Walden HLTH6475 Complete Course Latest 2024

Question # 00654006
Subject: Health Care
Due on: 11/19/2024
Posted On: 11/19/2024 04:30 AM
Tutorials: 1
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HLTH6475 Prgm Plan, Implement & Eval

Module 1 Discussion


Part of what makes a discussion a discussion and not a lecture is the back-and-forth, in-depth, animated engagement of at least two people. If you start a topic and your colleagues are not engaging in it, consider what you can do to get the conversation going. Include something that would elicit further thoughts and different opinions from colleagues. Remember that discussion supports a discovery learning experience that facilitates a deeper understanding of content from multiple viewpoints. To ensure that your contributions to the Discussion posts are timely, relevant, insightful, and engaging, keep the following in mind as you post:

•   Engage in the Discussion as early as possible and continue to post throughout the module.

•   Design your posts to elicit multiple points of view from your colleagues.

•   Validate your assertions with references and links to credible sources so that your colleagues can check and read the source(s) for themselves.

Academic discussions provide a forum to share insights with your colleagues as you encounter new content. Discussion supports a discovery learning experience that facilitates a deeper understanding of content from multiple viewpoints. To ensure that your contributions to the Discussion posts and responses are timely, relevant, insightful, and engaging, keep the following in mind as you post:

•   Be sure to review and follow the Discussion Rubric.

•   Engage in the Discussion as early as possible and continue to post throughout the module.

•   Design your posts to elicit multiple points of view from your colleagues.

•   Validate your assertions with references to credible sources.

Health promotion and disease prevention are based on the idea that optimal health should be promoted and disease should be prevented wherever possible. The focus on preventing disease often leads to tension between encouraging individuals to take responsibility for their own health, on the one hand, and making them feel as if they are somehow responsible for causing their health condition, on the other hand.

To prepare for this Discussion, review the section “The Fuzzy Aspects of Planning” (pp. 14–19) presented in your Issel et al., (2022) course text, and the methods utilized in planning a health promotion program. Consider the assumptions of health promotion on which these methods are based, paying particular attention to the “Paradoxes and Assumptions” sections.

With these thoughts in mind:



Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.

Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.



Start the Discussion by describing the challenges that program planners face when trying to promote the idea of personal responsibility with regard to health behavior while also trying to avoid placing the blame on individuals for their health status. Is it possible to do both? Explain why or why not.

This Discussion will be available from Day 1 through Day 7 of this module. While you are required to submit your initial post by Day 5, you are encouraged to post early. Once you have submitted your initial post, start responding to your colleagues by no later than Day 5. Continue to interact frequently with your colleagues through Day 7, supporting your responses with credible sources.

Support your work with specific citations from this module’s Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources as appropriate. Refer to the Essential Guide to APA Style for Walden Students to ensure that your in-text citations and reference list are correct.


HLTH6475 Prgm Plan, Implement & Eval

Module 2 Discussion


As you work on your Health Promotion Program Proposal, you post updates on your progress in the Project Support Area discussion board in Modules 2–4. This is an opportunity to gain valuable feedback on your proposal prior to the due date, so it is important that you actively participate in this support area.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.

Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.



Post an update on the progress you are making on your Health Promotion Program Proposal. Topics for discussion include the community you have identified, the program planning model you have selected, and the rationale for the selection.

This Discussion will be available from Day 1 of Week 2 through Day 7 of Week 3 of this module. While you are required to submit your update by Day 3 of Week 3, you are encouraged to post early. Once you have submitted your initial post, begin reviewing the responses of your colleagues. Respond to at least two of your colleagues by providing your assessment of their program planning model selection. Explain your rationale.

Support your work with specific citations from this module’s Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources as appropriate. Refer to the Essential Guide to APA Style for Walden Students to ensure that your in-text citations and reference list are correct.


HLTH6475 Prgm Plan, Implement & Eval

Module 3 Discussion 1


When planning a health promotion program, the behaviors and conditions you seek to address must be clearly articulated early on. Working with community members to develop a clearly defined mission and specific and measurable goals is an important step.

To prepare for this Discussion, consider an HIV prevention program being proposed by a professor at a local university. The program is being funded by a national HIV/AIDS service organization. The professor has also identified the following stakeholders: two community organizations active in HIV prevention, the local health department, and various community members.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.

Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.



Post your assessment of whether or not you expect the identified stakeholders will have difficulty setting program goals, and explain why. Identify additional stakeholders that should be involved in the planning process and explain why you chose them. Describe the collaboration strategies you would use to avoid turf struggles and ensure that all stakeholders have a sense of ownership over the program. Explain why these strategies would work.

This Discussion will be available from Day 1 through Day 14 of this module. While you are required to submit your initial post by Day 5, you are encouraged to post early. Once you have submitted your initial post, start responding to your colleagues by providing your assessment of the choice of stakeholders and collaboration strategies proposed by your peers. Also, provide a justification for your assessment. You must begin responding to your colleagues by no later than Day 7 and should continue to interact frequently with your colleagues through Day 14.

Support your work with specific citations from this module’s Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources as appropriate. Refer to the Essential Guide to APA Style for Walden Students to ensure that your in-text citations and reference list are correct.


HLTH6475 Prgm Plan, Implement & Eval

Module 3 Discussion 2    



Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.

Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.



Post an update on the progress you are making on your Health Promotion Program Proposal. Topics you are to discuss quantitative and/or qualitative methods used to assess the health needs of your chosen community, your proposed strategies to identify program stakeholders and build coalitions and partnerships, and program goals and objectives.

This Discussion will be available from Day 1 of Week 4 through Day 7 of Week 5. While you are required to submit your update by Day 3 of Week 5, you are encouraged to post early. Once you have submitted your initial post, begin reviewing the responses of your colleagues. Provide your assessment of the methods used to determine their community’s needs and proposed collaboration strategies. Explain your rationale.


HLTH6475 Prgm Plan, Implement & Eval

Module 4 Discussion

Back to Module at a Glance



Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.

Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.



Post a final update on your Health Promotion Program Proposal. Topics for discussion include an explanation of the analysis conducted in order to select your chosen behavioral theory, intervention strategy, and program activity.

Support your work with specific citations from this module’s Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources as appropriate. Refer to the Essential Guide to APA Stylefor Walden Students to ensure that your in-text citations and reference list are correct.


HLTH6475 Prgm Plan, Implement & Eval

Module 5 Discussion 1


Evaluations are designed to address various questions and can use a variety of designs. It is important to identify the type of evaluation to be conducted and to select an evaluation design that is most appropriate for the program. When it comes to program evaluation, one size does not fit all.

To prepare for this Discussion, review the two case studies provided in the CDC Get Smart Program Planner. Analyze the evaluation methods used to conduct the Get Smart evaluation. Consider the ways in which the program stakeholders influenced the evaluations. Select one case study on which to focus your Discussion post.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.

Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.



Submit a post in which you:

Identify the type of evaluation conducted in the case study.

Examine the selected evaluation design and methodological approach, and provide your assessment of whether or not the proposed design is appropriate. Offer a justification for your assessment.

Describe one of the challenges faced by the evaluators in the development of the evaluation plan.

Examine the role of the program stakeholders in the evaluation, and provide your assessment of whether or not program stakeholders were sufficiently involved in the evaluation process. Offer a justification for your assessment.

This Discussion will be available from Day 1 through Day 14 of this module. While you are required to submit your initial post by Day 5, you are encouraged to post early. Once you have submitted your initial post, start responding to your colleagues by no later than Day 7 by providing your own assessment of the methodological approaches, the challenges faced, and stakeholder participation. Continue to interact frequently with your colleagues through Day 14, supporting your responses with credible sources.

Support your work with specific citations from this module’s Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources as appropriate. Refer to the Essential Guide to APA Style for Walden Students to ensure that your in-text citations and reference list are correct.


HLTH6475 Prgm Plan, Implement & Eval

Module 5 Discussion 2


As you work on your Evaluation Plan, post updates on your progress in the Project Support Area in Modules 5–6. This is an opportunity to gain valuable feedback on your proposal prior to the due date, so it is important that you actively participate in this support area.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.

Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.



Post an update on the progress you are making on your Evaluation Plan. Topics for discussion include methods of evaluation you use, the type of evaluation you are proposing, the research question you have selected, and the possible ways your evaluation findings may be used.

This Discussion will be available from Day 1 of Week 8 through Day 7 of Week 9. While you are required to submit your update by Day 3 of Week 9, you are encouraged to post early. Once you have submitted your initial post, begin reviewing the responses of your colleagues. Critique their methods of evaluation and proposed evaluation question(s). Explain your rationale.


HLTH6475 Prgm Plan, Implement & Eval

Module 6 Discussion 1


Most, if not all, programs are limited by budgetary restraints. While it can be fun to propose an ideal program, it is important also to consider just how much such a program would cost.

To prepare for this Discussion, review Chapter 8 of the Issel et al. (2022) course text as well as the article “Planning and Writing an Annual Budget” by the Center for Community Health and Development. Consider the importance of developing a realistic budget for your health promotion program.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.

Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.



Post an overview of the anticipated program costs for the program you proposed in Module 4, using Exhibit 8-2 (p. 216) and Table 8-1 (p. 217) from Issel et al. (2022) as a guide. Often, program planners do not have the time and resources to implement an ideal program. Are there any changes you would make to your program based on the anticipated cost? Discuss why you would or would not make changes. Also, discuss how budgetary concerns impact implementation strategy.

This Discussion will be available from Day 1 through Day 14 of this module. While you are required to submit your initial post by Day 5, you are encouraged to post early. Once you have submitted your initial post, start responding to your colleagues by no later than Day 7 by providing your own assessment of their budgetary decisions. Also, provide a rationale to support your assessment. Continue to interact frequently with your colleagues through Day 14, supporting your responses with credible sources.

Support your work with specific citations from this module’s Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources as appropriate. Refer to the Essential Guide to APA Style for Walden Students to ensure that your in-text citations and reference list are correct.


HLTH6475 Prgm Plan, Implement & Eval

Module 6 Discussion 2



Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.

Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.



Post a final update on your Evaluation Plan. Topics for discussion include collaboration strategies for development of the evaluation as well as anticipated utilization of the evaluation findings.

This Discussion will be available from Day 1 of Week 10 through Day 7 of Week 11. While you are required to submit your update by Day 7 of Week 10, you are encouraged to post early. Once you have submitted your initial post, begin reviewing the responses of your colleagues. Discuss the choice of collaboration strategy and anticipated uses for the evaluation findings. Explain your rationale.


HLTH6475 Prgm Plan, Implement & Eval

Module 2 Assignment


The published literature is rich with examples of health promotion programs that have utilized the concepts of program planning covered in this course. The Planning Models Article Review Worksheet will allow you to critically examine the assignment of these concepts in real-world settings.

To prepare for the Planning Models Article Review, review Chapter 3 of the Issel et al. (2022) textbook on planning models, as well as the rest of the Learning Resources for this module. Reflect on the ways planning models were used to develop health promotion programs. Please pay careful attention to the planning model used in the article, not the theory used to develop the intervention.

To complete the Planning Models Article Review Worksheet, select one of the articles provided by your instructor, analyze the use of a program planning model, and complete the Planning Models Article Review Worksheet based on the information you obtained from the article. You will be given two articles to choose from for this assignment. You only need to select one article to complete the worksheet, which is provided in the module instructions.

Support your work with specific citations from this module’s Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources as appropriate. Refer to the Essential Guide to APA Style for Walden Students to ensure that your in-text citations and reference list are correct.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.

Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.



Submit your Assignment.


Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area.

To submit your completed assignment, save your Assignment as MD2Assgn_LastName_Firstinitial

Then, click on Start Assignment near the top of the page.

Next, click on Upload File and select Submit Assignment for review.


HLTH6475 Prgm Plan, Implement & Eval

Module 4 Assignment 1


The published literature is rich with examples of health promotion programs that have utilized the principles of effective program implementation covered in this course. The Intervention Development Article Review Worksheet will allow you to critically examine the assignment of these concepts in real-world settings.

To prepare for the Article Review, read Chapters 5 and 7 of Issel et al. (2022) and the McLeroy, et al. (1988) article. Then select one of the articles provided in the Learning Resources to analyze for your Article Review. You do not need to read all of the articles in the Learning Resources, only McLeroy, et al. (1988) and the one you select for this Assignment.


Review your selected article and reflect on the ways that theories of health behavior were used to develop the health promotion intervention. Complete the Intervention Development Article Review Worksheet based on the information you obtained from the article. For this assignment do not select the McLeroy, et al. (1988) article.

Support your work with specific citations from this module’s Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources as appropriate. Refer to the Essential Guide to APA Style for Walden Students to ensure that your in-text citations and reference list are correct.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.

Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.



Submit your assignment.


Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area.

To submit your completed assignment, save your Assignment as MD4Assgn1_LastName_Firstinitial

Then, click on Start Assignment near the top of the page.

Next, click on Upload File and select Submit Assignment for review.


HLTH6475 Prgm Plan, Implement & Eval

Module 4 Assignment 2


Obtaining the funding and/or approval to develop a program is often dependent upon one’s ability to clearly articulate each element of the proposed program. Proposing a health promotion program requires a well-thought-out plan that clearly identifies the health condition, target population, and anticipated activities.


Modules 2, 3, and 4 have covered the steps for planning and designing a health promotion program. For this Assignment,you will submit a proposal for the health promotion program you have been developing that meets a health need for a specific community.

12- to 15-page proposal (double- spaced, Times New Roman font):

Cover page should include:

Project title

Primary contact person, title

Sections of your proposal:

1. Introduction

Briefly describe the project relevance and need

Describe how your project complements or adds to other similar initiatives.

2. Community Description

Describe the target audience(s) for the project (e.g. health practitioners, policy-makers, underserved population).

Provide list the geographic location(s) and sites/settings (e.g. hospital, community-based center, school, work setting) where the project activities will take place.

3. Needs Assessment

Provide a summary of the mini-needs assessment conducted to determine a priority health issue for this community. The mini-needs assessment is to be based on available statistics and must focus on population needs, assets and capacities that affect your identified community’s health.

4. Socio-ecological factors

Provide a description of the primary socio-ecological factors related to the health issue.

5. Stakeholders

Identify and describe strategies used to identify your program stakeholders and build coalitions and partnerships.

Identify and describe types of resources and community stakeholders. Indicate the name of the partners you will work with during the project. Describe the role and contribution of each partner.

6. Vision, mission, goals and objectives


the program vision

the program mission

at least one program goal and

at least two objectives

7. Theoretical framework

Identify the theory or model used to guide development of the interventions and provide a rationale for your selection.

8. Intervention strategy

Propose an appropriate population-based program intervention strategy based on your theoretical framework that targets one of the socio-ecological factors associated with this health condition and target population.

9. Activities

Identify at least two specific program activities and explain how it would be used in the program.

Explain how each activity is related to your theoretical framework.

10. Logic Model

Develop a Logic Model for the program.

Support your work with specific citations from this module’s Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources as appropriate. Refer to the Essential Guide to APA Stylefor Walden Students to ensure that your in-text citations and reference list are correct.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.

Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.



Submit your Assignment 2.


Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area.

To submit your completed assignment, save your Assignment as MD4Assgn2_LastName_Firstinitial

Then, click on Start Assignment near the top of the page.

Next, click on Upload File and select Submit Assignment for review.


HLTH6475 Prgm Plan, Implement & Eval

Module 5 Assignment 


Evaluation takes place at various points within a program's life cycle. It requires different types of questions to elicit the information needed to improve the program and determine its effectiveness. Some of the most commonly used questions are focused specifically on the processes, impacts, and outcomes of the program.

To prepare for this Assignment, review Chapters 11, 12, and 13 of the Issel et al. (2022) course text. Reflect on the different methods of evaluation and the different types and purposes of program evaluation.

Develop a total of nine evaluation questions for your specific health promotion program—three process, three impact, and three outcome questions—and provide a brief explanation of how these different categories of questions differ from one another. Each set of evaluation questions should be specific to the health promotion program you are aleady developing and using for this course. Ask how, why, to what extent? Avoid questions that elicit a yes/no response.

Support your work with specific citations from this module’s Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources as appropriate. Refer to the Essential Guide to APA Style for Walden Students to ensure that your in-text citations and reference list are correct.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.

Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.



Submit your Assignment.


Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area.

To submit your completed assignment, save your Assignment as MD5Assgn_LastName_Firstinitial

Then, click on Start Assignment near the top of the page.

Next, click on Upload File and select Submit Assignment for review.



HLTH6475 Prgm Plan, Implement & Eval

Module 6 Assignment


Once the program has been designed, it is time to consider how the program will be evaluated. To design an evaluation, you must identify a specific evaluation question and determine the best way to answer it. The evaluation design and methods should be aligned to allow for the collection of data that will answer the specific evaluation question being posed. Poorly designed evaluations lead to wasted time and effort, as well as data that are not useful for program improvement.

For this Assignment, you are developing an Evaluation Plan for the program you proposed in Module 4. Module 5 covered the steps for designing a program evaluation. Select one of the evaluation questions you developed in Module 5 and design a 6- to 8-page Evaluation Plan that meets the following criteria:

State the evaluation question you are evaluating and explain why it is important.

Discuss which evaluation design you use and why.

Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the design used. Identify any threats to measurement reliability and validity that you might encounter when collecting data and discuss what you would do to reduce these threats.

Describe the methods you would use to to answer the evaluation question/to evaluate your proposed program.

Describe any modifications needed to an existing instrument, an instrument that would need to be developed, and/or existing records to access and provide your rationale.

Summarize the ways in which your evaluation results might be used to improve the program's quality, utility, and impact on the priority populations, and provide an explanation for why you think the results might be used in these ways.

Support your work with specific citations from this module’s Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources as appropriate. Refer to the Essential Guide to APA Style for Walden Students to ensure that your in-text citations and reference list are correct.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.

Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.



Submit your Assignment.


Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area.

To submit your completed assignment, save your Assignment as MD6Assgn_LastName_Firstinitial

Then, click on Start Assignment near the top of the page.

Next, click on Upload File and select Submit Assignment for review.




HLTH6475 Prgm Plan, Implement & Eval

Module 1 Quiz

Question 1

Which factors have been found to influence behavior?

Socioeconomic Status





All of the Above

Question 2

Intentional efforts to create something that has not occurred previously for the betterment of others and for the purpose of meeting desired goals is a definition of planning.



Question 3

An assumption in program planning is that planning occurs in an orderly fashion.



Question 4

The public health pyramid is divided into which four sections?

Direct healthcare services, enabling services, population-based services, and infrastructure services

Direct healthcare services, enabling services, individual level services, and infrastructure services

Direct healthcare services, enabling services, population-based services, and planning and evaluation

Health behavior services, enabling services, population-based services, and infrastructure services

 Question 5

The two predominant models used to explain the occurrence of obesity—and of health more generally—are the medical model and the public health model.



Question 6

Which type of evaluation is completed at the conclusion of a program to provide a conclusive statement regarding program effects?

Community health assessment

Process Evaluation

Effect Evaluation

Summative Evaluation

None of the Above

Question 7

A paradox in health program planning is that the prosperity that is for the good of individuals and society may also be bad for health.



Question 8

Theories cannot be developed from scratch or revised.



Question 9

The public health model focuses on curing disease.



Question 10

Which of the following is included in a definition of health?

The absence of illness

The presence of well-being

The presence of social capabilities

All of these are correct

Question 11

Theories and models can be separated into three different levels of influence. Which level focuses on the assumptions that other people influence our behavior?



Community level

Question 12

The public health model focuses on a population's risk factors and the context in which they emerge.



Question 13

Which of the following groups would be considered stakeholders in a program planning and evaluation process?


Program Staff

Community Action Groups

Both A & C

A, B, & C

Question 14

The medical model focuses on the individual patient and his or her characteristics.



Question 15

Theories and models can be separated into three different levels of influence. Which level focuses on the factors within social systems such as rules, regulations, legislation, norms, and policies?



Community level


HLTH6475 Prgm Plan, Implement & Eval

Module 2 Quiz

Question 1

If the program is aimed at a true population, the term is called ______________.

Intended population

Intended audience

Recipient audience

Question 2

Which term describes those for whom the program or intervention is designed and intended?

Intended population

Intended audience

Recipient audience

Question 3

The Health Belief Model was first developed in response to:

the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

an increase in cultural diversity in urban areas.

the need to understand why people were not accessing free screenings

 the lack of a comprehensive model to explain behavior.

Question 4

What is the first step in planning and developing a program?

Identify the problem and collect information

Identify partners

Locate evidence

Relate evidence to particular circumstances

Question 5

True or false: Determining predisposing, reinforcing, and enabling factors occurs during the educational and ecological Assessment Phase of PRECEDE-PROCEED model.



Question 6

According to Social Cognitive Theory, behavior is influenced by expectations. Which of the following demonstrates this?

People brush their teeth to reduce the risk of cavities.

In general, people need 7–9 hours of sleep each night.

Children should have time to exercise during school hours.

High blood pressure can be controlled.

Question 7

It is not important to conduct a literature review on a topic to learn what other researchers have learned about that topic.



Question 8

The Health Belief construct of perceived seriousness is best explained by which of the following?

The medical definition of the cause and effects of the illness.

 An individual’s opinion of the detrimental effects of a disease

 Societal beliefs of the extent of disease seriousness.

 Subjective norms attitudes toward the extent of disability caused by the disease.

Question 9

According to the Health Belief Model, which of the following demonstrates a cue to action?

Sharing a post on Facebook about free flu vaccinations.

Having people in a smoking cessation program identify a quit date.

Asking students to choose the type of game they want to play in a physical education class.

Offering unsweetened tea in a school cafeteria.

Question 10

Which planning model was outlined as a process that an organization, initiative, community, or state can follow in order to prevent and reduce the use and abuse of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs?




Strategic Prevention Framework

Question 11

The usefulness of the Social Cognitive Theory construct of observational learning is determined by:

the intention of the observer to learn the behavior

the reward to be given for learning the behavior

the amount of time given the observer to learn the behavior

the extent of attention given to the person modeling the behavior

Question 12

Quality of life is usually defined at which level?




Question 13

In using the Social Cognitive Theory concept of reciprocal determinism to elicit behavior change you would focus on:

the process of determining what should be given in return for adopting a healthy behavior.

the relationship between doing the most amount of good with limited resources.

the interplay between a behavior, personal factors, and the environment

the effect the changed behavior has on the person’s perception of self.

Question 14

This program planning model focuses the community assessment on evaluation of environmental health conditions.





Question 15

A procedure used to collect data that describe the needs and strengths of a specific group, community, or populations is a community health assessment.




HLTH6475 Prgm Plan, Implement & Eval

Module 3 Quiz

Question 1

Which of the following is the construct of the Theory of Reasoned Action that explains behavior based on what we think others expect of us?

Societal marketing

 Subjective norms

Social capital

Subjected justice

Question 2

Which of the following is an example of the stimulus control process of change in the Transtheoretical Model for someone who changes to a vegetarian diet?

Ignoring what others have to say about their decision

Keeping the behavior change a secret.

Cutting the portion size of meat eaten in half.

Donating meat-based food items previously purchased to a food bank.

Question 3

According to the Theory of Reasoned Action/Planned Behavior, a person’s attitude toward a behavior results from:

cultural expectations to engage in the behavior

beliefs about the behavior

past success engaging in the behavior

peer support for the behavior

Question 4

The Theory of Reasoned Action explains behavior based on:

Intrapersonal factors

Environmental factors

Educational factors

Social factors

Question 5

Which indicator(s) is commonly used to measure ethnicity?

Primary language

Dietary practices

Nationality of birth parents


All of the Above

None of the Above

Question 6

Which of the following measurements is commonly used in community health assessments?

Unadjusted rates

Prevalence rates

Odds ratio

Relative risk

All of the above

Question 7

Which characteristics are important in program planning to contribute to diversity?



Sexual orientation

Developmental disability

All of the above

None of the above

Question 8

DALYs and QALYs would most likely be used in county health assessments.



Question 9

There are various options for selecting a target value for objective indicators. For programs that are innovative, address rare health problems, or are highly tailored to the location, which of the following target setting options is recommended?

Set target for no change.

Set target for a statistically significant improvement compared to current value.

Set target for a desired percentage decrease from the current value.

Set a cumulative annual target value so that the total amount of change is dispersed across the time period for the program.

All of these are correct

Question 10

The distinction between objectives and goals forms the basis for the conceptual distinctions between short-term outcomes and long-term impacts of the program.



Question 11

Programs at the direct health care services level of the public health pyramid are aimed at changing the cultural competence of the workforce and the capacity of the workforce to address health disparities and cultural diversity.



Question 12

Which of the following is a task completed in the preparation stage of the Transtheoretical Model?

Identifying rewards to support maintenance of the new behavior

Identifying rewards to support maintenance of the new behavior

Making a plan as to how the behavior change will occur

Gathering information about the health problem

Isolating possible relapse triggers

Question 13

Which of the following theories would be consistent with addressing the issue of student alcohol use by forming a club for students who don’t drink so they can support each other’s decision not to drink.

Health Belief Model      

Self- Efficacy

Theory of Reasoned Action

Diffusion of Innovation

Question 14

Important differences in health status by racial, socioeconomic, and ethnic groups are called health disparities.



Question 15

For a national or multiregional obesity prevention program with access to prevalence data existing for each U.S. region, which of the following would be the best way to set a target value?

Use an existing benchmark (e.g., Healthy People 20#0).

Use the current obesity prevalence rate.

Use the mean obesity prevalence rate across geographic areas.

Use a percentage change in obesity prevalence compared to current trend, literature, or hopeful guess.


HLTH6475 Prgm Plan, Implement & Eval

Module 4 Quiz

Question 1

Outreach workers from the CeaseFire program spent a total of 500 combined hours with program participants during the first year of program implementation. This is an example of which service utilization output?


Units of service

 Service completion


 Question 2

A program theory is vital because it leads to a stronger program and a more convincing argument for the program’s existence.



Question 3

Which characteristic below is NOT one of the five characteristics of a “good” intervention?

Evidence based, is tailored to the intended audience

Leads to health improvements

Can lead to a published manuscript

Can be modified to the needs of the intended audience (manipulability)

Is logistically and technically possible to do

None of the above

Question 4

Effectiveness is the maximum possible impact from an intervention under ideal conditions.



Question 5

Social Marketing describes the four P’s: promotion, place, price, and product.



Question 6

Which of the following may NOT result in undercoverage?

A small problem addressing a big problem

Reveals an unrecognized need

May yield insignificant program results

Occurs when a need is not served

Both A & D

Both A & C

Question 7

Imagine that you were a funding agency and reviewing the program coverage. Would you be more concerned about over- or undercoverage?



Both over- and undercoverage

Neither over- nor undercoverage is of concern

Question 8

The espoused theory and theory-in-action are always congruent. The idea of how the intervention should work is always the same as how the intervention is actually delivered.



Question 9

Which four P’s describe the four P’s of social marketing?

Promotion, place, price, product

Promotion, place, practice, product

Promotion, practice, product, and produce

Promotion, place, produce, and product

None of the above

Question 10

Efficacy is the relative amount of effort of program staff for a given amount of resources.



Question 11

The part of the process theory that includes inputs and capacity is the organizational plan.



Question 12

Effectiveness is the usual degree of impact from an intervention under ordinary and usual implementation conditions.



Question 13

Characteristics of the population are an example of a service utilization plan input measure at which level of the public health pyramid?

 Direct services level

 Enabling services level

 Population services level

 Infrastructure level

Question 14

At which level of the public health pyramid would a social marketing plan NOT be useful?

Direct services level

 Enabling services level

 Population services level

Infrastructure level

Question 15

Which of the following may NOT result in overcoverage?

Bias in participation

Reveals an unrecognized need

May yield insignificant program results

Occurs when a need is not served

Both A & C

Both B & D


HLTH6475 Prgm Plan, Implement & Eval

Module 5 Quiz

Question 1

What alternative term has been suggested recently for hard-to-reach?



Hard to access

Hardly reached

 Question 2

For population-based evaluations, it is highly desirable to have what type of data on members of the population to determine if an intervention effect occurred?

 Ordinal data

 Baseline data

 Aggregate data

 Qualitative data

 Question 3

Which of the following is related to nonresponse bias?

  Social desirability


  Response set pattern


  A & B

  B & D

Question 4

What type of study design is generally used when the outcome is bounded?

  Retrospective case-control design

  Two-group prospective design

  Multiple-group time-series design

  Ecological design

Question 5

Which of the following goes beyond merely documenting that the objectives were met by quantifying the extent to which the interventions seem related to changes observed or measured among program recipients?

  Outcome documentation evaluation

  Outcome assessment evaluation

  Outcome interpretation evaluation

  Outcome progression evaluation

Question 6

Random assignment refers to the random identification from the intended population of those who will be in the program or the evaluation.



Question 7

Client goals are not reliable unless there is a strict standard that is used to establish the goals and determine whether the goal was accomplished.



Question 8

The technique to collect data is called methods, and the overall plan for when and from whom data are collected is called design.



Question 9

What type of study design, when used with random assignment, is considered the strongest of evaluation designs?

  One-group pretest/posttest

  One-group posttest only

  Two-group pretest/posttest

  Two-group posttest only

Question 10

In general, designs with fewer flaws are more complex and costly and are usually more likely to demonstrate a causal relationship between the health program and outcomes.



Question 11

Which of the following results from minimizing natural flaws associated with doing evaluations that might otherwise diminish the evaluator’s ability to identify the amount of effect of the program?





Question 12

Which example(s) are an issue of validity?

  Data entry errors

  Only one reading taken by one evaluator for the data point in a study that uses blood pressure as one of the indicators

  Administration of a food frequency questionnaire to a 7-year-old

  A Likert scale survey question whose only options are “agree” and “disagree”

Question 13

Which of the following does not contribute to the difficulty in finding any effect from a program intervention? Select all that apply.

  Having a weak or ineffective intervention

  Having measures with low validity

  Having measures with low reliability

  Having low coverage

Question 14

Techniques used to collect data are called methods.



Question 15

A community agency wanted to know if its school condom distribution program was having an effect on rates of sexually transmitted diseases among teens. The only available and relevant secondary data was collected a few years prior, but the stakeholders did not believe that this data reflected their community. In addition, the local school board denied evaluators access to its students to collect evaluation data. Therefore, the program staff was forced to restate its question to focus on the number of students who received free condoms from the program over the past year. The revised evaluation question is what type of evaluation?

Outcome Evaluation

Process Evaluation

Impact Evaluation

None of the above


HLTH6475 Prgm Plan, Implement & Eval

Module 6 Quiz

Question 1

Which method allows study participants to tell their stories?


In-depth individual interview

 Surveys with forced choice response options

 Survey with open-ended questions

 Review of program documents

Question 2

Which group(s) are not considered “vulnerable” for the purposes of protecting human subjects?



Single Mothers

Victims of domestic violence

None of the above

Question 3

The funders for an HIV awareness program that you have been implementing have requested that you compare the cost per participant of the program to the cost per participant of another HIV awareness program. Which type of economic evaluation are they requesting?

 Cost description

 Cost analysis

 Cost comparison


Question 4

As part of its annual evaluation, a violence prevention organization reported that a new violence prevention program cost $1,000 less per estimated averted shooting than another program that the organization ran. What type of economic evaluation is this?

 Cost description

 Cost analysis

 Cost comparison


Question 5

Which of the following issues is inherent in qualitative data analysis?

 Whether to report numbers

 Messiness, confusion, and repetitiveness


 Need for highly trained data collectors and analyzers

 All of these are correct.

Question 6

The three accounting perspectives are promotion, program, and societal.



 Question 7

It is important to statistically compare the participants and the control groups on demographic characteristics to show that differences found in the evaluation are due to program differences and not to demographic differences.



Question 8

Which of the following is an empirical inquiry into existing phenomena in their real-life contexts when the boundary between what is being studied and its context is not clearly evident?

Case study


Focus group

Survey with open-ended questions

 Narrative methods

Question 9

Triangulation is another step sometimes involved with qualitative analysis, is the integration of multiple data sources to see whether they yield convergent findings.



Question 10

Outliers should always be excluded.



Question 11

Correlational statistics indicate the strength of a relationship and establish causation between variables.



Question 12

The accounting perspective guides the decisions as to what factors will be included as costs and as outcomes.



Question 13

The intent of a cost-benefit analysis is to determine which of two different programs will have the greater benefit to the program’s intended population, given each program’s costs.



 Question 14

A negative benefit-cost ratio indicates that the program will be more costly than the benefits to society.



 Question 15

When deciding how to monetize program effects, using the process theory helps identify potential outcomes and impacts to be monetized.



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