trident ant100 module 2 case latest 2017 november

Question # 00580637
Course Code : ANT100
Subject: Health Care
Due on: 11/28/2017
Posted On: 11/28/2017 06:11 AM
Tutorials: 1
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Module 2 - Case


Assignment Overview

Note: If you have trouble viewing some of the course materials, install Quicktime and the Adobe Shockwave Player, both of which can be downloaded free from the Internet.

STOP! BEFORE YOU PROCEED, YOU MUST HAVE READ THE HOME PAGE AND VIEWED ALL LINKS AND TUTORIALS! You will need this information to complete this Case Assignment.

Cortisol is an important hormone that is released in the stress response. In this module assignment, we will look at this hormone more closely to investigate:

The molecular composition of cortisol

The signaling pathway that elicits the production and release of cortisol

The cellular-, organ-, and organ system-level response that results from this cell signal

Case Assignment

Read the following articles:

The Mind-Body Interaction in Disease. Sternberg, E. & Gold, P., 2002. Scientific American. p. 1-8

The Relationship between Traumatic Stress, PTSD and Cortisol. Delaney, E. Naval Center for Combat & Operational Stress Control.

After reading these articles, develop a 10– to 15-slide presentation in the following format.

The following links are helpful guides on using PowerPoint.

PowerPoint 101: Everything You Need to Make a Basic Presentation (this resource is great for both Mac and PC users):

The Microsoft Office link below has several tutorials on PowerPoint from how to get started to additional techniques for advanced users:

PowerPoint Links

Slides 1 and 2: Include a title slide with your name, course number (ANT100) and date. Illustrate the cascade of hormonal signals described in this video link. You will be illustrating the HPA axis of feedback among the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, kidney, and adrenal glands. You may include images of organs from the web and use arrows, simple ovals or circles and text boxes to help illustrate the stress response (it does not have to be artistic, just an accurate description of the organs and hormones involved). Use simple images to depict the organs that release these hormones in the cascade that results in the release of cortisol. Label the hormones and organs involved using circles, ovals, or textboxes. Give your slide a title such as “Neurochemistry of Stress”. Briefly describe the feedback mechanism occurring in your diagram.

Slides 3 and 4: Find images of a kidney and adrenal gland from the web. You may reuse the same ones from the previous slides if the appropriate areas are shown. Label and diagram areas of the kidney and adrenal gland using arrows, circles, and/or text boxes, including the following information:

Adrenal gland: cortex and medulla; regions associated with hormone production and release; label the hormones released in each region

Kidney: cortex and medulla; region of water absorption and filtering; region of urine collection

Briefly describe the function of the hormones released by the adrenal gland. Be sure to give your slides titles such as “Adrenal Gland and its Hormones” or “Kidney Structure and Function”.

Slide 5: Diagram and label the HPA axis. One of your images should include a view of the hippocampus of the brain. Include the hormones released by each component and their effect on the target organ(s). Give your slide a descriptive title.

Slide 6: Using your diagram from Slide 5, include the location of the hippocampus and the negative feedback loop that occurs when the hippocampus detects high cortisol levels. In your description, summarize the effects associated with elevated cortisol exposure to the hippocampus. Give your slide a descriptive title.

Slide 7: Using bulleted points, list factors that exacerbate the stress response through activation of the HPA axis. Give your slide a descriptive title.

Slide 8–10: Do some additional research on post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD). Find an image of the brain and label the regions believed to be involved with symptoms of PTSD. In a separate slide, explain the relationship between PTSD and depression discussing the relevant regions of the brain you labeled in your image. Give your slide a descriptive title.

Slides 11–13: In bulleted points, summarize the varied findings in the studies described in the article, “The Relationship between Traumatic Stress, PTSD and Cortisol.” In your summary, include the relationships found between cortisol levels and individuals with PTSD. In your summary, include some explanations from the article for the variability in cortisol levels in these individuals. Give your slide a descriptive title.

Slides 14 and 15: Include a references-cited slide and any additional notes if necessary. Title your slide “References”.

Assignment Expectations

For this Case Assignment, you will develop a PowerPoint presentation that is approximately 15 slides in length and addresses the requirements outlined above. Place the text containing the answers to the questions above in the slide area, or you may use the notes section of your slide presentation as well if needed. Do a Google search that includes the term “image” to find diagrams of the required organs and systems (e.g., search for “adrenal gland image”). Find simple images that allow you to do your own labeling, but that do not complete the assignment for you. Be sure your last slide is a references slide that contains the full references cited on your slides. Many resources are provided for you. Include these in your references section.

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trident ant100 module 2 case latest 2017 november

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