UOP NRP513 Complete Course Latest 2020 December (Full)

Question # 00642784
Course Code : NRP513
Subject: Health Care
Due on: 12/16/2022
Posted On: 12/16/2022 04:35 AM
Tutorials: 1
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NRP513 Clinical Applications Of Theory And Research

Week 1 Discussion

Nursing Science

Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to other students/instructor.

A substantive post should follow these criteria:

Range from 150 to 250 words

Integrate theory, research, and/or professional experience

Include specific examples and/or substantiating evidence

Include in-text citations and references in APA format (for at least initial post)

Stay on topic and address the course objectives

Demonstrate proper spelling, grammar, and scholarly tone

Due Thursday

Respond to the following:

Nursing science contributes to the unique body of knowledge for the nursing profession. Each profession defines what is meant by science that guides the development of knowledge. Though different words are used, there are basically 2 scientific paradigms: empirical/positivist and constructivist/naturalism. The paradigms align with either quantitative or qualitative research.

Is your worldview closer to the positivist or the constructivist paradigm? In a minimum of 175 words, explain why and how each paradigm is aligned with either quantitative or qualitative research.


NRP513 Clinical Applications Of Theory And Research

Week 2 Discussion

Nursing Theories

Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to other students/instructor.

A substantive post should follow these criteria:

Range from 150 to 250 words

Integrate theory, research, and/or professional experience

Include specific examples and/or substantiating evidence

Include in-text citations and references in APA format (for at least initial post)

Stay on topic and address the course objectives

Demonstrate proper spelling, grammar, and scholarly tone

Due Thursday

The theory textbook (Figure 2-1) below presents various levels of theory.

Figure 2-1 Comparison of Nursing Theories – Levels of Abstraction

This discussion focuses on the use of nursing theories to guide practice. The grand theories are broad and provide less direct guidance for specific practice.

Utilize 1 middle-range theory. In a minimum of 175 words, describe the theory and give 1 example of how you would apply it to practice.


NRP513 Clinical Applications Of Theory And Research

Week 3 Discussion

Quantitative vs. Qualitative Research

Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to other students/instructor.

A substantive post should follow these criteria:

Range from 150 to 250 words

Integrate theory, research, and/or professional experience

Include specific examples and/or substantiating evidence

Include in-text citations and references in APA format (for at least initial post)

Stay on topic and address the course objectives

Demonstrate proper spelling, grammar, and scholarly tone

Due Thursday

Respond to the following:

When reading a research article, what do you consider as the most important elements? Consider the traditional sections of a research report in your response, e.g., background, literature review, methods, etc.

Scholarly writing requires the use of accurate and precise terminology. What are some differences and similarities between quantitative and qualitative research? Are the ethical principles used to judge protection of human participants applied in the same way?





NRP513 Clinical Applications Of Theory And Research

Week 4 Discussion

Selecting a Study Design

Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to other students/instructor.

A substantive post should follow these criteria:

Range from 150 to 250 words

Integrate theory, research, and/or professional experience

Include specific examples and/or substantiating evidence

Include in-text citations and references in APA format (for at least initial post)

Stay on topic and address the course objectives

Demonstrate proper spelling, grammar, and scholarly tone

Due Thursday

Respond to the following:

Quantitative study designs are divided between experimental and non-experimental. For experiments, they’re divided between either true experiments (randomized control trial is the medical term) or quasi-experiments. Similarly, qualitative studies can employ various designs, such as phenomenology, grounded theory, descriptive, etc.

Suppose you were planning to conduct a statewide study of the work plans and intentions of non-employed registered nurses in your state. Would you ask mostly open-ended or closed-ended questions? Would you adopt an interview or questionnaire approach? If a questionnaire, how would you distribute it?


NRP513 Clinical Applications Of Theory And Research

Week 5 Discussion

Statistical Tests

Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to other students/instructor.

A substantive post should follow these criteria:

Range from 150 to 250 words

Integrate theory, research, and/or professional experience

Include specific examples and/or substantiating evidence

Include in-text citations and references in APA format (for at least initial post)

Stay on topic and address the course objectives

Demonstrate proper spelling, grammar, and scholarly tone

Due Thursday

This week you have gained insight about bivariate and multivariate inferential statistical tests as well as statistical significance. Review the following examples.


An example of a bivariate relationship is the effect of age on compassion fatigue in nurses. Most phenomena of interest to nurses have complex causes: readmission for heart failure, exclusive breastfeeding up to 6 months postpartum, changing lifestyle to reduce chance of another MI.


Multivariate tests allow for combining more than 2 variables in 1 analysis to see the combined effect of variables together. A multivariate test such as multiple regression could include many independent variables (age, severity of heart failure, adherence to medications) to test their combined effects on days to readmission. 


When describing results of data analysis, this refers to statistical analysis and not general conclusions: Pearson correlation was utilized to test the relationship between age and compassion fatigue. The r value for the relationship is 0.42 and it is a positive relationship. The relationship is statistically significant at the 0.01 level. This means that the older the nurse, the greater the compassion fatigue and the degree of strength of the relationship could occur by chance only 1 in 100 samples.

You have read a research article that reports the following: "In the intervention group receiving the educational program, there was a 50% increase in performance scores compared to the control group (p<0.05)". Provide an interpretation of these results? Discuss whether the results are statistically significant.


NRP513 Clinical Applications Of Theory And Research

Week 6 Discussion

Qualitative Designs

Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to other students/instructor.

A substantive post should follow these criteria:

Range from 150 to 250 words

Integrate theory, research, and/or professional experience

Include specific examples and/or substantiating evidence

Include in-text citations and references in APA format (for at least initial post)

Stay on topic and address the course objectives

Demonstrate proper spelling, grammar, and scholarly tone

Respond to ONE of the following:

The focus of this discussion is on various approaches to qualitative designs. Be sure to integrate information from chapters 22-26 in your response.

Select 2 traditions (example phenomenology and grounded theory) and:

Compare them as to purpose.

Summarize key ideas for sampling in qualitative studies by comparing the recommended sampling strategies for the 2 methods you selected.


The words saturation and redundancy are key words related to sampling.

What are some strategies that can be used to enhance trustworthiness of qualitative findings?

Did you recognize any of the strategies in the qualitative article you selected for the group project?


NRP513 Clinical Applications Of Theory And Research

Week 8 Discussion

Course Wrap-Up

Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to other students/instructor.

A substantive post should follow these criteria:

ange from 150 to 250 words

Integrate theory, research, and/or professional experience

Include specific examples and/or substantiating evidence

Include in-text citations and references in APA format (for at least initial post)

Stay on topic and address the course objectives

Demonstrate proper spelling, grammar, and scholarly tone

Due Thursday

Respond to the following:

We are down to the home stretch. This course covers a lot of content and you all have done an amazing job.

Reflect upon what you have learned about evidence-based practice and research during the past eight weeks.

Describe how your understanding has changed.

Ask any lingering questions you have regarding the course content.



NRP513 Clinical Applications Of Theory And Research

Week 1 Assignment

History of Nursing Science and Evidence-Based Practice Outline

Assignment Content

Congratulations! You have been invited to join an evidence-based practice (EBP) committee. The Chair of the committee has taken notice of your enthusiasm and has tasked you with creating an outline of the history of nursing science and how it connects to EBP. The Chair shared the importance of this first task and how it will prepare the committee to effectively apply foundational knowledge needed to develop an EBP project covering a key concept pertinent to advanced practices in nursing.

Your EBP committee will be meeting each week to ensure everyone is on track. You have identified the importance of focusing on first things first: scientific paradigms, nursing theory and research, and elements of EBP. You have blocked time on your schedule, and you are ready to get started.

Create a detailed outline in which you address the following:

Scientific paradigms of nursing science

Nursing theory and research

Evidence-based practice approach for advanced nursing practice

Outline should be brief, but still include sufficient detail to demonstrate an understanding of the required content.

Provide references for all sources cited.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines, including title and reference pages.


NRP513 Clinical Applications Of Theory And Research

Week 2 Assignment

Concept Analysis

Assignment Content

Great work—your initial presentation went well. Your colleagues are excited to continue moving forward. In preparation for this week’s meeting, the Chair has tasked you with creating a Concept Analysis Presentation. You have a lot on your plate, so you made sure to take notes about your upcoming presentation. Here are the details you jotted down to help you make sure you’re not forgetting anything:

Select 1 of the articles from this week's University Library Readings to use as the basis for this assignment.

Create a 15- to 20-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation (excluding title and reference slides) on the article with detailed speaker notes.

In your presentation, ensure that you complete the following:

Describe the credentials of the author(s): academic credentials, position held, and any other information available (which is usually located at the bottom of first page of an article or after the reference list).

Explain why you selected the concept analysis.

Describe each step of concept analysis from the article. The number of steps in the concept analysis will depend on the method selected by the author(s).

Describe how you could apply the concept analysis to your practice.

Provide references for all sources cited.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines, including title and reference slides.


NRP513 Clinical Applications Of Theory And Research

Week 3 Assignment

Reading a Research Report: Resource Guide

Assignment Content

Now that you’ve covered foundational theory and concept analysis, you’re excited to focus on research reports. In closing remarks from your previous meeting, your committee voiced concerns around the challenges of reviewing research findings and disseminating research evidence. You’ve decided to develop a resource guide and summary for effectively reviewing a research report.

Review p. 95, including Box 3.3: Additional Questions for a Preliminary Review of the Study, in Ch. 3 of Nursing Research for guidance on identifying the structure of research articles.

Create a resource guide (handout) to share with your committee detailing the process of reading a research report (e.g. How To’s for Reading a Research Report). Include step-by-step instructions using the IMRAD format and accurate research terminology.

Write a 700-word summary detailing the process you outlined within your handout. This summary will serve as a companion to your handout and include any additional support information needed to ensure the topic of reading a research report is effectively explained.

Provide references for all sources cited.

Format your summary according to APA guidelines, including title and reference pages.


NRP513 Clinical Applications Of Theory And Research

Week 4 Assignment

Quantitative Study

Assignment Content

When reviewing a research study, you must have the knowledge and skills to accurately read and interpret all parts of the study to determine its value in clinical practice.

In preparation for your Week 4 EBP Committee meeting, you are tasked with accurately identifying and describing the various sections of the report.

Review the attached quantitative research article that can also be found in the UOPX library.

Nurse Burnout Quantitative Article

Summary of a Research Report

Complete the Summary of a Research Report worksheet. Use the information in chapters from prior weeks as well as this week to help you accurately summarize the study to complete your Summary of a Research Report Worksheet. Complete the worksheet in its entirety; if certain questions do not apply to your study, state “n/a”; do not leave any blanks. Note that “n/a” and “no” are not synonymous. You can leave the “Link to article” line blank.

Include the following details in the appropriate sections:

Identify the type of design that is used in the study.

Using Tables 1 and 2, of Nursing Research, (Supplement to Ch.10a), locate the type of design described in the article.

Compare the design description in the study to the one in the tables and determine if there is any difference between the two.

Describe the data analysis to include specific statistical tests and the reason for selecting the specific tests for the study. If there is a test of a hypothesis, what are the results of the data analysis?

Results (findings)refer to the outcome of the statistical tests and not only general conclusions found under discussion or conclusions.

All answers must be substantive, using specific content from the article as support. Any answer that is the equivalent of "yes" or "no" will not receive full credit.

Review Box 10.1: “Guidelines for Critiquing Design Elements and Study Validity in Quantitative Studies” on p. 409 in Ch. 10 of Nursing Research to help you complete the form.

Include a title page and reference page.

Submit the worksheet with the questions followed by your answers (DO NOT DELETE THE QUESTIONS).


NRP513 Clinical Applications Of Theory And Research

Week 5 Assignment

Critiquing a Quantitative Study

Assignment Content

Last week, your EBP committee focused on selecting quantitative studies related to the chosen clinical problem being investigated. Now it’s time to build your skills around critiquing quantitative studies.

Utilize the same research article that you used for the Week 4 Quantitative Study assignment

Nurse Burnout Quantitative Article

Complete the Guide to an Overall Critique of a Quantitative Research Report worksheet answering all questions that apply to the study. Complete the form in its entirety; if certain questions do not apply to the study, state “n/a”; do not leave any blanks. Note that “n/a” and “no” are not synonymous. You can leave the “Access” section blank.

All answers must be substantive, using specific content from the article as support. Any answer that is the equivalent of "yes" or "no" will not receive full credit.


NRP513 Clinical Applications Of Theory And Research

Week 6 Assignment

Critiquing a Qualitative Study

You did such a wonderful job critiquing your quantitative study last week! This week, you will do the same for a qualitative study.

Review the attached qualitative research article

Opioid Qualitative Article

Complete the Guide to an Overall Critique of a Qualitative Research Report worksheet answering all questions that apply to the study. Complete the form in its entirety; if certain questions do not apply to the study, state “n/a”; do not leave any blanks. Note that “n/a” and “no” are not synonymous.

All answers must be substantive, using specific content from the article as support. Any answer that is the equivalent of "yes" or "no" will not receive full credit.

Include a title page and reference page.

Submit the worksheet with the questions followed by your answers (DO NOT DELETE THE QUESTIONS).


NRP513 Clinical Applications Of Theory And Research

Week 8 Assignment

Critiquing a Systematic Review

Assignment Content

Your committee Chair is pleased with all the work done up to this point and is excited about the great strides made over the last several weeks. Your Chair appreciates your consistent and detailed work and has asked for your help to critique a systematic review.

Review the attached systematic review article

Systematic Review Article

Utilize the Critiquing a Systematic Review worksheet provided and respond to the questions giving examples from the article. Complete the form in its entirety; if certain questions do not apply to the study, state “n/a”; do not leave any blanks. Note that “n/a” and “no” are not synonymous.

All answers must be substantive, using specific content from the article as support. Any answer that is the equivalent of "yes" or "no" will not receive full credit.

Include a title page and reference page.



NRP513 Clinical Applications Of Theory And Research

Week 2 Assignment

Introductions and Learning Team Charter

Introduce yourself to your EBP Committee members and complete your Learning Team Charter.

Step 1: Meet and Greet Your EBP Committee Members (Learning Team)

Resource: Blackboard Collaborate with the Ultra Experience User Interface Tour

Meet and greet your EBP Committee members (Learning Team) using Collaborate, a one-click virtual meeting space that allows you to communicate in real-time and track communication threads or meeting details in one place.

Post a 175-word message in the group conversation introducing yourself to your EBP Committee members. Include the following:

Briefly share what you know about theory and its relation to quality care.

Provide meeting availability (days/times). Meetings can be recorded in case members are not able to attend. Members who did not attend can watch the recorded meeting and respond with their contribution.

Provide recommendations for a team name.

Step 2: Getting Started

Schedule a short meeting for this week to connect with your EBP Committee using Collaborate to prepare for your Week 3 learning team assignment.

Step 3: Learning Team Charter

Review the Learning Team Toolkit.

Create and submit the Learning Team Charter no later than Monday of this week.


NRP513 Clinical Applications Of Theory And Research

Week 3 Assignment

Clinical Problem and Literature Search Plan

Assignment Content

Evidence-based practice requires the knowledge and ability to accurately read, interpret, and evaluate the strength and evidence of research reports. The first item of business your EBP Committee is tasked with is to select a clinical problem of interest and to complete a literature search plan on the identified problem. Each week, you will continue building your EBP project due in Week 8.

Meet as a committee, keeping in mind the virtual meeting space available through Collaborate. If using Collaborate and members cannot meet, record meetings and post them so members can review and provide their contribution.

Outlined below are 4 steps to prepare your committee for completing the Literature Search Plan due this week.

Step 1: Select a Clinical Problem of Interest

Identify a clinical problem of interest.

Conduct an initial search for available literature to establish the significance of the problem. Use primary sources for statistics to establish the problem’s significance (i.e., a CDC report rather than a source citing the CDC).

Create a problem statement using the information from your initial review of literature. Utilize the following resources to develop your problem statement:

Review pp. 144-147 of Nursing Research for guidance on developing the problem statement.

Ensure that your problem statement reads like the one in Box 4.2 located on p. 135 of Nursing Research, including citations for any statements of fact.

Review “Examples of Problem Statements” on pp. 150-157 of Nursing Research.

Step 2: Develop Research Questions

Develop 1 to 3 research (PICO) questions and conduct an initial search for available literature that helps establish the significance of the problem.

Utilize the following sections from Nursing Research to assist you in developing your questions and your plan for your literature search:

“Asking Well-Worded Clinical Questions,” pp. 77-81

Table 2.1: “Question Templates for Selected Clinical Foreground Questions – PIO and PICO,” p. 80

Chapter 5: “Literature Reviews – Finding and Critiquing Evidence”

Step 3: Develop a Literature Search Plan

Resource: Literature Search Plan

Develop a literature search plan for your clinical problem.

Step 4: Summary

Write a 525-word summary describing your plan (Steps 1-3). Include the problem statement and the research questions that are being used to guide the literature search.

Provide references for all sources cited.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines, including title and reference pages.


NRP513 Clinical Applications Of Theory And Research

Week 4 Assignment

Literature Search Quantitative Studies

Assignment Content

Great work! Your EBP Committee is ready for the next task, completing a quantitative study literature search. Your work is important, your EBP research is valuable and essential to making innovative changes to clinical practice.

Meet as a committee, keeping in mind the virtual meeting space available through Collaborate. If using Collaborate and members cannot meet, record meetings and post them so members can review and provide their contribution.

As a committee, complete the following:

Conduct a literature search for quantitative academic research studies based on your clinical problem utilizing the search plan submitted in Week 3. You may revise the plan as you conduct the search.

Locate a minimum of 1 quantitative academic research study for each individual on the committee. Each member should read all the articles selected. Ensure that the selection of final articles reflects a group process rather than simply each team member selecting an article and submitting.

DO NOT UTILIZE A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW, LITERATURE REVIEW, CONTENT ANALYSIS, OR META-ANALYSIS THIS WEEK. If you are unsure about whether an article is appropriate, please send it to me via Private Message to review.

Use the Literature Search Activities in Bibliographic Databases Log to document your search process. You will add to the form in future weeks as you continue the search.

Write a 300-word summary of your search process and explain why the committee chose the selected articles focusing on the methods, results, and significance of the studies’ findings.

Provide references for all sources cited.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines, including title and reference pages.


NRP513 Clinical Applications Of Theory And Research

Week 5 Assignment

Quantitative - Recording Key Methodologic Features

Building on what you learned this week, your committee is prepared to take on analyzing key methodologic features of quantitative studies.

Meet as a committee, keeping in mind the virtual meeting space available through Collaborate. If using Collaborate and members cannot meet, record meetings and post them so members can review and provide their contribution.

As a committee, complete the following:

Utilize the articles from the literature search from your Week 4 assignment as the basis for this assignment.

Complete the Evaluation Matrix for Recording Findings, Strengths, and Weaknesses of Studies worksheet and the Methodologic Matrix for Recording Key Methodologic Features of Studies for a Literature Review worksheet to facilitate the synthesis of the studies for the report.

Write a 525- to 700-word synthesis of the key information from the quantitative articles.

Provide references for all sources cited.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines, including title and reference pages.



NRP513 Clinical Applications Of Theory And Research

Week 6 Assignment

Literature Search – Qualitative

Assignment Content

Your EBP committee is ready to continue moving forward. Conduct a search of the literature for qualitative studies on your problem utilizing the search plan submitted in Week 3. You may revise the plan as you conduct the search.

Meet as a committee, keeping in mind the virtual meeting space available through Collaborate. If using Collaborate and members cannot meet, record meetings and post them so members can review and provide their contribution.

As a committee, complete the following:

Locate a minimum of 1 qualitative academic research study per committee member. Each member should read all articles selected. Ensure that the selection of final articles reflects a group process and not simply each team member selecting an article and submitting.

DO NOT UTILIZE A META-SYNTHESIS OR CONTENT ANALYSIS THIS WEEK. If you are unsure about whether an article is appropriate, please send it to me via Private Message to review.

Use the Literature Search Activities in Bibliographic Databases Log to document your search process. Add your qualitative search results to the existing log completed in Week 4.

Write a 250-word addition to the summary of your search process and explain why you selected the articles you chose. You will be adding to the summary completed in Week 4; clearly identify the qualitative section in your existing summary using subheadings.

Add references to the existing reference page in the report using APA format.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines, including title and reference pages.

Submit the updated Literature Search Activities in Bibliographic Databases Log and summary as Microsoft Word documents.


NRP513 Clinical Applications Of Theory And Research

Week 7 Assignment

Qualitative - Recording Key Methodologic Features

Assignment Content

Though the ability to read and accurately interpret and evaluate research reports is a needed skill for evidence-based practice, the strength of evidence needed for changing practice requires systematic reviews of literature. This week's assignment is intended to help your committee develop skills to summarize and synthesize findings from qualitative studies. Synthesis is preferred but is only possible if the methods and findings are consistent from study to study.

Meet as a committee, keeping in mind the virtual meeting space available through Collaborate. If using Collaborate and members cannot meet, record meetings and post them so members can review and provide their contribution.

As a committee, complete the following:

Utilize the articles from the qualitative literature search from your Week 6 assignment as the basis for this assignment.

Update the Evaluation Matrix for Recording Findings, Strengths, and Weaknesses of Studies and the Methodologic Matrix for Recording Key Methodologic Features of Studies for a Literature Review worksheets to summarize key elements of each qualitative study with emphasis on findings. Note that for these qualitative studies, there will NOT be independent and dependent variables.

Write a 350- to 500-word addition to the synthesis of the key information from the qualitative articles. You will be adding to the synthesis completed in Week 5; clearly identify the qualitative section in your existing synthesis using subheadings.

Add references to the existing reference page in the report.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines, including title and reference pages.


NRP513 Clinical Applications Of Theory And Research

Week 7 Assignment

Evidence-Based Practice Project Research Day Submission

It’s now time for your committee to prepare for the upcoming Research Day, a hospital-wide event held every quarter. Research Day was established to provide a platform for highlighting report findings disseminated from EBP committees.

Create a 10- to 14-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation (excluding title and references slides) on your project with detailed speaker notes. Your submission must include the following:

Problem statement

Research question

Article search and selection process

Succinct summary of research reviewed, including key findings


Recommendations for practice

Meet as a committee, keeping in mind the virtual meeting space available through Collaborate. If using Collaborate and members cannot meet, record meetings and post them so members can review and provide their contribution.

Provide references for all sources cited.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines, including title and reference slides.

Submit your assignment as a Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation.




NRP513 Clinical Applications Of Theory And Research

Week 8 Assignment

Evidence-Based Practice Research Project

Assignment Content

Congratulations, it’s time to prepare your final project to share your EBP committee’s findings.

Meet as a committee, keeping in mind the virtual meeting space available through Collaborate to complete the following:

Review and revise the work you completed in Weeks 3-7, incorporating feedback from your instructor. Include any additional modifications deemed fit.

Consolidate the work you completed to compile your evidence-based practice study utilizing the work you completed each week. Include the following in your project:

Clinical problem statement

Research question

Literature search plan that includes the plan you used for locating quantitative and qualitative articles

Findings from the Methodologic Matrix for Recording Key Methodologic Features worksheet for both quantitative and qualitative articles selected. The matrices themselves do not have to be included.

Synthesize the findings from all studies selected


Provide references for all sources cited.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines, including title and reference pages.

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