record one patient assessment video for:
Thorax, Lungs, Cardiovascular and Peripheral Vascular SystemsHEENT and Neck
Before you begin, consult the Physical Exam Checklist - Thorax, Lungs, Cardiovascular and Peripheral Vascular Systems, to identify required components as well as the Video and Documentation of Normal Findings Rubric below to guide your approach to the assignment.
To Complete the Video Assignment:
Identify a friend or family member on which you can perform a physical assessment, as though they were a patient.
Review the appropriate assignment rubric for the focus system(s) for the assessment.
Practice your assessment before recording your submission video.
Prepare to record your assessment video.
At the beginning of the recording, both you and your patient MUST give verbal consent to record the exam for NU650. Please provide the course number and your verbal consent at the beginning of the recording.
For example, "My name is Jane Smith and this is Stephen Smith. I am recording a video assessment of the cardiac exam for NU650 Advanced Health Assessment. Stephen do you give consent for me to record this?"
Stephen's response should be yes, otherwise he should not be recorded.
If you are recording a minor, you must be the legal guardian for this minor and you will need to state your relationship with the patient and then you can ask the patient if they consent as well.
After your recording is complete, create an unlisted YouTube video. Copy and paste the hyperlink URL for the YouTube video into your submitted Word document. Faculty will access your video via the link. Do not upload a video file (mp4).
Document the subjective and objective findings for a normal assessment in SOAP format and submit in a Word document. Included the video URL in this document.
Submit your Word document and YouTube video URL to this assignment page.
Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded.
NU650 Advanced Health Assessment
Week 11 Assignment
Musculoskeletal Video Assessment
The objective of the video assignment is to demonstrate developing proficiency in physical assessment and documentation of normal subjective and objective findings for the focus system.
For this assignment, you will record one patient assessment video for:
Musculoskeletal System
Before you begin, consult the Physical Exam Checklist - Musculoskeletal, to identify required components as well as the Video and Documentation of Normal Findings Rubric below to guide your approach to the assignment.
To Complete the Video Assignment:
Identify a friend or family member on which you can perform a physical assessment, as though they were a patient.
Review the appropriate assignment rubric for the focus system(s) for the assessment.
Practice your assessment before recording your submission video.
Prepare to record your assessment video.
At the beginning of the recording, both you and your patient MUST give verbal consent to record the exam for NU650. Please provide the course number and your verbal consent at the beginning of the recording.
For example, "My name is Jane Smith and this is Stephen Smith. I am recording a video assessment of the cardiac exam for NU650 Advanced Health Assessment. Stephen do you give consent for me to record this?"
Stephen's response should be yes, otherwise he should not be recorded.
If you are recording a minor, you must be the legal guardian for this minor and you will need to state your relationship with the patient and then you can ask the patient if they consent as well.
After your recording is complete, create an unlisted YouTube video. Copy and paste the hyperlink URL for the YouTube video into your submitted Word document. Faculty will access your video via the link. Do not upload a video file (mp4).
Document the subjective and objective findings for a normal assessment in SOAP format and submit in a Word document. Included the video URL in this document.
Submit your Word document and YouTube video URL to this assignment page.
Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded.
NU650 Advanced Health Assessment
Week 13 Assignment
Neurological Video Assessment
The objective of the video assignment is to demonstrate developing proficiency in physical assessment and documentation of normal subjective and objective findings for the focus system.
For this assignment, you will record one patient assessment video for:
Neurological System
Before you begin, consult the Physical Exam Checklist - Neurological, to identify required components as well as the Video and Documentation of Normal Findings Rubric below to guide your approach to the assignment.
To Complete the Video Assignment:
Identify a friend or family member on which you can perform a physical assessment, as though they were a patient.
Review the appropriate assignment rubric for the focus system(s) for the assessment.
Practice your assessment before recording your submission video.
Prepare to record your assessment video.
At the beginning of the recording, both you and your patient MUST give verbal consent to record the exam for NU650. Please provide the course number and your verbal consent at the beginning of the recording.
For example, "My name is Jane Smith and this is Stephen Smith. I am recording a video assessment of the cardiac exam for NU650 Advanced Health Assessment. Stephen do you give consent for me to record this?"
Stephen's response should be yes, otherwise he should not be recorded.
If you are recording a minor, you must be the legal guardian for this minor and you will need to state your relationship with the patient and then you can ask the patient if they consent as well.
After your recording is complete, create an unlisted YouTube video. Copy and paste the hyperlink URL for the YouTube video into your submitted Word document. Faculty will access your video via the link. Do not upload a video file (mp4).
Document the subjective and objective findings for a normal assessment in SOAP format and submit in a Word document. Included the video URL in this document.
Submit your Word document and YouTube video URL to this assignment page.
Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded.
NU650 Advanced Health Assessment
Week 15 Assignment
Final Patient Video Assessment
The objective of this component of the final exam it to demonstrate proficiency in conducting a comprehensive head-to-toe assessment, (excluding breast and male and female genitalia).
Before you begin, consult the Final Video Assessment Checklist (HTML), as this criteria should guide your approach to the physical exam.
Students must earn a minimum score of 80% on the clinical components of the final exam (comprehensive video and SOAP note) to meet the NU650 course objectives.
If the student earns less than 80% on either component and had a course grade
80% or higher prior to the final exam, the student has one opportunity for resubmission and review to earn a maximum score of 80%.
less than 80% prior to the final exam, the student will not have an opportunity for resubmission and will receive a failing grade for the course.
To Complete Your Assignment:
Identify a friend or family member on which you can perform a physical assessment, as though they were a patient.
Review the Final Video Assignment Rubric to understand the expectations.
Practice before recording your submission video.
Prepare yourself, patient, environment, and equipment as directed.
At the start of the video, prior to beginning the exam, film a panoramic view of your exam area and work space. Notes, checklists, and video or other prompts may not be used and should not be in the area.
Prepare to record your assessment video. The submitted video must be one continuous video. Cut/pasted, or edited videos will not be accepted.
At the beginning of the recording, both you and your patient MUST give verbal consent to record the exam for NU650. Please provide the course number and your verbal consent at the beginning of the recording.
For example, "My name is Jane Smith and this is Stephen Smith. I am recording a comprehensive physical assessment for NU650 Advanced Health Assessment. Stephen do you give consent for me to record this?"
Stephen's response should be yes, otherwise he should not be recorded.
If you are recording a minor, you must be the legal guardian for this minor and you will need to state your relationship with the patient and then you can ask the patient if they consent as well.
After your recording is complete, follow these instructions to create an unlisted YouTube video. You will need the YouTube video URL for this assignment. Submit your YouTube video URL. The best way to do this is to copy and paste the hyperlink URL for the YouTube video into a Word document. Your faculty will access your video via the link. Do not upload a video file (mp4).
Submit your YouTube video URL to this assignment page.
The best way to do this is to copy and paste the hyperlink URL for the YouTube video into a Word document.
Your faculty will access your video via the link.
Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded.