GCU MAT274 Week 5 Assignment Latest 2020 MAY
1. A patient is classified as having gestational diabetes if their average glucose level is above 140 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl) one hour after a sugary drink is ingested. Rebecca's doctor i …
GCU MAT274 Week 5 Assignment Latest 2020 MAY
MAT274 Probability and Statistics
Week 5 Assignment
Benchmark: Probability and Inferential Statistics
1. A patient is classified as having gestational diabetes if their average glucos …
GCU MAT274 All Weeks Discussions Latest 2020 MAY
MAT274 Probability and Statistics
Week 1 Discussion
DQ1 The mean and median are both measures of central tendency, each appropriate with different types of data. When would each be appropriate …
GCU MAT274 Week 7 Discussion (dq1+dq2) Latest 2020 MAY
MAT274 Probability and Statistics
Week 7 Discussion
DQ1 How are the slope and intercept of a simple linear regression line calculated? What do they tell us about the relationship between the t …
GCU MAT274 Week 6 Discussion (dq1+dq2) Latest 2020 MAY
MAT274 Probability and Statistics
Week 6 Discussion
DQ1 How do you determine whether or not the paired t test is appropriate for a two-sample hypothesis?
DQ2 When is it appropriate to use a …
GCU MAT274 Week 5 Discussion (dq1+dq2) Latest 2020 MAY
MAT274 Probability and Statistics
Week 5 Discussion
DQ1 Explain the difference between statistical significance and practical significance.
DQ2 Use the sample from Topic 2 DQ 1 and test tha …
GCU MAT274 Week 4 Discussion (dq1+dq2) Latest 2020 MAY
MAT274 Probability and Statistics
Week 4 Discussion
DQ1 What is the relationship between confidence intervals and levels of significance?
DQ2 Calculate the 95% confidence interval for the m …
GCU MAT274 Week 3 Discussion (dq1+dq2) Latest 2020 MAY
MAT274 Probability and Statistics
Week 3 Discussion
DQ1 In what cases would you use the binomial distribution? Give two examples of what would be considered a binomial probability.
DQ2 In y …
GCU MAT274 Week 2 Discussion (dq1+dq2) Latest 2020 MAY
MAT274 Probability and Statistics
Week 2 Discussion
DQ1 Roll a single die 50 times and record the results. Now use that data set to compute the mean, median, mode, variance, and standard devia …
GCU MAT274 Week 1 Discussion (dq1+dq2) Latest 2020 MAY
MAT274 Probability and Statistics
Week 1 Discussion
DQ1 The mean and median are both measures of central tendency, each appropriate with different types of data. When would each be appropriate …