UMGC HMGT495 2022 January Complete Course Latest (Full)

Question # 00631908
Course Code : HMGT495
Subject: Health Care
Due on: 01/20/2022
Posted On: 01/19/2022 08:10 PM
Tutorials: 1
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HMGT495 Strategic Planning and Leadership in Healthcare

Week 1 Discussion

LInkedIn and the Healthcare Communiyt HUB

Theme 1:

Review this LinkedIn article in CareerQuest and access the related links.

Watch this 45 minute presentation by LinkedIn representatives on the Learn From the Experts

Create an account on LinkedIn and complete your profile (*If there are professional or personal reasons why you cannot complete a LinkedIn profile, complete a CareerQuest profile, and set it to private. You may delete this profile as soon as your faculty member has graded it.) Make sure your profile is at least 90% complete. Include a professional-looking headshot, a succinct headline that describes you, your work history going back 10 to 15 years at least, your education including your current degree program at University of Maryland University College, and your skills. Connect with other members of the class, colleagues from work, and other professionals that you know. As you connect, start endorsing your connections for their skills with which you are familiar. Soon they will endorse you for your skills. Identify at least five potential employers that you would like to follow and at least one professional association.

Theme 2:

Staying abreast of issues, trends, and research in healthcare is important to the success of the healthcare professional and the community at large. For this activity, you will:

Locate a current article related to healthcare and specific to the healthcare sector that you are most interested in. Ensure that the article comes from a credible source of information.

After reading the article in detail, write 1-2 paragraphs that will serve as a summary of the information contained in the article and your analysis of that information. This should demonstrate an understanding of the material, independent analysis, and critical thinking skills.

Spend some time locating a group on LinkedIn that is specific to your area of interest or the sector of healthcare that you are wanting to work in. Join that group.

Share the article, along with your 1-2 paragraph analysis, on LinkedIn to the group you joined. You should have a LinkedIn profile already set up but if not, you will need to do this (Theme 1).

Finally, share a direct link to the LinkedIn group within your post that includes your article and the summary.

NOTE: The faculty and the students should be able to see what you posted on the LinkedIn group/LinkedIn profile. The faculty will grade the summary of the article you made and the accomplished activity in developing a LinkedIn profile, and joining a group. Your Peers will comment on the article and your Linkedin Profile.

You must start a thread before you can read and reply to other threads





HMGT495 Strategic Planning and Leadership in Healthcare

Week 2 Discussion

Leadership in Helathcare

Theme 1:

There are many types of communication styles used in the workplace. Choose what you think is your leadership style: north, south, east, or west. Click the Leadership Compass: Appreciating Diverse Work Styles (downloads as a PDF) link for details. (Scroll halfway down the page to where it says (Results) to read the description of each style. The first set of descriptions is for north.)

Which of the four directions do you believe is your style?

What are the strengths of your style? (at least four adjectives)

What are the limitations of your style? (at least four adjectives)

Which style do you find the most difficult to work with in others, and why?

What do the other directions need to know about you so that you can work effectively together?

Theme 2:

Take How Good Are Your Leadership Skills Quiz. Reflect on your results and how they echo the week content. Share with your peers what specific skills you need to improve or develop to become a stronger leader. Explain what you are going to do to accomplish it. Make sure to support the comparison of your skills to the required one for a healthcare leader using the content resources.

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HMGT495 Strategic Planning and Leadership in Healthcare

Week 3 Discussion

Strategic Planning

Look at the Balanced Scorecard for Mercy Hospital. Use Memorandum format and direct it to your faculty. Please explain what data and information was needed to develop this report. Be specific and offer examples. Explain why some portions of the document are missing initiatives. Tell us how this scorecard is going to be used for Mercy Strategic Planning process. Make sure to use APA to cite relevant sources.

You must start a thread before you can read and reply to other threads


HMGT495 Strategic Planning and Leadership in Healthcare

Week 4 Discussion

Evidence-based Decision Making

Read Knowledge Management Problem in Healthcare: a Case Study Based on the Grounded Theory (downloads as a PDF). Share a reflection on the article discussing:

1. Why this research was conducted? What is the 0 hypothesis?

2. The main idea of the document

3. Why these specific data was chosen for collection and processing? Explain.

4. Were the conclusions expected and support the null hypothesis?

5. What challenges the researches had to overcome during the process?

6. Were they successful in overcoming those obstacles? Why yes or not? 

Even though it is a reflection activity and the answers might be similar at large, try to expand on the peers' comments and offer your justification or evidence (remember all different types of it)  to understand the data and research utilization for managerial decisions.

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HMGT495 Strategic Planning and Leadership in Healthcare

Week 5 Discussion

Financial Planning

Read A Case Study In Strategic Financial Planning In Health Service Organizations

Reflect on the study and discuss:

1. How the Strategic Financial Planning process is similar or different from general healthcare strategic planning process?

2. Write about the data and information necessary for successful financial strategic planning. Who is responsible for the collection, processing, and conclusions of this data and information? 

3. What are the consequences of using flawed evidence in decision making and strategic planning process?

You must start a thread before you can read and reply to other threads


HMGT495 Strategic Planning and Leadership in Healthcare

Week 6 Discussion

Strategic Organizing and Staffing

Develop an email following Business Email Format. You can type it in an email system, save the draft and copy and paste it in the discussion window. Or, you can structure it with the appropriate subject line in the discussion window directly and addressed to your faculty discussing:

The steps of the strategic planning process with regard to organizing a health fair in rural 15,000 residents West Virginia as a community outreach for a non-for-profit general hospital in the area. Use average demographic distribution in WV (list the source you used) and -provide workforce component justification;

-list funding sources;

-provide epidemiological measures that will define the list of services offered at the fair (note: not clinical but managerial decisions);

-offer promotional mix base outline and timeframe;

-provide any other necessary components to address all steps of the strategic planning for this event. 

This email should not be longer that one page long. Use the space effectively. You can develop visual aids, diagrams, tables etc. Cite sources in APA format when appropriate.

You must start a thread before you can read and reply to other threads


HMGT495 Strategic Planning and Leadership in Healthcare

Week 7 Discussion

Planning and Quality Assurance

Read Healthcare Workers Perceptions of an Organization

Reflect on the document and share your perspective on the study's importance, choice of measures, and the conclusions made by the researchers. If you were a researcher conducting this study, what would have you done differently? Why and how? Do you agree with the conclusions of the study? Why yes or no? Offer examples to support your opinion.

You must start a thread before you can read and reply to other threads


HMGT495 Strategic Planning and Leadership in Healthcare

Week 8 Discussion


Reflect on what you learned in this course. What did you find the most useful for your future health services manager career (or the current one)? How does healthcare strategic planning change with time and technological development? How are the entry and middle-level managers are involved in the strategic planning process? What is their responsibility level? How did this program help you (or not) add value to the organizational role you plan to pursue? 

Make sure to follow APA to cite relevant resources supporting your opinions.

You must start a thread before you can read and reply to other threads


HMGT495 Strategic Planning and Leadership in Healthcare

Case Study 1


Correctional Health Care Assignment

You applied and were accepted in an internship program of a state-level, Female Correctional Health Care Operation in the South Eastern United States and your primary responsibility is to work on the assigned projects related to the provision of inmate health care.

Associated materials:

***Correctional Health Care Delivery: Unimpeded Access to Care Section 2 and 4 are recommended for the main reference in working on this assignment.

The Health and Health Care of US Prisoners: Results of a Nationwide Survey

Public Health Behind Bars

Sample Tool Control Policy

Inmate Sick Call Procedures-Corrections

For the incarcerated population in the United States, health care is a constitutionally guaranteed right under the provisions of the eight amendments which is the prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment (see Estelle v. Gamble). This particular prison can hold in excess of 1,728 offenders and routinely houses between 1,600 and 1,700 women on any given day. This institution incarcerates all custody classes to include minimum security, medium security, close custody, death row, and pretrial detainees.

The health care operation provides the highest level of care for female offenders in the state. The health care facility is a 101 thousand square foot, 150 bed, three-story building that cost the taxpayers $50 million dollars to construct and is a hybrid of an ambulatory care center, long-term care center, and behavioral care center. The health care facility also houses an assisted living dorm.

The patient demographic includes women who have multiple co-morbidities including substance abuse, seriously persistent mental illnesses (SPMI), diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, morbid obesity, HIV / AIDs, hepatitis, etc. On any given day there will also be 30 to 60 offenders who are pregnant, with 98% of those offenders having a history of substance abuse; all pregnant offenders are considered high-risk. The dental health of this patient population is exceptionally horrendous because of excessive drug abuse coupled with a sugary diet and poor oral hygiene practices. It is not uncommon for a 23-year-old to need all of her teeth extracted.

There are approximately 300 FTEs to include correctional staff that operate the facility and provide care to the offender population. The healthcare facility is comprised of the following directorates: (a) Medical, (b) Nursing, (c) Behavioral Health, (d) Pharmacy, (e) Dental, (f) Medical Records, (g) Health Service Support, and (h) Operations and Security.

Although the health care facility has a vast amount of capability, there limitations: (a) This facility does not have advanced cardiac life support capability (ACLS), (b) no surgical capability, (c) no ability to conduct telemetry, (d) no oral surgery beyond simple extractions, (e) no obstetrical capability beyond out-patient clinics, (f) MRI, (g) level 2 ultrasound, and the list goes on.

Those inmates who have medical needs that cannot be addressed by the health services staff at the correctional facility will need appointments with external health care providers who have a business relationship with the prisons in this area. On any given month, there will be approximately 300 offenders who will go to outside medical appointments, and making certain that these appointments take place is where the challenge lies. Similar to many health care operations, the prison Utilization Review / Case Management Department facilitates all external appointments and form the lynchpin between the correctional facility health care providers who refer offenders for specialty appointments, and the outside organization providing that appointment. 

Your assignment: You are the Case Coordinator. You have 300 patients that need to be scheduled for outside specialty appointments every month. You are tasked by the Administrator to develop a strategic plan organizing the out-of-the-facility appointments without impairing internal services.

***Note: additional personal or financial resources are not available fortis case strategic plan. However, the question of the additional personnel or resources can be discussed in an Addendum. Specific justification must be presented and supported by evidence.

As the first step, develop a Memorandum addressing:

Provide an overview of Estelle v. Gamble and how that 1976 Supreme Court ruling pertains to the provision of inmate health care.

Examine the challenges of providing health care in a correctional environment.

What are the challenges of providing health care to a female offender population that may not exist in a male prison?

What framework would you apply to strategic planning? Why? (Strategic planning frameworks)

Make sure to cite in APA format when appropriate. Support your statements with credible evidence.


HMGT495 Strategic Planning and Leadership in Healthcare

Case Study 2

Continue working with the case described in week 3.


Good Organizational Decisions: Ethical Decision-Making Toolkit for Leaders and Policy Makers Step 3, 4, and 5. PP.# 27-38

Evidence-based Decision Making in Healthcare

Fill in the worksheet on p. 29

Fill in the worksheet on p. 33  ***Make sure to list all types of evidence relevant to this strategic planning process.

Fill in the worksheet on p. 37

The worksheets are targetting the case from week 3. Make sure to stay focused and target appropriate information and evidence.


HMGT495 Strategic Planning and Leadership in Healthcare

Case Study 3


Continue working with the case described in week 3. Prepare a memorandum targeting the following:

1. What staff arrangements are available to meet the needs of out of the facility appointments?

2. What staff arrangements are needed to:

-accommodate the out of the facility appointments(show the calculations);

-meet the needs of in-house appointments (show the calculations);

-reduce the number of out of the facility appointments (justify);

3.Organizational plan to accommodate scheduled appointments, emergency appointments, and preventive appointments.

Make sure to use APA to cite credible evidence.


HMGT495 Strategic Planning and Leadership in Healthcare

Case Study 5


Develop a Briefing report (continue working on the case from week 3) covering all the following:

Provide an overview of Estelle vs. Gamble and how that 1976 Supreme Court ruling pertains to the provision of inmate health care.

Examine the challenges of providing health care in a correctional environment.

What are the challenges of providing health care to a female offender population that may not exist in a male prison?

What framework would you apply to the strategic planning? Why? (HINT: Remember all the available frameworks that you learned in the previous classes as well as in this class to make a correct choice; justify the final choice through the collaborative ).

Identify what information and evidence you have to apply to the strategic process steps. Identify appropriate evidence you still need to correctly use the strategic planning process. (HINT: make sure to list all types of evidence you need)

Identify appropriate evidence you still need to correctly use the strategic planning process. (HINT: make sure to list all types of evidence you need)

Identify the sources of the needed evidence. Offer the stakeholders able to provide you with the evidence you are seeking.

Develop decision-making matrix and identify appropriate solutions to the case. Read more about decision-making matrix.

List potential implementation challenges and offer ways to offset them.

     The report should be no more than 10 pages including the table, the matrix, and the title+reference pages.


HMGT495 Strategic Planning and Leadership in Healthcare

Collaborative Group Organization and Dynamics


Part 1: individual (6 points)

In week 8 you will have to submit a group assignment. In preparation for this event, write a 2-3 pages individual reflection paper discussing the following:

1.  What do you think are the most important components of a successful and productive group work? Support your choices with credible evidence.

2. How to organize the group work to meet the components you mentioned in # 1? Offer practical and useful process solutions.

3. What challenges the group dynamic might present you with? Offer examples. How to overcome the obstacles? Offer practical and doable solutions. Support them with credible evidence.

4.  Propose a conflict resolution process to ensure the important components are met and the group is effective and efficient. 

HINT: Please remember that different types of credible evidence exist. Make sure to mention what type you are using t support your choices. Complete this portion before attempting Part 2: group (4 points)- Group Charter.


HMGT495 Strategic Planning and Leadership in Healthcare

Group Charter


Part 2: group

Develop a Group Charter based on the template below. You can modify the template to meet your group's needs. The components that must be present are:

1. Communication table/ portion

2. Role distribution table with the role definitions and expectations

3. Conflict resolution process (HINT: do not state something like: "We are adults and we will respect each other time and will contribute equally and on time" or "We will involve the faculty to mediate among us"). Be specific by identifying the conflict resolution framework, documentation, and penalties in case no resolution is met.



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UMGC HMGT495 2022 January Complete Course Latest (Full)

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