UTA HIST1302 All Discussions Latest 2021 November

Question # 00630764
Course Code : HIST1302
Subject: History
Due on: 11/29/2021
Posted On: 11/28/2021 10:11 PM
Tutorials: 1
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HIST1302 US History since 1865

Lesson 1.1 Discussion

DQ1 African Americans & Reconstruction Discussion

You have now accessed both primary (documents in American Yawp) and secondary (lectures and textbook chapter) materials concerning African American suffrage and politics in the Reconstruction era.  If you were a historian, what would you say if someone asked you to describe the political position of African Americans in the South during Reconstruction?  What would be your thesis statement?  What evidence would you draw in support of your argument from the primary sources? What evidence would you pull in from the textbook and lectures to help complete the picture?  Would you say that Reconstruction was or was not successful in this situation?

DQ2 Reflective Discussion

Reflection discussions will help you to think more deeply about the materials and should improve your Untest submissions. Sit back and think about the question prompt below and then jump in and engage in conversation with your fellow students, instructor, and TA.

Prompt/Topic:  How do the Redeemers (Southern white elites who were in power before the war) regain control?  What are they "redeeming?"


HIST1302 US History since 1865

Lesson 1.2 Discussion

DQ1 Unspoken: America's Native American Boarding Schools Discussion

Watch the following documentary - Unspoken: American Native American Boarding Schools

Create and engage in a conversation with your fellow students about your thoughts/opinions after hearing this tragic story. What is the legacy of Native Assimilation in the United States and how do these schools reflect that legacy?

DQ2 Following the Frontier Discussion

Visit the US Census Bureau site HERE  (Links to an external site.)and engage with the population density slider. What do you notice? What are determinants in how the American population expanded westward in the 19th century? What Geographic Connections can you make when considering American expansion?

DQ3 Reflective Discussion

Reflection discussions will help you to think more deeply about the materials and should improve your Untest submissions. Sit back and think about the question prompt below and then jump in and engage in conversation with your fellow students, instructor, and TA.

Prompt/Topic: Analyze the Indian policy of the US government. What promises had been made to the Indians? What promises were broken?




HIST1302 US History since 1865

Lesson 1.3 Discussion

DQ1 Primary Document Discussion

Read the TWO Primary Documents (William Jennings Bryant & Mary K Lease) and post your responses/engage in a conversation.

What is the principal message of each document?

Why are these significant in this period?

DQ2 Reflective Discussion

Reflection discussions will help you to think more deeply about the materials and should improve your Untest submissions. Sit back and think about the question prompt below and then jump in and engage in conversation with your fellow students, instructor, and TA.

Prompt/Topic: Why does the People's Party organize? What is the platform of the party (Omaha Platform)? How does it reflect difficulties some Americans face socio-economically?


HIST1302 US History since 1865

Lesson 1.4 Discussion

DQ1 History Jam Discussion

The History Jam is an open forum discussion about the history you learned in Unit 1 or any connections you have made to this history. Engage in conversation over history with your fellow students, instructor, or coach. You will need to return at a later time to further the conversation by replying to comments on your own posts or making additional comments on others.

Your instructor or coach may choose to host live virtual History Jams through Microsoft Teams, if that is an option, virtual History Jam times will be announced.

You may earn credit for participation in the History Jam either through this asynchronous discussion board or through the live virtual session. You need not do both.

DQ2 Reflective Discussion

Reflection discussions will help you to think more deeply about the materials and should improve your Untest submissions. Sit back and think about the question prompt below and then jump in and engage in conversation with your fellow students, instructor, and TA.

Prompt/Topic: What factors prevented large scale social, economic, and political change in the South?





HIST1302 US History since 1865

Lesson 2.1 Discussion

DQ1 White Man's Burden" Discussion

After you have read both Richard Kipling's "The White Man's Burden"  (Links to an external site.)and then Crosby's response (Links to an external site.), what are your thoughts? What is the 'White Man's Burden' in these two's opinion and how does this reflect the growth of American Imperialism at the turn of the 20th century?

DQ2 America Becomes a World Power Discussion

America Becomes a World Power

How does America become a world power?

America Becomes a World Power. Produced by Media Rich Communications. 2004.

If the video does not appear below, follow this link: https://login.ezproxy.uta.edu/login?url=https://search.alexanderstreet.com/view/work/bibliographic_entity%7Cvideo_work%7C1790466?account_id=7117&usage_group_id=114749 (Links to an external site.)

You may need to log in with your NetID

DQ3 Reflective Discussion

Reflection discussions will help you to think more deeply about the materials and should improve your Untest submissions. Sit back and think about the question prompt below and then jump in and engage in conversation with your fellow students, instructor, and TA.

Prompt/Topic: What are the key points (both for and against) in the domestic debate over having an empire?


HIST1302 US History since 1865

Lesson 2.2 Discussion

DQ1 Video - Prohibition Discussion

 - Watch the following video and relay your thoughts/impressions in the discussion. Engage in a conversation with your fellow students on the impact of prohibition in the United States. Why did this happen? What were the consequences?

DQ2 Washington and DuBois Discussion

After reviewing the wrods of Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois, how did these two men see America? What was the fundamental difference in their worldview? Why are these voices important?

DQ3 Connections Discussion

This discussion is practice for the untest. I will provide you with two facts and you will use your critical thinking skills to make historical connections. Engage in conversation by discussing others' connections or replying to comments on your own posts. You will need to return later to the discussion to further the conversation.

FACT 1: Industrial/Gilded Age America saw a massive gap in wealth equality in American cities

FACT 2: The Progressive Era saw the enfranchisement of women and wider percentage of Americas

You MAY NOT use these two facts or any connections made in the discussion in your untest.


HIST1302 US History since 1865

Lesson 2.3 Discussion

DQ1 Lesson 2.3 - "Dear Home" Discussion

A personal perspective on the war from soldiers and their families.  Consider the human cost of modern warfare as you view this documentary.

If the video does not appear below, follow this link: https://login.ezproxy.uta.edu/login?url=https://search.alexanderstreet.com/view/work/bibliographic_entity%7Cvideo_work%7C1785778?account_id=7117&usage_group_id=114749

After watching "Dear Home: Letters from World War I" engage in a conversation with your fellow students.

Possible Discussion questions:

Which letter stand out to you and why?

How are these letters/their stories helpful to us as students of history?

How did censorship impact these letters?

DQ2 History Jam Discussion

The History Jam is an open forum discussion about the history you learned in Unit 1 or any connections you have made to this history. Engage in conversation over history with your fellow students, instructor, or coach. You will need to return at a later time to further the conversation by replying to comments on your own posts or making additional comments on others.

Your instructor or coach may choose to host live virtual History Jams through Microsoft Teams, if that is an option, virtual History Jam times will be announced.

You may earn credit for participation in the History Jam either through this asynchronous discussion board or through the live virtual session. You need not do both.

DQ3 Reflective Discussion

Reflection discussions will help you to think more deeply about the materials and should improve your Untest submissions. Sit back and think about the question prompt below and then jump in and engage in conversation with your fellow students, instructor, and TA.

Prompt/Topic: Why does the U.S. wish to remain neutral in WWI? Who is most opposed to the war?  Why?





HIST1302 US History since 1865

Lesson 3.1 Discussion

DQ1 Making a Way Out of No Way Discussion

After watching the final half of the "Making a Way Out of No Way" documentary episode, create and engage in a conversation with your fellow students about the power of the Harlem Renaissance and the Great Migration north for so many African Americans in the early 1920's. Why was there such a draw to these norther cities for southern African Americans?

DQ2 Reflective Discussion

Reflection discussions will help you to think more deeply about the materials and should improve your Untest submissions. Sit back and think about the question prompt below and then jump in and engage in conversation with your fellow students, instructor, and TA.

Prompt/Topic: What were the "culture wars" of the 1920s about? Who was on which side?


HIST1302 US History since 1865

Lesson 3.2 Discussion

Reflective Discussion

Reflection discussions will help you to think more deeply about the materials and should improve your Untest submissions. Sit back and think about the question prompt below and then jump in and engage in conversation with your fellow students, instructor, and TA.

Prompt/Topic: How successful were the reforms of the New Deal?


HIST1302 US History since 1865

Lesson 3.3 Discussion

DQ1 Internment Discussion

After reviewing all of the Japanese internment documents and the timeline, start and engage in a conversation with your fellow students.

Why were Japanese immigrants and Japanese-Americans interned?

What does this reflect in American society?

What is the legacy of this internment?

What contemporary issues/events were brought to your mind when learning of this event?

DQ2 Reflective Discussion

Reflection discussions will help you to think more deeply about the materials and should improve your Untest submissions. Sit back and think about the question prompt below and then jump in and engage in conversation with your fellow students, instructor, and TA.

Prompt/Topic: What are the effects of WWII on American society? What ethical and civic dilemmas did American society face during the war?


HIST1302 US History since 1865

Lesson 3.4 Discussion

DQ1 "Atomic Cafe" Discussion

After watching the "Atomic Cafe" documentary, start and engage in a conversation.

What does the Atomic Bomb mean to modern America? What does it represent?

What surprised you about this video and its story?

Can you divorce this story from the story of America from 1945 to present day?

DQ2 Connections Discussion

This discussion is practice for the untest. I will provide you with two facts and you will use your critical thinking skills to make historical connections. Engage in conversation by discussing others' connections or replying to comments on your own posts. You will need to return later to the discussion to further the conversation.

FACT 1: By August 1945, the Second World War was over and the Allies were victorious.

FACT 2: By the end of the 1940's, the world was embroiled in the Cold War.

You MAY NOT use these two facts or any connections made in the discussion in your untest.

DQ3 Reflective Discussion

Reflection discussions will help you to think more deeply about the materials and should improve your Untest submissions. Sit back and think about the question prompt below and then jump in and engage in conversation with your fellow students, instructor, and TA.

Prompt/Topic: What factors allow for the rise of McCarthyism? Why does McCarthyism fail?


HIST1302 US History since 1865

Lesson 4.1 Discussion

DQ1 Campaign Commercial Discussion

1952 Campaign Commercials  (Links to an external site.)

This is a fascinating website of political campaign commercials. I have linked to the 1952 election (Simply click on the title above to open the link to the website).  After viewing the commercials for both Stevenson and Eisenhower consider the following:  What are the common features of these commercials? How is each candidate appealing to the voters?  Who would you have voted for? Why?

DQ2 Reflective Discussion

Reflection discussions will help you to think more deeply about the materials and should improve your Untest submissions. Sit back and think about the question prompt below and then jump in and engage in conversation with your fellow students, instructor, and TA.

Prompt/Topic: Why was conformity so important in the 1950s and why did some Americans rebel against this conformity?


HIST1302 US History since 1865

Lesson 4.2 Discussion

DQ1 Reaction Discussion

After viewing all of the MAD video clips on the previous page, what is your reaction? Why were these sentiments so easy to pray upon during the 1960's? What elements of American society are on display here AND Why are these chosen to be put alongside the idea of MAD?

DQ2 Reflective Discussion

Reflection discussions will help you to think more deeply about the materials and should improve your Untest submissions. Sit back and think about the question prompt below and then jump in and engage in conversation with your fellow students, instructor, and TA.

Prompt/Topic: What were the concerns of America's youth in the 1960s? What accounts for their activism?


HIST1302 US History since 1865

Lesson 4.3 Discussion

DQ1 Connections Discussion

This discussion is practice for the untest. I will provide you with two facts and you will use your critical thinking skills to make historical connections. Engage in conversation by discussing others' connections or replying to comments on your own posts. You will need to return later to the discussion to further the conversation.

FACT 1: The Watergate scandal ultimately resulted in Nixon's resignation

FACT 2: Jimmy Carter's presidency was marred by constant critique & criticism form the press

You MAY NOT use these two facts or any connections made in the discussion in your untest.

DQ2 Reflective Discussion

Reflection discussions will help you to think more deeply about the materials and should improve your Untest submissions. Sit back and think about the question prompt below and then jump in and engage in conversation with your fellow students, instructor, and TA.

Prompt/Topic: What are the key economic problems in the 1970s?



HIST1302 US History since 1865

Lesson 4.4 Discussion

DQ1 Fannie Lou Hamer Discussion

Fannie Lou Hamer – Women Inspiring Change

Read over the following biography (Links to an external site.) of Ms. Fannie Lou Hamer, a civil and voting rights activist who lived and worked in Mississippi during the 1960's. She was a founding member of the Freedom Democratic Party and a leader of the famous "Freedom Summer" of 1964. That same year at the Democratic Convention, Hamer spoke to the country about her experiences (Link to an external site)  (Links to an external site.)in the segregated south and why it was the time for change. Read the transcript of her on-air comments and consider the following questions as you annotate and discuss with your fellow students:

What stands out from Ms. Hamer's testimony and why?

How is Ms. Hamer's experiences here (and from her biography) a representation of life in the Jim Crow south?

Why is Ms. Hamer's life story and testimony at the 1964 DNC an important piece of the Black Freedom Struggle?

DQ2 Reflective Discussion

All Sections

Reflection discussions will help you to think more deeply about the materials and should improve your Untest submissions. Sit back and think about the question prompt below and then jump in and engage in conversation with your fellow students, instructor, and TA.

Prompt/Topic: What were the significant pieces of civil rights legislation?


HIST1302 US History since 1865

Lesson 4.5 Discussion

DQ1 Berlin Wall Discussion

Why the Berlin Wall rose—and how it fell | National Geographic

This is a participation option worth 10 points.

After reviewing the videos and documents concerning the Berlin Wall and its fall in 1989, why was this moment so representative of the state of the Cold War and America's position in the world? What about the wall and its history made this such a powerful moment? What did it mean?

DQ2 Reflective Discussion

Reflection discussions will help you to think more deeply about the materials and should improve your Untest submissions. Sit back and think about the question prompt below and then jump in and engage in conversation with your fellow students, instructor, and TA.

Prompt/Topic: What are the major social issues of the 1980s?


HIST1302 US History since 1865

Lesson 4.6 Discussion

DQ1 History Jam Discussion

The History Jam is an open forum discussion about the history you learned in Unit 4 or any connections you have made to this history. Engage in conversation over history with your fellow students, instructor, or coach. You will need to return at a later time to further the conversation by replying to comments on your own posts or making additional comments on others.

Your instructor or coach may choose to host live virtual History Jams through Microsoft Teams, if that is an option, virtual History Jam times will be announced.

You may earn credit for participation in the History Jam either through this asynchronous discussion board or through the live virtual session. You need not do both.

DQ2 Reflective Discussion

Reflection discussions will help you to think more deeply about the materials and should improve your Untest submissions. Sit back and think about the question prompt below and then jump in and engage in conversation with your fellow students, instructor, and TA.

Prompt/Topic: How do the demographics of the U.S. change in the 1980s and 1990s and what does this diversity mean for American society and politics?


HIST1302 US History since 1865

Case Study 1.1 Discussion

DQ1 Geronimo Discussion

This is an episode from the excellent "We Shall Remain" series which looks at American Indian history from the Indian perspective.  As you watch the film, compare to the chapter from Broesamle that you just read.  Both of these materials are based upon primary sources.  How are they different?  Where do they agree?  What do you think accounts for any differing interpretations of events?

DQ2 Reflective Discussion

Reflection discussions will help you to think more deeply about the materials and should improve your Untest submissions. Sit back and think about the question prompt below and then jump in and engage in conversation with your fellow students, instructor, and TA.

Prompt/Topic: Briefly describe the reasons for Geronimo's continued resistance to American authority as presented in the documentary.





HIST1302 US History since 1865

Case Study 1.2 Discussion

DQ1 Riis Discussion

After reviewing the Jacob Riis Photo galleries, which picture stood out to the most and why? What issue of the period is represented in the photo you chose?

DQ2 Connections Discussion

This discussion is practice for the untest. I will provide you with two facts and you will use your critical thinking skills to make historical connections. Engage in conversation by discussing others' connections or replying to comments on your own posts. You will need to return later to the discussion to further the conversation.

FACT 1: The population of New York city grew from 500,000 in 1850 to more than 4.7 million by 1910.

FACT 2: 63.7% of American laborers worked in agriculture in 1850 vs only 31% by 1910.

You MAY NOT use these two facts or any connections made in the discussion in your untest.

DQ3 Reflective Discussion

Reflection discussions will help you to think more deeply about the materials and should improve your Untest submissions. Sit back and think about the question prompt below and then jump in and engage in conversation with your fellow students, instructor, and TA.

Prompt/Topic: The documentary over Carnegie discussed both positive and negative aspects of his actions as a business owner. You have also been introduced to the concept of Robber Baron v Captain of Industry in a previous lesson. What actions, as presented in the documentary, can be considered those of a robber baron (a more pejorative interpretation of actions)? What actions, as presented in the documentary, can be considered those of a captain of industry (a more positive interpretation)? How would you categorize Carnegie, is he more of a robber baron or captain of industry?


HIST1302 US History since 1865

Case Study 2 Discussion

Reflective Discussion

Reflection discussions will help you to think more deeply about the materials and should improve your Untest submissions. Sit back and think about the question prompt below and then jump in and engage in conversation with your fellow students, instructor, and TA.

Prompt/Topic: Which tactics proved successful for those arguing for women's suffrage in Tennessee? How does this compare to what worked elsewhere?





HIST1302 US History since 1865

Case Study 3 Discussion

DQ1 History Jam Discussion

The History Jam is an open forum discussion about the history you learned in Unit 1 or any connections you have made to this history. Engage in conversation over history with your fellow students, instructor, or coach. You will need to return at a later time to further the conversation by replying to comments on your own posts or making additional comments on others.

Your instructor or coach may choose to host live virtual History Jams through Microsoft Teams, if that is an option, virtual History Jam times will be announced.

You may earn credit for participation in the History Jam either through this asynchronous discussion board or through the live virtual session. You need not do both.

DQ2 Reflective Discussion

Reflection discussions will help you to think more deeply about the materials and should improve your Untest submissions. Sit back and think about the question prompt below and then jump in and engage in conversation with your fellow students, instructor, and TA.

Prompt/Topic: What types of social reform did Eleanor Roosevelt support?


HIST1302 US History since 1865

Case Study 4 Discussion

Reflective Discussion

Reflection discussions will help you to think more deeply about the materials and should improve your Untest submissions. Sit back and think about the question prompt below and then jump in and engage in conversation with your fellow students, instructor, and TA.

Prompt/Topic: What connections do you see between the complaints of the Black Panther Movement and AIM? Do you see any connections between AIM's complaints about the American government and Geronimo's complaints?


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UTA HIST1302 All Discussions Latest 2021 November

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