Variety of Modern Tools for Big Data Analytics Exist in The Market

Question # 00650913
Subject: Computer Science
Due on: 12/02/2023
Posted On: 12/02/2023 02:22 AM
Tutorials: 1
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Pits University a Variety of Modern Tools for Big Data Analytics Exist in The Market Today Discussion

Question 1: Discussion


This week, explore the concepts of the four main types of data analytics:

  • Descriptive
  • Prescriptive
  • Diagnostic
  • Predictive


Pick one type of data analytics you find most interesting and answer the following questions:


  • How is this method applied in a specific business situation? Describe a potential example and the expected use of the results.
  • What is at least one advantage and one disadvantage to this analytics method?


In the peer replies, it is important to add further insight into the selected method of data analytics chosen by your peer. What other advantages and business impacts do you think the method brings to an organization? Please give minimum 250 words, citations and 2 references for discussion.


Question 2: Assignment


A variety of modern tools for big data analytics exist in the market today. The following are well-known analytics tools, and you will find additional descriptions and ratings here:


  • Hadoop: used to store and analyze data
  • MongoDB: used on datasets that change frequently
  • Talend: used for data integration and management
  • Cassandra: a distributed database used to handle chunks of data
  • Spark: used for real-time processing and analysis of large amounts of data
  • STORM: an open-source, real-time computational system
  • Kafka: a distributed streaming platform used for fault-tolerant storage

Select two analytic tools from the list and resources above. Create a 5-7 slide PowerPoint presentation addressing the features and functions their systems provide. Following your comparison, address how each may be used in a business environment, as well as which you would recommend and why. Your presentation slides must be professional and written in a manner that would be appropriate to present to business leadership.


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Variety of Modern Tools for Big Data Analytics Exist in The Market

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Posted On: 12/02/2023 02:23 AM
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