Module 1 - Case
Assignment Overview
STOP!!! Review the text and diagram on the Module Overview
page and the introductory Anatomy and Physiology tutorial before proceeding
with this assignment!
Note: If you have trouble viewing some of the course
materials, install Quicktime and the Adobe Shockwave Player, both of which can
be downloaded free from the Internet. Google Chrome browser does NOT work for
the Pearson links; please use Mozilla Firefox in this case.
Case Assignment
Now study the upcoming hyperlink showing how the body
responds to stressful stimuli. Notice that short-term stress follows one
signaling pathway that begins in the brain, travels out the spinal cord, and
directly to the adrenal glands. Many organs of the body will receive direct
stress response messages using this pathway as well. When the adrenal glands
receive the signal from this pathway, they release a stress hormone that
signals many systems in the body to prepare to either run away from the
stressor (such as a predator or an oncoming vehicle, for example), or fight.
The part of the nervous system that activates this response to acute stress is
called the sympathetic nervous system. After the stressful stimulus has passed,
the parasympathetic (nicknamed the “rest and digest” response) calms the
nervous system and restores the normal function of the body systems,
maintaining homeostasis.
The Sympathetic vs. Parasympathetic Nervous Systems
These two divisions of the nervous system counteract each
other to allow the body to receive the resources it needs to respond to a
life-threatening situation (more glucose to the brain to enhance thinking
ability, more oxygen and sugars to the muscles to run, etc.), and then return
to a relaxed state. As you saw in the diagram, the sympathetic response begins
when a stressful situation is detected by your sensory nerves, which make up
the peripheral nervous system, or PNS. The sensory nerve endings can deliver
this message directly to the brain through cranial nerves, which gather the
information we need to give us the senses of smell, sight, hearing, and taste.
Stress stimuli can also be detected by peripheral nerve endings throughout the
body and delivered to the brain via the spinal cord. The brain and the spinal
cord make up the central nervous system, or CNS.
View this upcoming hyperlink to review the anatomy of the
sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.
Notice that the “rest and digest” (parasympathetic) message
is delivered through cranial nerves that originate in the brain stem, and
sacral nerves that originate in the sacrum at the end of the spinal cord. The
“fight or flight” (sympathetic) response originates from the spinal cord. These
nerve impulses are delivered by the CNS to the effector organs responsible for
reacting to the situation by either stimulating the organ to take action, or
calming (inhibiting) the organ to return to homeostasis. In this situation, the
nervous system sends a signal to the endocrine system to handle acute, or
short-term stress.
When the body is faced with long-term, or chronic stress,
the endocrine system predominantly responds by releasing hormones such as
cortisol. You will learn more about cortisol in the next module.
Read Understanding the Stress Response in Harvard Health
Publications, published by the Harvard Medical School.
From your reading, address the following questions for your
case assignment in the form of an essay. Be sure to use complete sentences for
each question and APA formatting. Include any citations used to support your
research. For additional expectations, including how to organize your
assignment, see the “Assignment Expectations” below.
Define acute and chronic stress. Provide examples.
What region of the brain detects stress and interprets the
stimulus as dangerous? What is its function, and where does it relay the signal
that conveys the danger? What format is the signal in?
What is a hormone? What hormones are involved in the stress
response? When are hormones released in the stress response?
What is the HPA and what role does it play in the stress
What recommendations are given to counter stress?
Assignment Expectations
Organize this assignment using subtitles that summarize each
question above. For example, to answer Question 1, use the subtitle: Acute
versus Chronic Stress. Answer each question under the subtitle using complete
sentences that relate back to the question. Use APA formatting to cite any
sources used within the text of your essay. Also, be sure to include a
reference section at the end of your assignment that lists the sources that you
were required to read and any additional resources you used to research your
Module 1 - SLP
Note: If you have trouble viewing some of the course
materials, install Quicktime and the Adobe Shockwave Player, both of which can
be downloaded free from the Internet. Google Chrome browser does NOT work for
the Pearson links; please use Mozilla Firefox in this case.
As you work through this SLP assignment, you will learn more
about the flexibility, or plasticity, of the brain. You have learned about how
the spinal nerves can deliver messages directly to effector organs from the CNS
through peripheral nerves that branch off of the spinal cord. These nerves are
collections of neurons bundled in connective tissue. Neurons also communicate
with each other within the CNS and establish circuits and neuronal pathways.
First take some time to work through the video and image
below about how neurons communicate:
Neurons communicate with each other
Synapses and neurotransmitters
Throughout life, the connections between neurons in the
brain develop and change according to the genetic foundations that the
individual inherits from the parents, and the environmental influences to which
the individual must respond. For example, the abundance of one type of neuron
over another, and the neurotransmitter that each produces can be predetermined
by the DNA an individual inherits. However, an individual who is exposed to
chronic stress during developmental years may reinforce some response pathways
more than individuals who do not experience the same patterns of stress. These
points are summarized and explained further in the article “Stress Management”
provided by the Mayo Clinic. Read this brief article before continuing to the
requirements for this SLP.
Continue your reading on how the brain handles stress and
the idea of plasticity at, a public information initiative of
the Society for Neuroscience, The Kavli Foundation, and Gatsby. Read the
article, “How does the brain handle long-term stress?” and follow the link to
the article, “Effects of Stress on the Developing Brain” which can be found in
the right-hand column of links provided on the original webpage.
Complete the self-assessment below on stress, then address
the following questions in paragraph format to complete the SLP assignment for
Module 1:
SLP Assignment:
Complete the self-assessment below by evaluating your levels
of stress. You will be selecting your stress level (1,2,3, 4 or 5 for each row)
for each of four separate categories, then charting your results using an
interactive software link (or you may use excel or any graphing software of
your choice). You can use the excel link to chart your results (you must
manually enter your scores, they are not automatically calculated). Then answer
the questions following the self-assessment under the category “SLP Questions”
to complete the assignment.
Module 1 SLP self-assessement worksheet UPDATED.xlsx
Rank your level of stress using the Self-Assessment Excel
link above. Mark each statement from 1 (never applies to you) to 5 (always
applies to you), according to how accurate each statement is in describing your
current lifestyle. Note the total point values for each category as you will be
graphing these later.
Once you have completed the self-assessment, note your total
scores for each of the four categories (not the total, you will be graphing
each category separately). Compile these scores from the stress assessment into
a bar graph. One online tool for creating graphs can be found at the National
Center for Education Statistics’ Create a Graph Web site:
Use the tabs on the right of the interactive graph area to
select your design, enter your data, give your graph a title and label your
axis’. Finally, download your graph as a jpeg or png file to insert into your
assignment. Answer the questions below to complete the assignment.
Here is an example of what a bar graph might look like:
SLP Questions:
Answer the following questions using complete sentences
Which category (or categories) of stress were most relevant
to you according to your graphed results? Remember to insert your graph into
your assignment.
Watch the following video on “How Stress Affects Your
Brain.” Learn how chronic stress can affect brain size, structure, and
function, right down to the level of your genes. Do you think cognitive stress
has the most influence (or impact) on the other categories (physical,
behavioral, and emotional)? Why or why not?
Murgia, M. (n.d.). Ted Talks. How stress affects your brain
[video file]. Retrieved February 11, 2017, from
According to the articles you read at, how is
the brain affected differently by short-term stress versus long-term stress?
Which neurotransmitter(s) plays a significant role in the
brain’s ability to handle stress?
Do a little independent research on the hippocampus. Where
is it located in the brain? Briefly describe its function and neurogenesis.
Are there other regions of the brain significantly impacted
by stress; if so, how?
After reading the article “Effects of Stress on the
Developing Brain,” (from, explain the implications of chronic
stress on the developing brain and the rest of the body, as reported by the
authors. What examples of chronic stressors are included?
What components of parental care are described as being
important determinants of brain development in this article? What genetic
influences are described as relevant to the ability to handle stressful
SLP Assignment Expectations
Organize this assignment as an essay using subtitles related
to the content for each question. Answer each question under the subtitle using
complete sentences that relate back to the question. Use APA formatting to cite
any sources used within the text of your essay. Be sure to include a references
section at the end of your assignment that lists the sources that you were
required to read and any additional resources you used to research your
Module 2 - Case
Assignment Overview
Note: If you have trouble viewing some of the course
materials, install Quicktime and the Adobe Shockwave Player, both of which can
be downloaded free from the Internet.
AND VIEWED ALL LINKS AND TUTORIALS! You will need this information to complete
this Case Assignment.
Cortisol is an important hormone that is released in the
stress response. In this module assignment, we will look at this hormone more
closely to investigate:
The molecular composition of cortisol
The signaling pathway that elicits the production and
release of cortisol
The cellular-, organ-, and organ system-level response that
results from this cell signal
Case Assignment
Read the following articles:
The Mind-Body Interaction in Disease. Sternberg, E. &
Gold, P., 2002. Scientific American. p.
The Relationship between Traumatic Stress, PTSD and
Cortisol. Delaney, E. Naval Center for Combat & Operational Stress Control.
After reading these articles, develop a 10– to 15-slide
presentation in the following format.
The following links are helpful guides on using PowerPoint.
PowerPoint 101: Everything You Need to Make a Basic
Presentation (this resource is great for both Mac and PC users):
The Microsoft Office link below has several tutorials on
PowerPoint from how to get started to additional techniques for advanced users:
PowerPoint Links
Slides 1 and 2: Include a title slide with your name, course
number (ANT100) and date. Illustrate the cascade of hormonal signals described
in this video link. You will be illustrating the HPA axis of feedback among the
hypothalamus, pituitary gland, kidney, and adrenal glands. You may include
images of organs from the web and use arrows, simple ovals or circles and text
boxes to help illustrate the stress response (it does not have to be artistic,
just an accurate description of the organs and hormones involved). Use simple
images to depict the organs that release these hormones in the cascade that
results in the release of cortisol. Label the hormones and organs involved
using circles, ovals, or textboxes. Give your slide a title such as
“Neurochemistry of Stress”. Briefly describe the feedback mechanism occurring
in your diagram.
Slides 3 and 4: Find images of a kidney and adrenal gland
from the web. You may reuse the same ones from the previous slides if the
appropriate areas are shown. Label and diagram areas of the kidney and adrenal
gland using arrows, circles, and/or text boxes, including the following
Adrenal gland: cortex and medulla; regions associated with
hormone production and release; label the hormones released in each region
Kidney: cortex and medulla; region of water absorption and
filtering; region of urine collection
Briefly describe the function of the hormones released by
the adrenal gland. Be sure to give your slides titles such as “Adrenal Gland
and its Hormones” or “Kidney Structure and Function”.
Slide 5: Diagram and label the HPA axis. One of your images
should include a view of the hippocampus of the brain. Include the hormones
released by each component and their effect on the target organ(s). Give your
slide a descriptive title.
Slide 6: Using your diagram from Slide 5, include the
location of the hippocampus and the negative feedback loop that occurs when the
hippocampus detects high cortisol levels. In your description, summarize the
effects associated with elevated cortisol exposure to the hippocampus. Give
your slide a descriptive title.
Slide 7: Using bulleted points, list factors that exacerbate
the stress response through activation of the HPA axis. Give your slide a
descriptive title.
Slide 8–10: Do some additional research on post-traumatic
stress syndrome (PTSD). Find an image of the brain and label the regions
believed to be involved with symptoms of PTSD. In a separate slide, explain the
relationship between PTSD and depression discussing the relevant regions of the
brain you labeled in your image. Give your slide a descriptive title.
Slides 11–13: In bulleted points, summarize the varied
findings in the studies described in the article, “The Relationship between
Traumatic Stress, PTSD and Cortisol.” In your summary, include the
relationships found between cortisol levels and individuals with PTSD. In your
summary, include some explanations from the article for the variability in
cortisol levels in these individuals. Give your slide a descriptive title.
Slides 14 and 15: Include a references-cited slide and any
additional notes if necessary. Title your slide “References”.
Assignment Expectations
For this Case Assignment, you will develop a PowerPoint
presentation that is approximately 15 slides in length and addresses the
requirements outlined above. Place the text containing the answers to the
questions above in the slide area, or you may use the notes section of your
slide presentation as well if needed. Do a Google search that includes the term
“image” to find diagrams of the required organs and systems (e.g., search for
“adrenal gland image”). Find simple images that allow you to do your own
labeling, but that do not complete the assignment for you. Be sure your last
slide is a references slide that contains the full references cited on your
slides. Many resources are provided for you. Include these in your references
Module 2 - SLP
Note: If you have trouble viewing some of the course
materials, install Quicktime and the Adobe Shockwave Player, both of which can
be downloaded free online at
Continue your investigation of the effects of stress on
brain function and behavior. Read more about the hippocampus, amygdala, and
prefrontal cortex in these articles:
“How to Prevent Stress from Shrinking Your Brain” in
Psychology Today
“Stress Effects on Structure and Function of Hippocampus,”
by the Rockefeller University
Instructions: Answer the following questions in paragraph
format to write an essay about the findings reported by these articles:
Introduction Paragraph:
First, do some research on how the amygdala, hippocampus,
and prefrontal cortex communicate and result in normal behavioral response. You
will begin your reading on the amygdala by following the previous link. After
reading this section, click on the following link: several other structures in
the brain to read about the interactions between these three regions. Briefly
describe this pathway and the behavior that results from the interaction of
these regions, using 2-3 sentences. This will help you to introduce the content
that you will address in the sections below.
Body Paragraph 1
Summarize the effects of glucocorticoids on the hippocampus
and prefrontal cortex reported in the article How to Prevent Stress from
Shrinking Your Brain.
Body Paragraphs 2 and 3
What effect on hippocampal cells have stress hormones had in
recent studies described by Stress Effects on Structure and Function of
Hippocampus? What effect have they had on the amygdala in studies? What are the
implications of these effects? HINT: What are the functions of the regions and
how might they be affected by changes in their structure?
Body Paragraph 4
What is neurogenesis and where does it occur in the brain?
What effect on the regeneration of hippocampal cells is reported in the
previous article? What is the mechanism?
Conclusion Paragraph 1
Summarize the effects of cortisol on this pathway by describing
how PTSD can result from perpetuated cortisol release and how this can result
in depression by activating and/or reinforcing depression pathways.
Conclusion Paragraph 2
Describe the methods proposed to counteract the negative
effects of chronic stress in How to Prevent Stress from Shrinking Your Brain.
SLP Assignment Expectations
For this assignment, write an essay using the outline above.
You are provided with many scholarly references to complete this assignment.
Use APA formatting for your sources and include a References section that lists
these and any additional sources you used. For any additional research you are
required to do to complete your assignment, please use scholarly references
such as a peer-reviewed journal article or a government-sponsored or
university-sponsored website. As you read through your sources, take notes and
then write your paper in your own words, describing what you have learned from
your research. Direct quotes should be limited and must be designated by
quotation marks. Paraphrased ideas must give credit to the original author, for
example (Murray, 2014). Direct copying from “homework help” websites will not
receive credit.
Module 3 - Case
Assignment Overview
Note: If you have trouble viewing some of the course
materials, install Quicktime and the Adobe Shockwave Player, both of which can
be downloaded free from the Internet.
AND ALL LINKS THERE! You will need this information to continue with this
Now that you know about the immune response, re-read the
article The Mind-Body Interaction in Disease (from the case study in Module 2)
in more detail and focus specifically on the section related to the immune
system. Using this as a starting point, complete the requirements below using
paragraph format to address each topic:
Case Assignment
Note that the inflammatory response is mentioned in the
article. Infections from pathogens can also lead to inflammation. The hallmark
of the innate immune response is inflammation. Inflammation is any activity
that causes tissue damage such as getting a cut in your skin or stubbing a toe.
The adaptive immune response is more specific. The body is able to “learn” how
to respond to invaders during the adaptive response and reactive rapidly once
it encounters the same invader twice. Try the following tutorial on immune
defenses from the University of Arizona to gain a better understanding of how
these two types of immunities defend out body.
Inflammation has four key characteristics: heat, redness,
pain, and swelling. The release of damaged cellular contents into the site of
injury is enough to stimulate the response. The inflammatory reaction brings in
phagocytic cells (like macrophages) to the damaged area to clear away cellular
debris and prepare the site for repair. See the image below which summarizes
the inflammatory response:
Ketchum, H. & Bright, E. Barrier Defenses and the Innate
Immune Response by OpenStax. Accessed on August 9, 2016 at
Paragraph 1: PTSD and the Complement System
Now compare the findings mentioned in the Mind-Body
Interaction in Disease article by Sternberg and Gold to the findings in this
study on Stress and Anxiety. Address the following questions:
How did these articles discuss the role of B and T cells in
the immune response to stress?
What did each article (“The Physiology of Stress” from
Module 2 mentioned above and the “Stress and Anxiety” link) find about the
relationship between stress and inflammation?
Paragraph 2: Inflammatory
Response and the Brain
Finally, read The Consequences of the Inflamed Brain and
draw connections between the inflammatory response and brain function and
behavior. How are the central nervous system and the immune system
interconnected? How does the inflammatory response affect mood and behavior?
Which component of the nervous system reacts to an
infection? What are the implications for mood and behavior if the inflammatory
response is prolonged? What types of things might cause the inflammatory
response to become prolonged or exaggerated?
Paragraph 3: Conclusions
To complete this assignment, discuss the overall influence
of stress on the immune system and mental functioning (including potential
links to depression).
Assignment Expectations
You are provided with many scholarly references to complete
this assignment. Complete your assignment addressing the paragraph questions
above in essay format. Include a References section in APA format that lists
these and any additional sources you used. Use the paragraph headings above as
subtitles for each section you address in your paper. For any additional
research you are required to do to complete your assignment, please use
scholarly references such as a peer-reviewed journal article or a
government-sponsored or university-sponsored website. As you read through your
sources, take notes from them and then write your paper in your own words,
describing what you have learned from your research. Direct quotes should be
limited and must be designated by quotation marks. Paraphrased ideas must give
credit to the original author, for example (Murray, 2014). Direct copying from
“homework help” websites will not receive credit.
Module 3 - SLP
Note: If you have trouble viewing some of the course
materials, install Quicktime and the Adobe Shockwave Player, both of which can
be downloaded free from the Internet.
The readings you accomplished for Module 3’s Case Assignment
are quite new scientific theories that are currently being tested by scientists
who are trying to figure out why individuals suffer from many immune-related
issues such as fatigue, chronic pain, and even cancer. The scientific and
medical communities have collected a lot of evidence that stress (and even
inflammation) plays a very big role in these conditions. We still have a long
way to go and a lot of unanswered questions.
The Dartmouth study in Case 3 gave you an introduction to
the scientific method (watch the previous hyperlink for an overview of how the
scientific method is used to gather data and analyze results). The “gold
standard” of research design is often a “true experimental design” because it
uses control and experimental groups which produce data that is analyzed
statistically. Below you can read about another example of research design
called a case study. There are many ways to conduct a study depending on
budget, time, resources and the questions being asked. There are pros and cons
to each. You can review different types of research methods at the following
site: Note the differences in true
experimental designs versus case studies as you will contrast them later in this
assignment. After you view this linked animation about the scientific method,
read the following case study and complete the questions following this
Case Study
Derek is a 25-year-old male who recently moved back in with
his parents after his girlfriend was killed by a drunk driver 2 months ago. He
had been dating his girlfriend for the past 3.5 years. As she was walking
across a busy intersection to meet him for lunch, she was hit by a passing
vehicle. He still vividly remembers the horrifying scene as the drunk driver
ran the red light, plowing down his girlfriend right before his eyes. He ran to
the scene, embracing her crumpled body as she died in his arms in the middle of
the crosswalk. He keeps trying to erase the scene from his memory, but can’t
seem to stop reliving the entire incident as if it was happening all over.
Derek has been having nightmares about the accident almost
every night since the accident. He had to quit his job because his office was
located in the building right next to the little café where he was meeting his
girlfriend for lunch the day she died. The few times he attempted to return to
work were unbearable for him. He has since avoided that entire area of town.
Normally an outgoing, fun-loving guy, Derek has become increasingly
withdrawn and irritable since his girlfriend’s death. He’s stopped going to the
gym, playing his guitar, or going out with his friends – all activities he once
really enjoyed. His parents worry about how detached and emotionally flat he’s
Answer the following questions in essay format about Derek’s
Observation: What are some of the observations you can make
about Derek’s current state of health and well-being based on the information
you have?
Question: What question (or questions) would you formulate
about his condition to help you arrive at a diagnosis?
Hypothesis: What do you currently know about short- and
long-term stress and its effects on the body that can help you arrive at a
hypothesis about his condition? Incorporate your knowledge of stress and
inflammation to help you develop at least one hypothesis concerning his
Experiment: How could you collect data to help you answer
your questions above? Remember, you do not have a control in this scenario, so
you must evaluate the case based on Derek’s symptoms alone. Do a bit of
research on the technology available today that could help you evaluate his
condition. Examples of new technology include brain imaging, blood chemistry,
hormone level tests, CAT scans, MRIs, and DNA mapping.
Result: Now that you have some additional information,
briefly and in simple terms, describe how you would test any missing
information about Derek’s condition.
Conclusion: Do you have any conclusions regarding what
condition Derek may be suffering from? Review different types of research
methods at the following site:
Research and describe some of the strengths and weaknesses of the case study
design under “Descriptive Methods”. How would you contrast the case study
design with a true experimental design (found under the heading “Experimental
SLP Assignment Expectations
For this SLP assignment, answer all questions in an essay
format. Answer each question under the subtitle “Observation”, “Hypothesis”,
etc. using complete sentences that relate back to the question. Use APA
formatting to cite any sources used and be sure to include a reference section
at the end of your assignment that lists any resources you used to complete
your answers. Please use scholarly references such as a peer-reviewed journal
article or a government-sponsored or university-sponsored website. As you read,
take notes from your sources and then write your paper in your own words,
describing what you have learned from your research. Direct quotes should be
limited and must be designated by quotation marks. Paraphrased ideas must give
credit to the original author, for example (Murray, 2014). Direct copying from
“homework help” websites will not receive credit.
Module 4 - Case
Assignment Overview
Note: If you have trouble viewing some of the course
materials, install Quicktime and the Adobe Shockwave Player, both of which can
be downloaded free from the Internet.
Case Assignment
In this Case Assignment, you will address the following in a
2- to 3-page essay:
First view this tutorial on the case of Mr. Penzey and
record notes about his condition as you view his symptoms and test results:
Stress-Related Disorders
Go to Stress Related Disorders
Based on what you read and observed in the previous case
study, address the following questions in the body of your essay:
What were the main findings of Mr. Penzey’s physical exam?
How could his CT results be related to his blood pressure findings?
Define the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system.
What did the laboratory results suggest about his overall
kidney function? Are there additional tests that could help you arrive at a
diagnosis for Mr. Penzey’s condition?
How did the EKG and blood pressure results indicate damage
was occurring to Mr. Penzey’s circulatory system?
What did the genetic results suggest about Mr. Penzey’s
condition? The mutation on the agarose gel showed the presence of a chimeric
11-?-hyroxylase gene which caused an overproduction of the enzyme aldosterone
synthase. How is this enzyme involved in the function of ACTH, aldosterone and
cortisol? How do these hormones affect the homeostasis of blood pressure?
What do you think his condition might be?
Assignment Expectations
Answer each question using complete sentences that relate
back to the question. Be sure to include a reference section at the end of your
assignment that lists the sources that you were required to read and any
additional resources you used to research your answers. Use APA formatting for
your sources.
For any additional research you are required to do to
complete your assignment, please use scholarly references such as a
peer-reviewed journal article or a government-sponsored or university-sponsored
website. As you read, take notes from them and then write your paper in your
own words, describing what you have learned from your research. Direct quotes
should be limited and must be designated by quotation marks. Paraphrased ideas
must give credit to the original author, for example (Murray, 2014). Direct
copying from “homework help” websites will not receive credit.
Module 4 - SLP
Stress Effects on the Digestive System
Note: If you have trouble viewing some of the course
materials, install Quicktime and the Adobe Shockwave Player, both of which can
be downloaded free from the Internet.
Review the tutorials and links on your Home page to better
develop the foundation you will need to complete this final SLP assignment.
Do some research to further understand the terms enteric
nervous system and microbiome. Then read the article:
Wolkin, J. (2015). Meet Your Second Brain: The Gut. Accessed
at on August 11. 2016.
SLP Instructions:
Do a Google search for images of the nervous and digestive
system. Be sure to include the citations for your images with the
references-cited slide (slide 10). Develop a 10-slide PowerPoint presentation
that addresses the following questions regarding the stress response and
digestive function:
Slides 1–3: Include a title slide with your name, course
number (ANT100) and date. Provide an overview of how the nervous system
communicates with the digestive system. Demonstrate the gut-brain connection
using labeled images from the highest order of the nervous system (central
nervous system) to the point of digestive system connection at the enteric
nervous system. Use another slide to demonstrate a close-up view of gut
innervation by the nervous system. Discuss the unique role of the enteric
nervous system in maintaining homeostasis.
Slides 4–7: Conduct an image search for
“microbiome-gut-brain axis”. Copy and paste your image and summarize what is
occurring. Discuss how enteric microbiota influence the development and
function of the enteric nervous system. Use additional slide to discuss the
role of the immune system.
Slides 8 and 9: Research one disease/disorder that may be
caused by disruptions in the gut-brain axis. Summarize your information using
bullet points. Paste any relevant image(s) to support your chosen disease.
Slide 10: References cited.
SLP Assignment Expectations
For this SLP assignment, you will develop a PowerPoint
presentation that is approximately 10 slides in length and addresses the
requirements outlined above. Place the text containing the answers to the
questions above in the slide area of the PowerPoint or you may use the notes
section as well if needed. Your slides should contain labeled images that
illustrate the text that you included within your PowerPoint. Use APA
formatting to cite any sources used and include a reference section at the end
of your presentation that lists the sources that you were required to read and
any additional resources you used to research your answers.